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Re: Bandages & Weapons

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 6:40 pm
by Neku
Quintoz wrote:Carlos, what if the blue guy kills me and a law guys comes along and loots me, does that seem fair?.
SINCE the blue guy can have full elite super gear while I need to wear gear I can afford to lose.
I only remember alteran saying that allied guilds will also have to take part in full looting rules. This is something that the gm's need to clarify :P

edit: in order for law to loot you they would have to have been partied with the blue guy who killed you. therefore technically he should also be ganked if the looting rules apply (I hope) :D

Re: Bandages & Weapons

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 6:49 pm
by Kenyon Ahearn
Hmm, if he isnt allied to law or any religion, he shouldnt be fighting against you. If he is, and you kill him, he is under the allied religions looting rules set bewteen tekstone and that religion, if he isnt allied and you met him/started fighting him in the wilderness, imo neither of you can loot. If law turn up and have played not role in damaging you, then they cannot loot neither. If law do damage you and you fight back, both parties can loot, EXCEPT the guy who isnt an ally of law.

Re: Bandages & Weapons

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 7:16 pm
by Alteran
Hmm, if he isnt allied to law or any religion, he shouldnt be fighting against you. If he is, and you kill him, he is under the allied religions looting rules set bewteen tekstone and that religion, if he isnt allied and you met him/started fighting him in the wilderness, imo neither of you can loot. If law turn up and have played not role in damaging you, then they cannot loot neither. If law do damage you and you fight back, both parties can loot, EXCEPT the guy who isnt an ally of law.
correct , and if we ofcorse find players that try to abuse this, we got an asshole rule just for them, and a long jail time.


Re: Bandages & Weapons

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 7:43 pm
by Biggy
As soon as I came bck yesterday I was told about this rule I though well why have pvp if you don't get the chance to loose all your items or gain a whole lot more this rule should be made less restricted like 95% less restrictive you should be able to take cloth armor gold jewels foci and bandages it's all part of eliminating the opponants if you kill somone in battle and thy get resurected and still have everything apart from gold what has that achieved they can just fight again withing 30 seconds pointless I definatly won't be making any pvp while this rule is in place I don't see the point in not loosing or gaining anything. Plus if you dnt loose anyhong who's buying from merchants!

Re: Bandages & Weapons

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 7:50 pm
by Sherrod
PvP with looting rules is too short, PvP without looting rules is too long.

The only reason I'm annoyed is cause I just bought that god damn sceppy :'( lol.
But if thats the way robbers want to play, if I kill them I'll personally take the same things they took from me, weapons, food, bandages, jewels, ingots.

And then soon we'll all be back in dspine chains and snoggy sceppys pvping.

Re: Bandages & Weapons

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:02 pm
by Esmeralda

Robbers, you can only loot Gold and gems , take screenshots of the one that loots you and the looter should allso take screenshots to prove he only took what he was allowed to.
Any other kill, it not allowed to take anything from the corps ,you should not even open it to avoide suspection.
In wars the sides fighting deside what they can loot ,but it not allowed to take items to trash them.
Does that mean, when i gave gold and gems, they cannot kill me and yoink everything to search my body, then ress and give back my stuff? It´s the new way after just taking random things. :roll:

Re: Bandages & Weapons

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:11 pm
by Neku
i was thinking of stealling random peoples head after they died :D only problem is you have to wait for the corpse to decay :evil: