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Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:36 pm
by Edward Sinclair
Darian Darkmind wrote:Isn't UO all the birth control you ever need?!
This is coming from someone who has an ancient priest and a heightened knight!

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:14 pm
by xHarlequinx
Mike wrote:What would be awesome in a larger perspective is if whites had less birth control and other races had more of it.
Could be viewed as a mildly racist comment... but from a practical perspective, you're right. This is one of the major reasons this technology was developed in India, where there are major population issues and limited access to birth control.

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:28 pm
by Kent Strider
Mildly racist? :P You mean very, right? None the less, he IS right.

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:59 pm
by Tyrion
xHarlequinx wrote:
Mike wrote:What would be awesome in a larger perspective is if whites had less birth control and other races had more of it.
Could be viewed as a mildly racist comment... but from a practical perspective, you're right. This is one of the major reasons this technology was developed in India, where there are major population issues and limited access to birth control.
He likes to stir the pot :P.

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:18 pm
by Mike
Kent Strider wrote:Mildly racist? :P You mean very, right? None the less, he IS right.
Yeah it was obviously a racist comment with a race basis.

In 1970 28% of the world population was white. 2010, it was 16%. It's going downhill bro.

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:57 pm
by Edward Sinclair

10 years is a wee bit too long. I'm not sure how effective it would be even if we're talking about short term birth control i.e. contraceptive pills, condoms, etc, but this will not fix the religious loons who are using reproduction to outbreed people not of their religious persuasion so they can gain dominance in government (Christians and Muslims ofc). I fear that idocracy might result, with the more intelligent people aiming for quality>quantity and wanting to be more responsible than flooding our planet with more humans despite diminishing resources. Another way to decrease birth rate would be to allow females to have equal rights- they're not used as "baby machines", at least not as much, but we see a more sensible birth rate i.e. ~2-3 children per couple instead of 5+. Also, decreasing infant morality, increasing healthcare, vaccination (OMFG CONSPIRACY!!) will also help with the decrease in birth rate as you won't have the mentality of "Shit! Half our kids might die, we may as well have as many as possible". I also forgot to mention those who pump out kids to exploit the welfare system, this is deffo another thing that needs to be fixed, but the mass production of babies isn't coming from developed nations w/ a welfare system.

But what irritates me a lot when it comes to contraception, is when you have idiot politicians trying to cut down on contraception or abortion, trying to make it so that every ejaculation leads to conception, screwing up the ability for women to enjoy sex without getting pregnant (bear in mind the very nuts opposing aboriton also happen to be those who oppose that which could prevent abortion in the first place- RUBBER DUCKIES).

And regarding "race" or the retarded notion that a certain pigmentation of skin colour is worth preserving...
I'm more concerned about redheads going extinct :cry:
Redheads for redheads only!
Did you know NATURAL redheads have on average higher IQs than those with a head full of brown hair? This means all you brown haired people are hairly inferior! You blondes can go to hell too, there's a reason why the "blonde = dumb" stereotype exists! Oh and all the mass murderers of the world- they didn't have red hair, they were all blondes, brunettes/brown haired people. Yukky.

Yeap, seen it all :)
And my sarcasm sucks, I know :(

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:19 pm
by Mike
Not just the sarcasm but the argument itself sucks :)

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:10 pm
by Glarundis
Edward Sinclair wrote:
I'm more concerned about redheads going extinct :cry:
Redheads for redheads only!


on the rest of the issue about races and stuff.
who cares if white population is going downhill or uphill?people are still people..
it's like people saying "oh yeah, let's preserve the culture of our nation because we have something very unique blablala"
wtf are they forgetting they're already a mix or gazillions of ancient cultures and dna and whatnot before them?it's ok to have a distinctive culture and liking your country, but if one is so nuts about preservation of culture and race, they should wipe their current culture and race as it's no longer the "original"

some ppl here in portugal talk about it and i'm like, wtf, so the iberians and visigoths and those guys should complain, because they're the real culture then..what about the celts then?should we all be celts?

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:49 pm
by Mike
Western Europe should preserve its culture because it's the one we want to live in. Strictly from a cultural perspective, I would rather live in Paris or Berlin than Teheran or Mogadishu. I don't think anyone can make an honest case that they prefer the cultural norms of sub-Saharan Africa for example to those of our nations, no matter how much of a politically correct leftist you are.

A lot of people actually don't get the point of preserving ones race. The first argument is one of self-preservation which is something that nature itself dictates. Unfortunatly self-hating whites largely fail to identify themselves as a group while other races do which kind of makes this point hard to get across.

The other argument is that the basis of culture is race. If the population that makes up a culture is replaced with another population with a different genetic makeup, the culture will also be replaced. So if you would claim that Portugal would still be Portugal with 65% sub-Saharan africans living within its borders you are quite wrong.

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:32 pm
by Monad
I've always wondered how some people have time/interest to worry themselves with issues like that in their life. Sounds very distressing way of living. I've had my greatest moments in my life to travel around the world and meet different culture/people and learn something new. Diversity is good of course, and it's nice that not all countries/cultures are different from each other, but we really have nothing to worry about.
Unfortunatly self-hating whites largely fail to identify themselves as a group while other races do which kind of makes this point hard to get across.
It's quite funny that that kind of thinking and worrying of "preserving a race" comes from white people if you look at the history. We are the ones who have been imperialistic and forcing our culture to pretty much every continent in the globe (Africa, Australia, America) while wiping or enslaving the natives. Yet when you travel around in those places nowadays they very rarely are as prejudice or racist towards you as white people are towards them in western societies. When it should be just the other way around. Guess some of us never get rid of our "supremacy" way of thinking despite our one-sided history of being the bullies ourself.

I respect myself and I respect our society, but so I respect others too. Still I much rather live here than in some of the 3rd world countries, but we really have nothing to brag about when you level yourself as human entities to each other. The differences in societes are very complex issue and nothing to do with being better "race" or not.