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Re: Warning : Amnesia.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:26 pm
by Kent Strider
I watched a video and assumed it was dumb. So he partially failed!

Re: Warning : Amnesia.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:08 pm
by Bloodtouch
This game is not boring nor dumb its funny ;)

Re: Warning : Amnesia.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:33 pm
by Quintoz
If you play the game WANTING to get scared you get scared but if you play and go "Oh wow how scary some noices" then obviously you are gonna be bored. It's the same with horror movies - so I went into the game to have a good time and get scared and guess what, they both happend. Then again can never trust your opinion on something Darra you tought Skyrim was boring lol.

Re: Warning : Amnesia.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:13 pm
by Kent Strider
Lol, you can't really trust my opinion either then, I also thought Skyrim was hella' boring.

Re: Warning : Amnesia.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:19 pm
by Quintoz
Never have never will Baby K.

Re: Warning : Amnesia.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:20 pm
by Andoriel
Kent Strider wrote:Lol, you can't really trust my opinion either then, I also thought Skyrim was hella' boring.
Blasphemy!You just need to make Right character that fits you.
First I had two handed typical nord heavy armor barbarian. Got bored around level 30, then vent for dark elf double sword stealth assasin. Now having orgasms in every stealth kills :) Skyrim is one of the few games that you can fully costumize char. You can allso have a char with destroction magic one hand and sword in another, choose to stealth or go head on ect. Or shield in one hand and magic in another. Reminds me of old ultima online based on skill(OSI NOT RUSSIAN PK SHARDS)
Allso playing the game on pc helps, ps3 and xbox has ridicules loading times and shity graphics for this game.

Re: Warning : Amnesia.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:35 pm
by Mike
Andoriel wrote:
Kent Strider wrote:Lol, you can't really trust my opinion either then, I also thought Skyrim was hella' boring.
Blasphemy!You just need to make Right character that fits you.
First I had two handed typical nord heavy armor barbarian. Got bored around level 30, then vent for dark elf double sword stealth assasin. Now having orgasms in every stealth kills :) Skyrim is one of the few games that you can fully costumize char. You can allso have a char with destroction magic one hand and sword in another, choose to stealth or go head on ect. Or shield in one hand and magic in another. Reminds me of old ultima online based on skill(OSI NOT RUSSIAN PK SHARDS)
Allso playing the game on pc helps, ps3 and xbox has ridicules loading times and shity graphics for this game.
True story. The PC version has terrible "improved console" graphics, but they are still several steps above the console versions, and mod packs can give you HD textures and stuff that makes the game really shine.

Re: Warning : Amnesia.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:07 am
by Kent Strider
Uzriel made a solid point, at the beginning of the game I got lost in the vast world and couldn't figure out where to go. It detoured me, I will try again.

Re: Warning : Amnesia.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:16 pm
by Maximilian Lhoth

This may be cool. Asylum

Medical thriller style horror game... looks like human experiments.

Re: Warning : Amnesia.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:20 am
by Darian Darkmind
Skyrim was too easy and ended up as "run through". I first made a double wielding assassin as well that stealthed and insta-killed everyone. Then turned to archery and pretty much insta-kill everyone with arrows. Ended up level 80 with all main, faction, daedra and other bigger and even smaller quests finished. Only some basic dungeons unexplored and now there's dragons everywhere - although very easily killed with the dragonshout or what it was that forced them to land, then hit them twice with a daedric longsword. Yeah, it got pretty boring once your character got better.

And the assassination animations were cool for a while, then got boring and later annoying.

Finished the kingdoms of amalur yesterday and the same problem there. Finished all the quests, was maxed before the end and even when I played on the "hard" difficulty it was so boringly easy - my character insta-killed big groups of mobs with a single spell, also all the mobs were the same with very little variety. In the end finishing the quests got annoying - but being a perfectionist I wanted to finish them all.