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Re: occupy wall-street/canada

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:26 pm
by Andoriel

Re: occupy wall-street/canada

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 12:50 am
by Glarundis
that's a good video.
but i think i pretty much knew about all of that already (or thought about it)
it's not hard to see that the system is brokenif you think a bit, but it's very hard and almost impossible that everyone will come to this conclusion, or try to change it.
to come to this conclusion you have to think. now, a lot of people don't think, and don't like to think. they don't criticize, they don't think about the world they live in, they just watch tv and live as days pass by and are like robots.
kids nowadays are more and more like this.
also, to change this from within (rather than a total annihilation of the system) you would need the rich people to do it. it's obvious they don't want to do it, because it's because of these flaws that they are rich in the first place. they don't want to destroy what makes them powerful.

what's even more annoying is that one can realize that the people have the power to stop it for good, and all they need is to want that and realize they have that power.
sort of like "you may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one, i hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one"

if everyone chooses to make a strike and keep at it, the government has no other option but to give in to their demands. for all that matters, if the people want it, the government stops being the government. who do they govern? no one? everything is done and run by people, so the people do have the power to make any government fall.
atleast until we have robots controlling every city. then it will not be just a matter of people wanting.

but when i look at these movies or think about it, i'm all like "shit where is this going to end?"

Re: occupy wall-street/canada

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 12:52 am
by Monad

Re: occupy wall-street/canada

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:00 am
by Glarundis
Tyrion wrote:Won't be a revolution in America.

it's a new dawn for the usa.
karma works well in economy issues

didn't see monad's video yet, but i did read the text.
i'm afraid the government can't do much. the usa has been doing so much shit since the federal reserve...

you just have to see timujin's video when you get to the part where "finances" goes up on the chart and "manufacturing" goes down... combine this with having your manufacturing country which you exploit = china, saying "no more inserting your penis in our asshole" and then you're in for a "treat"

let's see what'll happen. hopefully the world will find ways to change before it will be bloody.
one thing is certain. people (countries) will have to learn that you can't buy with more than you have. or it will hit you in the face eventually

Re: occupy wall-street/canada

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:13 am
by Monad
It's not a video it's an article.

Re: occupy wall-street/canada

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:31 am
by Vaux27
Don't be talkin bout my Amurica.

Re: occupy wall-street/canada

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:07 pm
by Tyrion
We've got issues man. Most of the problem is the lack of education. These entire protests are peculiar though. They (protesters), are going to start blaming a political party, as they should. I need more info on these protesters and their demands to understand more their demands.

Re: occupy wall-street/canada

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:58 pm
by Andoriel
They will not blame on one political party, if you watch the video I posted you will notice root of the problem is capitalism and the greed it comes with. Most of the protestors are actually educating them-self through free books based on alternative way of thinking of capitalist system, which is distributed by the left(again people mention democrat dies by my hand). Lets face it 2 political party system in usa is just about as useless as the totalitarian governments in middle east.
Honestly they can do damage to wallstreet buildings or ones in boston(it spread to boston now) but it will not solve their problem. We have sean that in middle east especially Egypt. They managed to get rid of a president, only to have military take total control of the government with tight iron fist.
Libya with Nato support is still trying to get rid of Gandaffi influence in the country. When they completely "free" the country there is a gana be a big void to fill by the new authority. There is no guarantee that the power(nato) filling this void will be any better then Gandaffi...It will be more western friendly though, not sure if that is a good thing for the people of libya considering capitalist powers tend to exploit labor and resources over seas.
Most dangerous weapon OWS movement can produce right now is an Idea(which they are working on right now) for alternative system. If that idea becomes widely accepted by the demonstrators, there is no doupt usa will bring on the big guns against those protestors to silence them just like the middle east dictators did. Then it will be a social struggle to change the system which we call...revolution, people vs the state. :)
Anywho its happening in my city Ottawa tomorow, I will take part in it with my student activist groups. This will give me a chance to familiarize myself on site with the leaders and organizers of this movement in Canada. I must say I am excited about it :)

Re: occupy wall-street/canada

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:46 am
by Tyrion
Andoriel wrote:Lets face it 2 political party system in usa is just about as useless as the totalitarian
There isn't just 2 political parties. I'm sure you know that but its an important point to mention, nevertheless, that their are other political parties inside the USA. They just do not get enough attention because they aren't as big as the to main parties. This recent movement of Teabaggers is one such up and coming alternative political party. The truth about the Teabaggers though is that they are the mostly uneducated segment of society that falls within the Republican camp and has essentially split the Republican camp into two factions. This new movement occurring imo, may be the Liberal side of the Democratic party. It is too soon to tell but we'll see how it goes. I encourage you to get more information and share it here, I would be interested to know verbatim (if you can) how the other protests are organizing and if they have found a spokesperson to represent their views.

Re: occupy wall-street/canada

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:38 am
by Andoriel
Ok tonight me and group of 15 people pulled out of Occupy Ottawa for our own well being. I will not speak on behalf of US or other Canadian movements but one in Ottawa turned into anti political march where hippies/homeless/jobless=anarchist gathering. Any political thought or group is being persecuted out of the camp area because people running the show are egoistic pieces of SHITS.
They are like hey look at cool shit happening in wallstreet lets follow them in anarchist ways, and nothing else. Imitating mother fuckers
That being said first day was marvelous there were interesting arguments and political views: ... embedded#!
ohh yeah I am the guy with ac/dc hat in the background, and the person saying " you shut the fuck up" is my new hero :)