Meeting of the staff

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Gorath Blackmind
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Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Gorath Blackmind »

Btw, how is it done? And how much tailoring/arms lore does it require?
Kent Strider

Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Kent Strider »

I think its just something you figure out ;) When will these changes take place?
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Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Sherrod »

110/110 would be somewhere to start ;)
Made by Adrian
Kent Strider

Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Kent Strider »

When will these changes take place? And I am not quite understanding one thing. ALL priests get 40 piety? Or the ones with 50 get dropped to 40 unless they are trustees? And do all religions get 4 trustees or is it dependent on total piety like the emissaries.
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Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Ivan »

I understood it this way

Trustie amount = (member amount of religion) / 5 = Trustie amount

And only 4 trusties max... mean even if you have over 24 players in religion you wont get more than 4 trusties

Aswell i think alteran didnt say anywhere in it that he would raise everyone to 40 piety... only dropping max piety to 40 for normal religion members.

Normal member = 40 piety max

Trustie = 50 piety max

HP = 60 piety max

Atleast thats how i understood it... Everyone who joins religion will start normaly from 10 piety still.
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Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Quintoz »

Kent Strider wrote:When will these changes take place? And I am not quite understanding one thing. ALL priests get 40 piety? Or the ones with 50 get dropped to 40 unless they are trustees? And do all religions get 4 trustees or is it dependent on total piety like the emissaries.
After reading it again, I got pretty sick to my stomache.

This makes it so the religon who choose to accept almost everybody (NATURE) get the most 50 piety priests.
While religons like Law,Impieral and Tekstone who dosen't have all that many get's less off them and need to lower their requiting requiarements just to get some extra piety for thoose who have done a good job.

Yes, it's deffinetly a change for the better, but not 100% off what it could be.

Edit : and yeah Ivan answers your question more correctly.

Stop the cuckening on Pang #MakePangGreat
Kent Strider

Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Kent Strider »

Okay then imo the only thing that needs to be changed is, every religion gets 4 trustees from the start. Makes things more fair.
Geryn Farodae
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Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Geryn Farodae »

I don't agree with monkeying with the piety again, but whatever. Opinions are like @$$holes, every one's got them and most of them stink, but hey, I'm sure these changes will be beneficial in some odd twisted way of thinking.

Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Alteran »

well come with a solution, that dosent requre the staff to vote for the piety, and i am all ears.

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Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Mike »

The only way I'd find acceptable that doesn't involve the staff making a decision is a longer waiting period between 40 and 50. I want it to be about RP, but it's hard to trust the HP of the religion to make that call. It's in his interest to make the religion strong after all.
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