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Re: Ex-robbers.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:17 pm
by Andoriel
solo mage robing was fun before everyone started to have 85 magic resistance. Ohhh ashley clark and elif, they freaking out allways gave me the gigles<3


Re: Ex-robbers.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:22 pm
by Johnny Walac
Had a robber once. Thoeak Milner. Didn't leave anyone alone but ressed those who I thought put an effort in their roleplaying and not just the "Get it over with" attitude. The robber later became a King. I still leave people alone but I always ask the main question "Paid the tax bro?"

Re: Ex-robbers.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:42 am
by Athan01
Zaradon wrote:
Uzriel Raven wrote: It sickened me, because these people clearly took joy from ruining a person's day, I just wanted shiny stuff back then. So I gave it up and I've been blue ever since.
I've done the same back in the AP days as a mage, i got pretty much bored and tired of that. I saw how some random noob was just bought a fresh lunar spear and some just have to take it away - i mean, nobody's ever going to use it on our side and i didn't even loot anything that wasnt worth looting for the next use.

Other than that, nowadays they just try to ruin the gameplay for another player without having a good session of RP either.
Whine whine whine, ruining gameplay no rp from robbarz. Its hard to roleplay when people run instantly.
We killed a law earlier, surprisingly we only got to roleplay with him after we resurected him as every time we saw him he recalled instantly.
And AP never robbed junk kthx, also wern't robbers for very long, I have a screenshot of all the stuff we robbed back in the day (me and danny managed to do this in 2 weeks haha) - elite onyx mauls, massive clothes, scarlies, dspine etc. We took radlius from pricks who deserved it , same as with currently with OoL - I would never rob someone in junk gear but I loot my enemy to take them out of the fight.

On topic, I feel bad about robbing anyone who I know isn't rich also .. or just in general sometimes, so I would do the same and return their gear.
I found Sasha desinova in elite vamps/staff, royal drag etc with her - tried to recall and died before recalling. When I ressed her she told the dragon to kill me lol - I still ran back and let her talk me into giving all of her stuff back. I walked out of there thinking i'd done a succesful robbery with a pair of fire giant sandals haha, the rush of the moment is more fun than the loot.
Even killed lloth without looting him once recently though I regretted that, because he chose to fight instead of running on his 3d like a little bitch I gave him the benefit of the doubt and didn't loot him.
Also didn't loot a royal dragon of alexia andra the other day when she chose to fight us at the graveyard with it in her bag.
This is just stuff in the past few months.
But yes, all robbers are bad bad people treat them all the same lock them up and throw away the key!!1

And danny thats a touching story :lol:

Re: Ex-robbers.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:15 am
by Wolfie
I only really remember robbing the one person... Second person you speak of not overly :S

And I mean the person I do remember robbing i felt pretty bad for. I am more just in it for the PvP then the loot, got my insta kill shot off in Aleric Xeras during the PvP few nights ago felt pretty shitty bout that and didn't loot a thing. Was the others who did.... I still love you Aleric :(

Re: Ex-robbers.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:34 am
by Vaux27
I'm just not cut out for robbing honestly, I'm too nice and have a conscious that would eat me up about it. For those that know me on the shard, it comes as no shock though.

Re: Ex-robbers.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:13 am
by Darian Darkmind
I once felt much like you guys. I was always being killed, robbed and looted by the Servants of Death and the Cabals. I joined Law and helped a lot of people to fight against robbers. I guided newbies to the shard, helped newbies like Zeronia - aka Phoenix back in the days!

I read about all the whine the robbers or Tekstone was posting on the forums how OP Law was and all. We were still allowed to be in both Law and Tekstone, we were allowed to have red alts so I decided to make Darian, a newbie Tekstone priest whom I thought wouldn't even need healing because of the religion rites. How wrong was I. I made him to show the reds that they are equally strong as long as they know how to play. How wrong was I, twice!

I soon saw the other side of the fence. I realized the players there were just like anyone else, in fact, more close commune and nicer always sticking together and helping each other. Slowly Darian grew stronger and I realized how much shit the red players actually have to face from not only the Law but from the Staff of Pangaea. There were moments that were utterly, completely unfair and lame from the Staff's side.

So in the end I learned to say "Fuck that" and go full asshole. Treat others like you want to be treated and if I was treated like complete shit for trying to change things... well, I returned the favour. This is actually how the true Nox was first born as well. Repsak promised me a Tekstone boost and when it was time for the boost he said he never promised it and took back his word and then destroyed Tekstone by making wrong impossible. After that Nox turned to a full-scale robber guild sparing no one.

Re: Ex-robbers.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:53 am
by Gullivral
Tales from the vault :twisted:

Re: Ex-robbers.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:49 pm
by Kent Strider
This topic is about how you were cut out not to be robbers, what has this become!! :shock:

Re: Ex-robbers.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:43 am
by Xippy
Robbing back then was hard and fun. Now its even more harder and more funner!

Re: Ex-robbers.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:42 pm
by Boris
Xippy wrote:Now its even more harder...
1 + 1 = 5

- Boris