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Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:52 pm
by Mike
Vaux27 wrote:
Mike wrote: Hey man, you got it all wrong. The people who defend their right to exist and their right to self-determination are evil. The Empire that brings them freedom and democracy are the good guys.

I won't say you have freedom because of America, but we all know the large role my forefathers played in this world and will play. To point out the corrupt parts only is kind of funny, and I of course don't agree with over half the things my country does and will do. Doesn't mean I have any less respect however, and everyone should show somewhat the same.

This is all irrelevant though, and I won't argue about pointless opinions when this is about people losing their life. It's sad.
That would be a horrible lie to begin with, so I'm glad you actually don't believe that.

Your foreign policy these days consists of fighting for Israel, which has brought global affairs to a state of perpetual war. It's kind of sad because you're the descendents of white Europeans and yet your massive armed forces are at the beck and call of an insidious minority who think nothing of you, and nothing of us for that matter. I would have tremendous respect for the USA if you called off your zionist wars and got back to what made you the cultural and economic leader of the world.

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:29 pm
by Andoriel
ohh for the love of... I shall awake from my slumber and descend down to earth to smite mikes swastika covered ass
MIKE, stop blaming all the Jews for Israels actions. Israel is an artificial country that has been created by the States and EU to police Middle East resources. That is it. Really! No Jewish conspiracy world take over lies there.
Now there are some Jews who are very Zionist and rich but guess what, its their class background that makes them a fuck up. There are Turks, Anglo-Saxons and Scavadians who are rich and have say in the world politics as well, and equaly screwed up

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:10 am
by Vaux27
Mike wrote: That would be a horrible lie to begin with, so I'm glad you actually don't believe that.

Your foreign policy these days consists of fighting for Israel, which has brought global affairs to a state of perpetual war. It's kind of sad because you're the descendents of white Europeans and yet your massive armed forces are at the beck and call of an insidious minority who think nothing of you, and nothing of us for that matter. I would have tremendous respect for the USA if you called off your zionist wars and got back to what made you the cultural and economic leader of the world.

We'll chalk this up as, you're one of those "Europeans" and I'm one of those "Americans" then.

No good will come out of this discussion, but as far as USA being the end all on the world's problems and leaders in every aspect you can imagine.


Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:11 am
by Andoriel
the tank is missing glasses.

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:12 am
by Vaux27
Andoriel wrote:the tank is missing glasses.
Where he's going, he needs no glasses!

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:50 am
by Mike
Andoriel wrote:ohh for the love of... I shall awake from my slumber and descend down to earth to smite mikes swastika covered ass
MIKE, stop blaming all the Jews for Israels actions. Israel is an artificial country that has been created by the States and EU to police Middle East resources. That is it. Really! No Jewish conspiracy world take over lies there.
Now there are some Jews who are very Zionist and rich but guess what, its their class background that makes them a fuck up. There are Turks, Anglo-Saxons and Scavadians who are rich and have say in the world politics as well, and equaly screwed up
Marxism was never good at describing reality to begin with, and it hasn't exactly improved.

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:18 am
by Andoriel
it has allready predicted imperyalism as last stage capitalism will develop into(and only downfall from there) and due to overaccumulation the wealth will be in the hands of few. Allso predicted the increasing gap between the poor and rich ect ect ect. Focusing on class struggle/structure tend to be more revealing then lets say, focusing on jews.

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:58 am
by Mike
Andoriel wrote:it has allready predicted imperyalism as last stage capitalism will develop into(and only downfall from there) and due to overaccumulation the wealth will be in the hands of few. Allso predicted the increasing gap between the poor and rich ect ect ect. Focusing on class struggle/structure tend to be more revealing then lets say, focusing on jews.
The revolution of the industrialized nations never came because there are stronger bonds within the nation than within any social class. Marx lacked any real insight in human behavior. However the Frankfurt School has tried to correct this ever since.

What Marxists have done since realizing that Marx's prohpecy failed to come true is to try to make the conditions he claimed would set off the revolution happen. That is done by breaking down the working man's loyalty to greater things than himself. Some of the attacks on western culture this has resulted in:

Psychoanalysis - and the resulting sexual revolution, the conflict between children and parents etc.
Feminism - attacking the family structure, causing conflict between men and women
Alternative sexuality lobbyism - attacking the hetrosexual norm that has been a pillar of our culture
Mass immigration - destroying the ethnic community by creating diversity, internal conflict in our communities
Political correctness - books are banned and people are jailed for expressing thoughts not accepted by the system, creating thought crimes such as hate crime, criminalizing holocaust revisionism etc.

The list goes on. If this continues we will wake up one day and realize that the working class really has nothing to lose but its chains, because every other value we were ready to fight for has been destroyed by Cultural Marxism. What awaits then isn't the workers paradise of Marx's vision - but slavery to a cosmopolitan globalist elite. Luckily where ever these insane ideas fail to spread their propaganda people tend to go back to what is natural. Love for the family, freedom of speech and even patriotism. As long as we have that, there won't be any revolution.

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:48 pm
by Glarundis
it has come to this.
well i have to agree with what mike is saying, it's not stupid thinking at all, i just don't agree with the patriotism part.

lol i liked the tank discussion :D

now, mike, usa don't have culture. they import culture (yeah, they buy even that) :D lol no flaming intended, just teasing

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:07 pm
by xHarlequinx
Andoriel wrote:the tank is missing glasses.
That was my immediate thought as well. :p