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Re: Tekstones inconvenience..

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:04 pm
by Stephen Miller
What do you expect when people complain how they get overrun by new and not fully trained tekkys.(that would be me)
get your grind on and do something about it.

Re: Tekstones inconvenience..

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:17 pm
by Dista
I personally never mentioned anything about how the teks are run or how they distribute their piety etc. as a newer player all i understand is the more piety the more power and i dont see anything wrong with how that aspect has been taken care of, the gm's would have intervened if something is overley wrong im sure. i'm not cpmplaining on a personal basis as much as u may think i am, its more in concerns for all of the newer players..

Re: Tekstones inconvenience..

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:19 pm
by Quintoz
Rincone, you think back when I was new any tek or robber spared me or was nice to me? HELL NO.
If you can't take it we don't want you here it's that simple.

Re: Tekstones inconvenience..

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:36 pm
by Neku
Quintoz wrote:Rincone, you think back when I was new any tek or robber spared me or was nice to me? HELL NO.
If you can't take it we don't want you here it's that simple.
maybe you should leave instead? he's just making a valid point. this is not your shard so i dont see why you think you can tell people to leave just beacuse you dont like their opinion. and when i joined, robbers and tekkys did a better job with noobs than the new tekky. as i recall darian darkmind let me go from time to time because he knew i was a noob and killing me wouldnt achieve anything unlike you who uses kneeing through inn walls on people macroing, robbers didnt just say "halt this is a robbery, now you die" and attack 2 seconds later like good ol head preist johny does on his robber alt. so yeah, tekkys where hell of alot smarter than any of you new tekky's, not only that there was one hell of a good reason darian had 80 piety. its because he was a responsible head preist, rolplayed properly and wouldnt allow anyone who couldnt handle the responibilty of having piety in his religion, ever sinse he left tekkys are just after pvp nothing else. shit, back in the day if a tekky hated you, he still had to rp properly before he killed you or he would have lost his piety, standing at brit inn spamming bow or die would have resulted in a piety drop and a well deserved one at that. cant remember exactly when you joined but ive been here nearly 5 years now and a LOT has changed, hardly any of those changes are good ones

Re: Tekstones inconvenience..

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:40 pm
by Quintoz
Can't compare me to darra, new to old since the rules are diffrent if I killed a newb back then he had something to lose, all he has to do now is run to a healer and come back for his gear.
Dying from our guards is just WHY we want them removed, stop talking so much BS and somebody might show alittle respect for you.

Re: Tekstones inconvenience..

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:42 pm
by Neku
Quintoz wrote:Can't compare me to darra, new to old since the rules are diffrent if I killed a newb back then he had something to lose, all he has to do now is run to a healer and come back for his gear.
Dying from our guards is just WHY we want them removed, stop talking so much BS and somebody might show alittle respect for you.

:lol: ignorant little teenage virgins :roll:

Re: Tekstones inconvenience..

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:42 pm
by Quintoz
Herm says the guy who has a half-porn pic as an avatar.

Re: Tekstones inconvenience..

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:47 pm
by Neku
Quintoz wrote:Herm says the guy who has a half-porn pic as an avatar.
yup but atleast im not a virgin ;) besides tekkys had loads of girls before you joined, wonder why that is :lol:

Re: Tekstones inconvenience..

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:50 pm
by Stephen Miller
Carlos Demetario wrote:
Quintoz wrote:Can't compare me to darra, new to old since the rules are diffrent if I killed a newb back then he had something to lose, all he has to do now is run to a healer and come back for his gear.
Dying from our guards is just WHY we want them removed, stop talking so much BS and somebody might show alittle respect for you.

:lol: ignorant little teenage virgins :roll:
come on, stay on this topic of THESE complaints. and don't come with puny insignificant accusations. but latley it seems you are only capable of that.

Re: Tekstones inconvenience..

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:00 pm
by Neku
Stephen Miller wrote:come on, stay on this topic of THESE complaints. and don't come with puny insignificant accusations. but latley it seems you are only capable of that.
jeez, its called a sense of humor

and anyway
Carlos Demetario wrote: a simple fix to this would be for tekkys law n nature to atack eachothers altars :) you get something else to do sinse its not just kill and go log off when you get bored. besides, when you make a new charecter you spawn in britain, noob grounds in britain and every shop is pretty much in britain so it is the most noob friendly town there is, telling them to go bugger off to another town so you can have some pvp fun is kinda lame, and what prat said go to new haven? theres two armouries and no blacksmith shop :| the hell you think noobs are gonna smelt there ores with? :D
thats all that needs to be done, simple with no nerfing or boosting anyone, rules remain the same and noobs are happy :roll: ofcourse not one of you tekkys said anything about that