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Re: Hypocrisy

Post by Ivan »

imo if robber player hunts his fellow robbers (robbers from same guild) with law using his alt it should be instantly considered as metagame.

BoP player hunts other BoP's with order of law = metagame

Or way around with any religion.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: Hypocrisy

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Ivan wrote:imo if robber player hunts his fellow robbers (robbers from same guild) with law using his alt it should be instantly considered as metagame.

BoP player hunts other BoP's with order of law = metagame

Or way around with any religion.
That's not metagaming unless the player uses information given to him as a BoP player. It's metagaming if BoP player sends him an ICQ "we're robbing, wanna join" and then the guy logs in his Law character instead to hunt them down. If he logs his robber it's not metagame. If he is already online with his Law character it's not metagame for as long as the information about BoP robbing comes from someone else than the players in BoP. If he doesn't tell anyone and some other player/Law sends him a message asking for help, it's not metagame.
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Re: Hypocrisy

Post by Jyrgen »

Darian Darkmind wrote:
Ivan wrote:imo if robber player hunts his fellow robbers (robbers from same guild) with law using his alt it should be instantly considered as metagame.

BoP player hunts other BoP's with order of law = metagame

Or way around with any religion.
That's not metagaming unless the player uses information given to him as a BoP player. It's metagaming if BoP player sends him an ICQ "we're robbing, wanna join" and then the guy logs in his Law character instead to hunt them down. If he logs his robber it's not metagame. If he is already online with his Law character it's not metagame for as long as the information about BoP robbing comes from someone else than the players in BoP. If he doesn't tell anyone and some other player/Law sends him a message asking for help, it's not metagame.
Actually there is always some low amount of metagaming to due the very nature of humans anyway, that could only be prevented by restricting us to 1 char per person. And even then there'd be metagaming based on icq information etc.

Let's take that robber & robber's alt fighting against robbers example. Even if not intentionally, you still use information about the robber's tactics, skills, house positions (that you've acquired when playing your robber, etc) if you fight against them. Sorry about the poor wording, but a specific example would be: Member of XXX guild robs people together with XXX, so he naturally knows the weak points of the robbers, whose resist sucks etc, who uses poison, how good at poisoning, what professions they are etc. And when he then uses his alt to fight those XXX guild robbers, guess what, he doesn't somehow magically just forget all the information he had acquired while playing his robber, even though the char he's using atm might not have access to that kind of information.
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Re: Hypocrisy

Post by Glarundis »

what jyrgen says is true.
some information we just keep in our brain as a player, we can't make compartments for this or that char.
but we can play that char according to it, and forget the rest of the account.
also, i totally agree with what darian said.

just because we use our alts to fight against chars that are friends with some of our other alts, doesn't mean we metagame. in many cases, i think it would show we are capable of distinguishing between chars and most likely we can be better than lame metagamers.

now, metagaming will always exist, it really isn't possible to completely erase it, people sometimes get pissed off, etc etc, they will react in impulse, warning their friends about this char etc etc. it happens, we know it.

someone in uoam says "hey this guy was running here and there, we can log and meet him". there, even if there isn't a shitty intention, metagaming happened, because the char he was using isn't necessarily bff with the chars we are going to use.

but again, what someone else said is also true. spying on uoam to track your prey? come on..

it's a long road before we're friendly and can fight against our rivals in a healthy way, but we could try to improve some steps
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Re: Hypocrisy

Post by Atlantis »

I guess you will all have to live with it. There is no reason to make you change the RP of a character that has been in Law and have always been their friend for like 7 years just because you have a robber alt.
You can always arrange an IG excuse for not cooperating with someone.

Just my opinion.
Last edited by Atlantis on Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hypocrisy

Post by Palma »

These days having a robber character = asshole.

When I came back, had my Law char, everyone was my friend, gave me stuff, talked to me with respect, courtesy, invited for hunts, asked for help, for tips.
I always helped everyone, did my best, shared all info I could, etc.

Made robber char, everyone hates me now lol, been called meta-gamer, lame, ignored, insulted, annoyed, got people trying to ruin my game daily, doing guards at my house, killing my horse, malleus me inside the house. And on top of that, public disguised posts calling us hypocrite -_-

And you're calling BoP metagamers? Play your game, let us play ours, please don't ruin our fun like we don't ruin yours. Just because we made robber chars, doesn't mean we're terrorists that kill people, and doesn't give you the right to insult us, we feel bad with insults just like you do. It's a game man.
We're the same guys you all met before you suddenly started to hate us.
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Re: Hypocrisy

Post by Aileth »

Chill out Palma!
I don't think accusing anyone in specific was the point of this thread.
Personally, just because your friend got a robber it doesn't mean they're assholes. You should know when to stop harassing the player just because he has a robber. He probably has 4 other characters who have nothing to do with robbing.
Don't expect to be loved when you rob people, you are not letting them play their game 100%. Reporting is supposed to be available for everyone, so use it when necessary.

Common sense is what I say to the thread, if someone is being an asshole it's their choice and they'll have to deal with the consequences. And if a player suspects metagaming in maps he/she should either talk to that player and solve it out or change the map password and don't give it to that person. There is also a lovely feature in uomap "track player" if you don't want your whereabouts to be known.
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Re: Hypocrisy

Post by KaneThun »

Some people cant just separate the things.
In fact being robbed doenst mean the robber is an ashole. Its the way he wants to play. Just for an example Ivan tried to robbe me several times and we fight often. we loot each other when someone days. Does it mean he is an ashole? No!
I have an Ag also and i have a robber also. I have been in both sides.. and sometimes i fight friends. ITS SEPARATED CHARS!
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Re: Hypocrisy

Post by Arion »

Well I understand the whole BoP thing and AG thing or w/e and really dont suspect any meta coming from that direction, just the same though as being in law your not allowed any red's i do not think personally we should be in an alliance with any guild who has red alts just as a precaution and to discontinue this theory. I do believe we've tried to break the alliance just it cant be done from one side. You guys should icq me so we can discuss this a bit further and see what we can do about it.
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Re: Hypocrisy

Post by Edward Sinclair »

...please don't ruin our fun like we don't ruin yours...
Stop robbing then? :D I'm surprised you didn't realise that stealing peoples shiat generally tends to ruin the victim's fun ._.
...Just because we made robber chars, doesn't mean we're terrorists that kill people...
Robbers often scare and kill people too, right? Tadaa! :lol:
...doesn't give you the right to insult us, we feel bad with insults just like you do...
You chose to play a character which would piss people off, if you can't deal with the insults that come with being a robber or a Law character, you need thicker skin. If not, block those who constantly insult you. It's what I did, I'm still sane, at least that's I'm told...
It's a game man.
For some, it has become more than just a game :P This isn't BattleField2/Hitman/Deus Ex where if you die, you just restart the level. If you die on Pang, there's a possibility there's more at stake than just your ego.

I am often a hypocrite and try not to be :roll:
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