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Re: war

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:43 pm
by Kent Strider
I completely agree with you Quintoz I know exactly what you mean, total noobs no longer fear powerful reds and its lame as hell.

And by saying "not much of a war" I only meant this war has the same rules as a normal encounter, so not much of a war.

Re: war

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:29 pm
by Uzriel Raven
Hey Kent, remember when we were red and the second a blue saw us, their name disappeared? Man those blues run fast when they have some motivation!

Re: war

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:31 pm
by Quintoz
Yeah, on my newb priest, the CoT tag was enough to get the respect I deserved.
That was a good feeling =(.

Re: war

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:36 pm
by Geryn Farodae
Houston wrote:Even if im not a PvP monger, doesn't mean i have to dryloot everyone on sight.

A war or a PvP shouldnt depend of acquiring equipment or gold from the foe you killed.

A war should be a sign of taking back the land(s) or your territory.

So i guess we fight for our freedom, fight for not feel as slaves etc.

Looting is just a minor fact compared to the major issue.

Why cant people already get it? PvP isnt just to acquire items from the people you kill.

Yet, they call me greedy? Please.
The trick to winning the war of Attrition, is to cut off your enemy's supplies. If you're good, your enemies will soon stop logging in because they don't have the gear to fight, let alone hunt. Inactive = less fighters. Less fighters = more victories. More victories = less morale. Less morale = submission. Maybe it's yourself that doesn't get it. You just want your guys to win the war of "who has more money." You want to go into every fight wearing elite dskull, elite weapons, indy cloths, etc. Because you have no fear of losing any of it.

If you want your war to actually mean something more than just a pissing contest between two people, step up and throw down the rule to full loot. If your guild is even worth fighting along side, you won't have anything to worry about. However, if they're all newbs, you'll weed out the good members from the bad in the first week.

Dry looting is necessary, how else are you going to win? Mushroom slapping people does absolutely nothing, the real victory is when you meet on equal terms, even if you're both naked, and to the victor goes the spoils.

Religion fighting and guild fighting is nothing more than a pussy-whipped Brady Bunch version of itself. "Look at me, I R in c0n7r011!"

For real, stop all the Chest Thumping and throw down. Or else just confess that you're only in war for bragging rights.

Re: war

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:58 pm
by Mike
I agree with what Geryn wrote, but I'll add that whoever wins should be a good winner. Collect the tribute and don't keep harassing those who lost. That way, people get less angry and more accepting to real pvp.

Re: war

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:51 am
by Houston
I didnt accept the war to be cocky, harrass or whatnot. I think im not the first one raising the middle finger and waving around with it.

If you dont like what im doing, please stay away of the business. That is atleast one reason why people tend to be cocky and dicks to eachother.

The reason is that you have the must to say something even if it doesn't concern you, you like to make trouble to gain attention in order to have more saying, the more right you are, the more saying you have - Thus kind of people, i disrespect the most thus who always find a way to say something against you.

I got my own views of PvP and this is the only solution i find from Pangaea, no looting and thats it.

If you like PvP and drylooting join the free BEEPK shards and loot as many you want.

EDIT; And i assume you wouldn't be in middle ages like "OMG I GOT HIS EXCALIBUR NOW I CAN KEEP IT FOR MY COLLECTION" - i dont think people fought for that, back then.


Re: war

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:07 am
by Darian Darkmind
I agree with Geryn 100 %. The war... hell, it's not a war when neither side has nothing to lose. It's more like "Hey, you and I, we're friends right?! Let's duel because I'm bored, no looting kthx ^_^". I'm sure you can do that even inside your own guild. If you want to declare a WAR then stand behind it and its consequences. Otherwise you're only making a joke out of yourself.

People here are cocky for all their victories because none of them actually ever lose. It's a pissing contest just like Geryn said and it will never end. Take off the looting rules and instead of being cocky, most of the people will be very, and I mean VERY humble once they've lost all their good stuff to single player. Do that and I'll personally come fetch Zaradon's, Quintoz's, Calamity's and anyone else items who think themselves as good PvPers. Let's see how cocky any of them are after that.
EDIT; And i assume you wouldn't be in middle ages like "OMG I GOT HIS EXCALIBUR NOW I CAN KEEP IT FOR MY COLLECTION" - i dont think people fought for that, back then.
The difference is back in the 'good old days' when you cut off your enemy head, he didn't come back the next day with his excalibur claiming to be all great and big, pissing on your feet while laughing and there was nothing you could do about it. No, he was fooking dead and the victorious side pissed in his skull while having fun with his wife.

Re: war

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:54 am
by Quintoz
Darra, your not all that, not my words, but that off you lieutenant.
Say what you want about whoever, but me and Cala are good.

We don't run around in elite dskull or elite onyx.
We have normal equip most off the time, I fight in exp.dbone.

Tbh, you can come fight me anyday, Hell I'll give you my equip after if you manage to kill me.

Re: war

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:05 am
by Agen Kolar
Quintoz I wouldn't be so sure of your greatness either. You might feel good because there's not much league in this shard anymore to be blunt.
When you think of it, those who ruled the battlefields 95% of the cases before the shard change are not here anymore. Those who fight nowadays are mostly the "semi-known" fighters who were in background usually in bigger fights.
I'm not trying to mock you or praise myself either, but I have fought against Darian many times, I have fought against pretty much anyone who have been majorly involved in PVP during the past 5 years on the shard. And I gotta say the tactics and teamwork have been on whole another level than it is today for what I've witnessed.
I don't have fightcapable chars anymore so I haven't fought your chars, but I've seen the fights.

Re: war

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:14 am
by Quintoz
Agen, instead of living off his 5 years off awsome pvp I'm inviting him to a chance to fight and show that he's better then me.
If he wins, he gets my equip and I'll shut up, if he loses, maybe he can see what's really good.