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Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:59 pm
by Andoriel
Mike wrote:
Andoriel wrote:it has allready predicted imperyalism as last stage capitalism will develop into(and only downfall from there) and due to overaccumulation the wealth will be in the hands of few. Allso predicted the increasing gap between the poor and rich ect ect ect. Focusing on class struggle/structure tend to be more revealing then lets say, focusing on jews.
The revolution of the industrialized nations never came because there are stronger bonds within the nation than within any social class. Marx lacked any real insight in human behavior. However the Frankfurt School has tried to correct this ever since.

What Marxists have done since realizing that Marx's prohpecy failed to come true is to try to make the conditions he claimed would set off the revolution happen. That is done by breaking down the working man's loyalty to greater things than himself. Some of the attacks on western culture this has resulted in:

Psychoanalysis - and the resulting sexual revolution, the conflict between children and parents etc.
Feminism - attacking the family structure, causing conflict between men and women
Alternative sexuality lobbyism - attacking the hetrosexual norm that has been a pillar of our culture
Mass immigration - destroying the ethnic community by creating diversity, internal conflict in our communities
Political correctness - books are banned and people are jailed for expressing thoughts not accepted by the system, creating thought crimes such as hate crime, criminalizing holocaust revisionism etc.

The list goes on. If this continues we will wake up one day and realize that the working class really has nothing to lose but its chains, because every other value we were ready to fight for has been destroyed by Cultural Marxism. What awaits then isn't the workers paradise of Marx's vision - but slavery to a cosmopolitan globalist elite. Luckily where ever these insane ideas fail to spread their propaganda people tend to go back to what is natural. Love for the family, freedom of speech and even patriotism. As long as we have that, there won't be any revolution.
First of all marx isnt god, its a science based on dialectic materialism, which you should read:) Karl marx and the people have said: When the exploitation becomes unbearable, the revolution will happen. Lennin corrected marx on "revolution will happen on its own" to revolution has to be carried forward by the progressive masses. Again you proven you dont know much about Marxism or its progress through out time. In different corners of the world such as India and Nepal the conditions are very unberable due to high amount of exploitations of the people by their own Ruling class(Bourjuva) and Imperyalists. Due to these conditions, there is literaly arm struggle for Socialism is going on.
Second you keep speaking about nationalism and patriotism. Here is the thing Nationals were created during ww1/2 to set boundaries to decide which ruling class exploits where. Patriotism is the tool that was created to unify people with in those boundaries by the Burjuva. It is artificial and not very scientific. During the Feudal times we had no racial unification, bu rather religious based unification. People mostly identified themselves with a religion before they identified themselves with a race. The racial identity started with French Revolutions and abolishing religion as ruling force. The new middle class had to replace the identity created by the religion with something so they went on with a racial one.
Most of the "family value" you talk about is left over from the religious identity where man is the dominant mentality with in the family, aka patriarchy. Under Capitalism maybe not behavior vise but property accumulation wise the marriage was needed in order to give people the privilege of having private property.
What you fail to realize with your racist mentality is society do change and since the abolisment of feudalism, your society has changed a great deal with in last 200-300 years. Human nature and mentality has allso changed. Sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse. We have no inharitely behaviors coded in our genes, its our interaction with the material world that defines us. Marxism is a way of analyzing this interaction and contradictions and progressing forward to another change ;)

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:12 pm
by Jon

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:28 pm
by Mike
Andoriel wrote: First of all marx isnt god, its a science based on dialectic materialism, which you should read:) Karl marx and the people have said: When the exploitation becomes unbearable, the revolution will happen. Lennin corrected marx on "revolution will happen on its own" to revolution has to be carried forward by the progressive masses. Again you proven you dont know much about Marxism or its progress through out time. In different corners of the world such as India and Nepal the conditions are very unberable due to high amount of exploitations of the people by their own Ruling class(Bourjuva) and Imperyalists. Due to these conditions, there is literaly arm struggle for Socialism is going on.
Dialectic materialism is not a science. Biology is though, which is the scientific basis of Nationalism.
Andoriel wrote:Second you keep speaking about nationalism and patriotism. Here is the thing Nationals were created during ww1/2 to set boundaries which ruling class exploits where. Patriotism is the tool that was created to unify people with in those boundaries by the Burjuva. It is artificial and not very scientific. Usually results in extreme cases of racism which is very dominant with you I might say.
Marxist pseudo-science at its best. People have always identified with their own kind and stuck with their own kind. As far back as written history goes, people have been willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, first of all for the family, and secondly for the nation. That is because they share a bond that is primarily biological, and secondly cultural. The Romans who marched to the death against Hannibal were animated by the same spirit that drove the soldiers to the trenches in WW1. To protect their common extended family: their people. That is nothing new, it is a natural behavior typical for young men. Nationalism only needed definition because around that time in history another element appeared to challenge it, which is Internationalism.

That willingness to sacrifice for ones people is actually well documented as it was deemed a mental disorder by the members of the Frankfurt school, and resulted in a document called the Authoritarian personality. Marxists have either failed to understand the human species entirely, or cleverly deduced that all such tendencies need to be crushed for the revolution to happen. Your progressive workers are really people who lack any form of social identity other than their profession. A grey, uniform mass of proles with no loyalty to anything but the tiny elite that will make them so, if given the chance.

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:39 pm
by Andoriel

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:44 pm
by Ares
I find it slightly inappropriate to use a topic about Breiviks sentence to start a rant against society, Jews, Marxists and whatnot.. Everyone, stay on topic. If you want to go into a philosophical or political debate do it in a appropriate thread or over IM.

And also...

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:28 pm
by Glarundis
we can continue that in "random thoughts" thing, it's interesting debate, and both of you have good opinions, although there's some things that i disagree with mike, and almost nothing with timujin.
anyways, jon made a great point with that pic. it's really stupid how can you add a number to a judgment. when you do that, shit like that happens. 20 years for megaupload (really, what the fuck?!don't tell me that poor companies get poor because of this), 21 years for mass murder

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:38 am
by Vaux27
Some people just have no respect for families that go through the loss of loved ones. Those are the same people that jump in their sports car, bang some prostitutes, kill them for their money back and blow up cop cars as they leave the scene.

You know, the unrealistic GTA crowd.

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:00 pm
by Glarundis
are you talking about someone in particular? :S

Re: Breivik 21 year sentence

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:14 pm
by Vaux27
Glarundis wrote:are you talking about someone in particular? :S
You care for life Glar, maybe almost to a fault.

Obviously you're not in that said group.