Forum Rules discussion

For general discussion concerning Pangaea

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Richard Mota
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Forum Rules discussion

Post by Richard Mota »

Im soooo tierd of people always mucking up my posts then complaining about this and that and the other thats so far off topic its rediculous. now im not going to point fingers right now and try to turn this into a flaming discussion as this topics purpose is to draw attention to this BIG problem area. I know sometimes i ramble a bit off and on topic but if i post on a topic its about matters on hand. After seeing soooooooooooo many wasteful posts of disrespect and childish behavior i would like to address these some. No this topic isnt for someone that makes one or 2 posts in the wrong spot, or to complain about someone thats had a rough night and makes a booboo post on the forum. this is for these habitual repeat offenders that post over and over and over and over and over and over and see nothing wrong in their ways.... so here goes guys forum rules discussion 101 and please keep the flaming to a minumum as i would like to get this abuse stopped.

heres a copy paste of what i think everyone should keep in mind when posting on a daily basis, and please feel free to post things about the forum rules if you would like a discussion on them below.

Post subject: Forum Rules

Respect each other even if you have opinion differences.


Your forum account must be the name of one of your player accounts.

Out of Character forums:

No flaming or disrespecting other members. If you have differing opinion, express it maturely.
Try to stay on topic.

one i forgot to copy was the one that talks about that hates in ooc posts unless its against an opposing rp member or something.
Frog Morton
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Re: Forum Rules discussion

Post by Frog Morton »

Please use proper Capitalization. It helps people read your giant posts. It makes you look like less of a retard also.

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meaningless visual "noise"
auditory hallucinations / sound distortions
altered sense of space and time
fear and/or paranoia
feeling as though one is losing one's mind
feeling as though one is dying
Aidan La'Bree

Re: Forum Rules discussion

Post by Aidan La'Bree »

Oh rules! heres one for you mota! "You are allowed to have ONE account! We do not want to see multiple accounts by the same user, note however that if both you and i.e your girlfriend wants to play you may both have an account, we will check on you and if we see you bending the rules regarding muling, or if you are actually only one person, we will bam one of your account and jail the other. "
Frog Morton
Posts: 359
Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:30 am

Re: Forum Rules discussion

Post by Frog Morton »

Frog Morton wrote:Please use proper Capitalization. It helps people read your giant posts. It makes you look like less of a retard also.

Warning issued to user for this post. Irming
should istart making all my posts look like this will it amke it easyer to read i mgiht start and in conclusion i rhard core rp
meaningless visual "noise"
auditory hallucinations / sound distortions
altered sense of space and time
fear and/or paranoia
feeling as though one is losing one's mind
feeling as though one is dying
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Kayla Strider
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Re: Forum Rules discussion

Post by Kayla Strider »

I thought having two forum names were illegal, or does it not matter anymore?
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Re: Forum Rules discussion

Post by Boris »

Kayla Strider wrote:I thought having two forum names were illegal, or does it not matter anymore?
One account per player.

I've warned enough about accusing other players. In this case, 90% againts Mota. No more warnings from this day and on.

- Boris
Leather armor is best for sneaking, because it's literally made from hide.
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