Facepalm moments.

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Kent Strider

Re: Facepalm moments.

Post by Kent Strider »

Alright fun story, goes a little like this.

I just dropped my wife off at her job at 7am, we are having a bad ass rain storm, so I am on the way back home at around 65-70mph, I get a red light so I begin to press my brakes, oh wait, NO BRAKES!!! So I pull the emergency brakes, yay those don't work, I run the red light barely avoiding an SUV of some sort. Then I am cruising at around 45-50mph, a cop begins to pass me I notice so I honked and motioned for him to roll down his window, when he does I yell "Get in front of me and stop me!! I have no brakes!!" The cop does it and I am saved.
New moral dilemma for me really, I used to hate cops.

Does this count as a facepalm moment? Or should we put a new spot for "Almost shit your pants moments" ?
Kenyon Ahearn
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Re: Facepalm moments.

Post by Kenyon Ahearn »

Holy cow :O what happened to your brakes!

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Re: Facepalm moments.

Post by Quintoz »

Kent boiiii!!.
Sounds like some nasty sheeeeeeeeei.

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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: Facepalm moments.

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Kent Strider wrote:I used to hate cops
Authority is intolerable ;(

But there are decent people in cops too prolly.
Geryn Farodae
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Re: Facepalm moments.

Post by Geryn Farodae »

I was at the drag strip last night, and my buddy's stock Silverado smoked a 2008 Ford Mustang. It was priceless. After all of that chest thumping in front of his prostitute-type girlfriend, he got ghosted by a stock Chev... Good times, good times.
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Re: Facepalm moments.

Post by Geryn Farodae »

Both were V8's, it wasn't the GT, tho, it would have blown the doors off the truck lol.
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Re: Facepalm moments.

Post by Sherrod »

Rich boys in flash cars are funneh cause they dont know sh*t
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Re: Facepalm moments.

Post by Neku »

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cheerios is a drug according to the FDA :roll:
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Re: Facepalm moments.

Post by Mulitun »

Where can i get those, will like to see if im getting high of them :)
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Kamperli - Grandmaster Alchemist
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Re: Facepalm moments.

Post by Dioner »

Hunting drunken in Fire dungeon. Ending up losing two sets of indy clothes and auropian chain sets. Also got idea into my drunken mind to save my gear on my bard who ended up losing indy cloth set and phoenix bone set also with conconanse instruments. I think the next morning I had the biggest facepalm moment I've never had.
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