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Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:54 am
by Darian Darkmind
Let's continue this debate here and leave this topic for the siege mechanism.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:05 pm
by Raphael
The fact of the matter is, you guys were fighting us all night but didnt attempt to siege once until it got really late, if you guys take fun out of sieging a town without actually earning that town and just standing there for 4 hours or however long it is then jeeeeez, you guys are easily entertained. Lets take skara for example, you guys defended that awesome, I give it yas, but taking towns like this is lame.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:30 pm
by Tyrion
We sieged almost directly after fighting in Yew. Not a fact at all.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:46 pm
by Akkarrin
Tyrion wrote:We sieged almost directly after fighting in Yew. Not a fact at all.
in other words after you saw we were all going to bed ? :P

and someone said earlier that imps have the determination to stay up later and play the game... duh alot are american they have like an 8hr advantage on us :P

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:10 pm
by Aileth
Akkarrin wrote: and someone said earlier that imps have the determination to stay up later and play the game... duh alot are american they have like an 8hr advantage on us :P
Dont forget there are Euro's playing in imp too, which means staying up too early :lol:

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:30 pm
by Brax Bender
Wow there is alot of whine in this thread. Yeah Imperial does have alot of NA members..myself included, and we can seige whenever we please. Lawture has equal opportunity to seige whenever they please as well. Now for those of you whining about Impstone obviously you weren't in Trinsic for a massive amount of hours when Imperial seiged. It was a perfect preplanned attack with a group effort from all of Imperial..only to be ruined by Nature coming in and helping Law. It was Law's duty to defend not Natures, and you expect Imperial to take on Law and Nature?. That wasn't ever going to happen so you have no one to blame but your selves for the alliance between Tekstone and Imperial. So stop whining and deal with it.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:37 pm
by Vaux27
Welp, Brax aka Slade Bender summed it up pretty well, that's the current reality. No use whining about it any longer fellas, take it to the desiganted topic in the common religion forum.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:57 pm
by Akkarrin
Brax Bender wrote:It was a perfect preplanned attack with a group effort from all of Imperial..only to be ruined by Nature coming in and helping Law.
um yeh you curiously and conveniently frogot to mention you had AP helping in this attack :P

Also this is not a whine thread vaux only tekapimp think its a whine cause they dont want to accept the facts because it is not in your own interest...

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:05 pm
by Jyrgen
This topic is about TOWN SIEGE MECHANISMS and IDEAS/COMMENTS about it. The talk about who allied who doesn't belong here.

We have another topic for religion whine somewhere. Go spam that one.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:45 pm
by Vaux27
Maximilian Lhoth wrote:
With no personal offense, Imps s*ck at PvP compared to Teks, and I'm not rly scared of Imps (couple of exceptions exist), but damn the Teks (Ferran and the swedes) can kill. This is mostly likely because players in Imp are less PvP oriented than players in Tek, not because they are dumber or anything. This is not only my personal experience, we all in Lawture feel this way.

On this note further, you and Lawture can form whatever odd opinion you want. The only fact that remains is the blame on me for keeping Imperial out of pvp for 6 months, until our rites and a siege system was created. This in return made us beyond rusty in our own tactics and leadership, so that I will own up to in the end.

However, you don't see us making excuses or whining, we take our lashings and then come back to own the next day...and we have. We know our role in this, as Imperial's tome is not built for major PvP battles, but we make due. If you want to take your beatings personal and lash out on the group that beats you down, that's fine by me. Just don't spew false facts that have no evidence to back it up, there is a clear difference in skills/experience right now. Tekstone has them, and they're damn good. That doesn't make "Imperial suck at PvP" however, just because you've been owned by them multiple times even before this.

The group has finally begun to gel and it will only get worse from here on out, so enjoy Imperial "sucking" while you can.

We can return to the topic now, had to point out this laughable post.