Let me rephrase this in simple terms:
When Pangaea switches it's UO emulator to Wolfpack, Sphere or UOX you're more than welcome to POL Pangaea.
If you can't wait that long, there's nothing unique about 80% of Pangaea, go grab WoD 099, compile it and start scripting.
Until server software changes, just stop and think, do I with this open question and in this case a quote of a question I didn't answer in the first place, really expect an answer in the affirmative.
I'm trying to do right by you guys and if that is not good enough for your standards, please by all means, do what I began, start scripting your own shard, write your own class system, write your own version of whatever you want from Pangaea, it's not too difficult. I'm part of the great unwashed and it while challenging at times is not too difficult.
Start with WoD 099 that'll give you most of what Pangaea has and go from there and in fact you'll be in a better position in one aspect, you'll have benefited from someone else's 14 years of work on a shard upgrading it through 094 - 095 - 096 - 097 - 098 - 099.
New Staff
Moderator: Game Masters
Re: New Staff
Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. - Winston Churchill
Re: New Staff
Great news, I'm glad that something is finally changing! Good luck Cyrus!