Meeting of the staff

For general discussion concerning Pangaea

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Kent Strider

Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Kent Strider »

Alty all HP's have decided that we agree with your current plan, so just implement it.

Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Alteran »

well then i will infoce that if the roleplay dosent get better, i will be after the hp and the trusties.
and reduce them in piety if it dosent improve.

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Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Neku »

Don't wanna piss on your parade or anything but when will the closed dungeons be open again? :D
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Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Quintoz »

Alteran wrote:well then i will infoce that if the roleplay dosent get better, i will be after the hp and the trusties.
and reduce them in piety if it dosent improve.

Sounds like a plan.

Stop the cuckening on Pang #MakePangGreat

Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Alteran »

[quote][Don't wanna piss on your parade or anything but when will the closed dungeons be open again?/quote]

blame troy that his work.
just waiting on him

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Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Luciano »

I got one question, what does all this piety dropping and trustie thing means for monks?
Don't hate the player if you can't play the game.

Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Alteran »

yes what about monks and knights.
now the higist a monk can get is 40 piety.
and the head knight can get is 30 and only the head knight.

Kent Strider

Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Kent Strider »

So when does the new piety system start up?

Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Alteran »

when we are done with all the details.

Kent Strider

Re: Meeting of the staff

Post by Kent Strider »

What other details do we need?
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