AR - Useless?

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Kenyon Ahearn
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AR - Useless?

Post by Kenyon Ahearn »

Okay this is really messed up, I’m quite sure a lot of you will agree with me. AR has become utterly useless in PVM. Today I went to train swordsman ship in despise, it came to level two and two bog things had spawned. All nice and easy with vampire bones, a two tiled weapon. However, I tried it with invul/forti plates and to my despair I eventually died, 56 AR means nothing against anything that does elemental damage. Now Boglings, Bog things, Abysmal, Gore fiends and Flesh Golems are a few examples of monsters that hit with elemental damage, yet they shouldn’t. This is the sole reason why im pushing for vampire bone nerfing and plate boosting. Kontrols fix removed elemental damage from all non-themed (Ice/Frost & Fire) and it worked a treat. I’m suggesting doing the same on this shard. Either that or give elemental protection to royal ore. Knights suck because they’re a crappy mixture of a warrior and barbarian, they do not excel at anything, yet parry is useless because the AR gained form the shield is overcome by the elemental damage from all monsters.

What are your thought on it?

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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Mike »

Couldn't agree more. Elemental resist should be against spells, breath weapons, and boss monsters.
Kent Strider

Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Kent Strider »

Completely agree with you Kenyon, you couldn't be more right.
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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Ivan »

Just turn all normal monsters elemental dmg into DMG and leave elemental damages for fiends and suchs.
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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Xippy »

At the moment i think i am only knight whos runs around with Auropiums. But still makes me pissed .... Boost some how plates. I dont know give more basic ar to them or something. Priest even have better AR and maybe resist then knight, my set took about ~200 auro ingots. AND It still seems to be a bit .... Shait.
Uzriel Raven
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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Uzriel Raven »

Yes I agree, plates need some kind of upgrade. Once I'm blessed up, my priest with a vampire bone suit has the same AR as Kenyon's knight(Who is wearing items that CAN'T be produced), and then I have the sweet elemental resist from the bones, completely unfair to the plate classes. Maybe vampire armor should be toned down, but that won't actually fix the problem. Something needs to be done to fix plates.

This isn't the idea forum, but perhaps a new magic modifier needs to be introduced to plate armors, or something along those lines. Maybe even try to tie this to an under-used class(Even better, classes). For example, wands. The wands and alchemy symbols need to be crafted by a tinker, the symbols charged by an alchemist, and then a scribe uses those products. Maybe this duty could be given to the mage class, since they have NOTHING that makes them unique at the moment. Powerful spells? Who cares when you can just gulp down poison, para protect, or use an explosion to make paralyze pointless to cast?

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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Ivan »

Another solution is also nerf ar from other armors or shielding and suchs from classes which dont deserve that ar.
Kent Strider

Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Kent Strider »

Ivan wrote:Another solution is also nerf ar from other armors or shielding and suchs from classes which dont deserve that ar.
It's not a solution because in reality AR is useless anyway as we have said :P
Uzriel Raven
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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Uzriel Raven »

Ivan wrote:Another solution is also nerf ar from other armors or shielding and suchs from classes which dont deserve that ar.
We need to find a solution, not punish the other classes and leave the knight useless, like Kent said.
Kent Strider

Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Kent Strider »

Drop the elemental damage from some monsters is a good start and leave it only to the elemental themed monsters, then boost plate AR some is the perfect solution if you ask me.
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