Hello and well met...

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Hello and well met...

Post by jalabar »

Just a little intro for a new player and citizen of your realm. I am a veteran UO player and role player who left when World of Warcraft first came out, and has finally returned to the nest after nearly... 8 years I suppose. I truly enjoy roleplaying, and the first few years, the roleplaying servers of WOW sufficed, but finally I found I couldn't live without the quality roleplaying I found in Ultima, so I flew to the top 100 and found this one, the first roleplay server listed, and here I am.


My character is Damelion. I found plenty of fighting in WOW... in fact, in WOW you have to fight to have any success. I know for a fact in UO, you do not. I prefer being a craftsman, and a citizen of the land. Damelion is a diligent sort. He is a woodsman; a lumberjack and carpenter and most especially, a bowyer. He makes his home in Skara Brae. Eventually, he will be capable enough to defend himself, and will usually be accompanied and guarded by a pet of some kind. But by no means is he a hero, nor will he often be found traipsing in some dungeon. Usually, you'll either find him in the woods chopping trees, or in the carpentry shop in town, where he does odd jobs for the carpenters. They pay him a modest sum, and let him use the facility to do work on his own. One day, he hopes to own a shop of his own... he dreams of being the finest bowyer and woodworker in the land someday. Before his mother had passed, she had said that had been his father's dream, before the accident that took his life while Dam was still in his mother's womb. And he had promised to strive to make that dream real. And he had other dreams, as he rode by those big homes in town... some may laugh at this young man, just into his 20s, sleeping on a cot in the corner in the carpentry shop, but he dreamed of owning one of those big homes one day... a day when word of the quality of his craftsmanship was known throughout the land. But for now, there is work to be done.


So that's my character. For right now, I'm really enjoying leveling up his main skills... I had fun learning enough taming to tame a horse... no wait, that was a lie. I can tame a black bear now. I am not nor will I be a tamer, but I am a wimp, and woods can be dangerous places... which reminds me. If anyone is killing around in the woods south of Oclla and find a gargoyle wearing a very strange outfit and carrying a lot of strange loot, you're welcome. I foolishly decided to go exploring there to see if it was a good place to chop wood, and somehow rode through nearly 1000 red named things without seeing a one, then turned and found myself surrounded by harpies and gargoyles and valkries and forest warriors and... oh dear. So, there's a gargoyle down there with odd taste in apparel. So, I started over. Also, just a note: a black bear, a pack horse, and a regular horse, guard are not enough to keep anything from dying if you get up to use the bathroom while chopping wood and spawn a treebuddy or treepal or whatever those things are. Luckily, that was right near town and I was able to run up and stick my tongue out at him, then run back screaming like a child where a guard assisted me in getting my stuff back by allowing me to cower behind him while he slew the brute. I thanked him profusely as he admonished me to be more careful. But then I had to tame a third horse, and I was out 3000 gold for the pack horse... *sighs*. Luckily, there are a few things I am good at in UO. I am good at RPing a craftsman, which I have almost always done in UO. I'm good at making gold. What I really enjoy are RPing a weathy craftsman of reknown, owning and decorating a nice home and shop, and making goods of reknown. Dam won't get into shard politics or religion, mostly because he is a private, studious man, not terribly outgoing, but warm and friendly once you get to know him. He's not one to travel unless he needs to (at least right now... once he gets his feet under him, different story). Mostly, he sails to Oclla because Skara Brae has no public farms that I know of. Other than that, you're mostly to find me in the woods around Skara Brae or in town. If you see me and are of a mind, feel free to engage Dam in RP. A warning: I won't RP with you if you are in a building (unless it's a stables or something of that nature) on a mount. And once I own a home or shop, I will shout at you to get that blasted animal out of my home/shop. Dam loves horses, they just don't belong in buildings. I have a 'stay' keybind for my mount.

A few questions... things I don't remember and haven't been able to find. How do you emote? I forget. I used to have a bunch of keys bound for smiling, grinning, waving, etc. But I can't remember how to type them, which command to use to get emotes. Also, what are the rules for home ownership? Most houses have multiple signs on them, not sure which ones are the right ones. And how many can one own? As I said above, I hope to own a home and woodworking shop in Skara Brae eventually... not sure if that is allowed or not. And are house signs out in the fields around Skara Brae places where you can buy land to put farmland and plant crops? I hope so... it gets expensive to sail back and forth to Oclla. It would be cheaper to buy food from a vendor if they had enough to keep me and my animals fed. Right now, we all eat carrots... *laughs* They seem to keep bears, pack horses, and mounts happy, they keep me full, and there are bunches in Oclla. Maybe once I get big I'll buy a field and just open it to the public. Name it 'Help yourself'.

Anyway, Pangaea, thanks for having me.
Character - Damelion Cormier: bowyer, woodsman, and citizen of Skara Brae.
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Daren Priesten
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Re: Hello and well met...

Post by Daren Priesten »

Hello glad to have you here, I think you will find this shard...rather interesting!

To emote simply do ": waves" for instance, the : ___ shows your emote..

There is a house limit, but all you do is go to the house click the sign and you'll have an option to buy your house..
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Re: Hello and well met...

Post by Tyrion »

Welcome aboard matey, yar!
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Re: Hello and well met...

Post by Wolfie »

Haha! carrots keep me fed to :) Why ever would I play a blasted cook when carrots are free.

Look forward to seeing ya around m8.
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Arthur White
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Re: Hello and well met...

Post by Arthur White »

I don't know if you have posted anything in the rp section. But I guess you can put that intro there ;)

Always good to have some more rp on boads too.
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