Real life villians

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Re: Real life villians

Post by Garlath »

Great point about irationnal comment .
In my country we canadian own only a part of the business and economic, jews, russians, asian folks are the real ruller of this country (come to montreal and you will understand). Its part of the game, work 90 hours for last three generations or grow a mob of your own and you will be able to do what these guys do.

Lets return to topic.
As it is righrt now Fidel castro will probably die in the next few years so raoul his brother will fully take control of the country which is imo good. As Raoul is opening is borders to trade with American and the rest of the world he might get his country out of poverty. Apparently the cuban condition is getting better since Castro left. I might have to conclude Raoul is doing a better job for his folks.

You know why all those Real life villians get to power? Because they represent the lower part of the population, the farmers, low level workers etc. So when these folks feel they get represented they will eventually vote massively which is something they werent doing probably in the last few decades. Hugo Chavez got to power like this, his story is the one of a man who comes from the small countryplaces and he stayed close to his population . It is then much easier to pass some more extremist way of doin politics. Hitler did the same. Castro did the same. Who else? All these people also get elected in moment of depression or downturn in the economic.

And all those africans villians well they actually just take control by force and kill everyone in the first place.

For Angela Merkel, her and her party are keeping Germany out of the downward motion the euro community is living right now. Its much more of a hell nice of a politician more then a villian imo.
Lionnel Bogart, Priest of Winchester
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Re: Real life villians

Post by Andoriel »

Sooo real life villians are people who are sympathizes them self with the bottom lowest class of the population(majority of the population here in west too) that is being exploited by upper middle class or bourgeoisie? Not to mention anti imperialist :)
How messed up is this shit yo. Lets add marx to this list since he started it all.
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Re: Real life villians

Post by Mike »

Andoriel wrote:Sooo real life villians are people who are sympathizes them self with the bottom lowest class of the population(majority of the population here in west too) that is being exploited by upper middle class or bourgeoisie? Not to mention anti imperialist :)
How messed up is this shit yo. Lets add marx to this list since he started it all.
Caesar, way before Marx.
"last i knew it was illegal to hate someone" Richard Mota
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Re: Real life villians

Post by Kerbal »

Me. Under this soft outer layer lies the heart of a dictator...
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Re: Real life villians

Post by Ricardus »


ImageSTFU Noob!!
Boris wrote:Don't worry, we're not here to kill baseclass, it's Telboreas duty.
- Boris
Corvus Albus
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Re: Real life villians

Post by Corvus Albus »

Atleast everyone's working hard to predict the future.
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Daren Priesten
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Re: Real life villians

Post by Daren Priesten »

Corvus Albus wrote:

Atleast everyone's working hard to predict the future.
I lol'd
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Re: Real life villians

Post by Glarundis »

i'm addicted to that site now :/
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