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Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:21 am
by Kent Strider
Tyrion wrote:
Kent Strider wrote:I only meant that here in the US black people tend to have many more kids than white people do. I love my black friends tho :P
Show me statistics that proves that point. It would seem as if you are basing your opinion on biased personal experiences and observations.
No. :P

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:39 am
by Quintoz
Andoriel wrote:lol mike you are identifying the problems but you are not connecting the dots.
First of all given you and me will disagree on completely on traits based on race and gene alone.
Basic example is that blacks being more athletic. You identify it as black being genetically better. I identify it as social conditions of blacks dictates them the way that they are forced to focus on athletism because its a way for them to get themself out of slums, aka jump a class(oh the irony). Environment plays bigger role then genes and apperently you wont accept that, so I wont discuss the issue further.
Its intresting that you suggested when capitalism fails its either nationalism or marxism. The thing is nationalism is the product of capitalism, started with the french revolution after failing of feudalism. Back in the days of feudalism race based nationalism did not exist, insted we had religion based nationalism. Christians were divided among them-self such as prodestan catholic and ortodox, muslims divided amoung themself by shia, sunni and alevi ect. Capitalism(the ruling class) transferred this religion based unity idea to race based unity idea, which broth the fall of religions. Religion brouth limitations to advances of capitalism, but the ruling class still needed something to control and unify masses. Marxism notices this and disregards any form of religion as well as racial based identity as product of capitalism, NOT becasue it prevents revolution :) Allso there are couple of reasons i mentioned such as Eviorment shapes people, not their genes. And my friend this has been proven to be true generally.
Now you say its either nationalism as alternative to marxism. How did that turn out for germany or turning out for usa? Pre ww2 germany the conditons were soo terrible that 2 opposite form of power were on the rise, nationalists and communists. Communists did a big mistake by disarming them-self, and the ruling class of germany saw this as an oportunity and given Nazis major power over the parliament, first thing they did was kill all the communists with in the country way before jews And gypsies.
to be continued later on :)
It's societys fault that black people are the best spriters and long distance runners in the world! It has nothing to do with how their muscles differ from the white man or anything...

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:45 am
by Andoriel
İ want mike back atleast i can take him seriosly. its not anyones faulth but its what lead to this outcome:) ufc is dominated by brazilians does that mean brazilians are better at punching things then blacks? Nope mma is an option thats out there dominantly for brazilians just as basketball is to blacks...
Basicly Mike and I see paterns but we identify the cause diferently... The thing is the way mike does it has potential to lead into Nationalism to the very core which tend to transcent into facism.

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:47 am
by Quintoz
Andoriel wrote:İ want mike back atleast i can take him seriosly. its not anyones faulth but its what lead to this outcome:) ufc is dominated by brazilians does that mean brazilians are better at punching things then blacks? Nope mma is an option thats out there for brazilians just as basketball is to blacks...
Well I can't really take you seriously when you can't accept facts that have been proven in countless studies so I'm suprised that Mike is still responding to your ignorence.

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:30 am
by xHarlequinx
Genetic intelligence... yellow > white > black?! How would you even test that? What we commonly measure as intelligence is hugely influenced by our culture (and yes, I would agree that there are factors in Asian culture that would cause them to score better, than Western caucasians, and there are characteristics in many "black" cultures that cause them to score more poorly). Unless you can test intelligence on newborns, saying that different races are genetically smarter than others is retarded. Yes, intelligence is a hereditary characteristic, but there is no way that you can prove these sweeping generalizations about an entire racial group. Culture/environment has too great of an influence.

Shocking, but I think I Mike actually makes an interesting point... It's interesting to reflect how there are all sorts of efforts to preserve various different cultures, but I would agree that there are very minimal efforts to preserve Western European culture. It's almost like a guilt complex, like we're sorry for trying to force our culture on you for so many years through our imperialism, so we're going to disown our culture as as something bad.

Ironically, although we may have a guilt complex about our culture, we are also still the most effective transmitter of culture. What's the "universal language"? English. Where does a bulk of popular music come from? English speaking countries. Where do most popular movies come from? English speaking countries. How many non-English cartoon characters do you know (similar to the Simpsons?). How about fashion? Are all the Western European girls trying on the hippest new spring burkas? I'm sure the list goes on and on.

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:05 am
by Mag'etherian
Tyrion wrote:
What's more humanitarian than stopping a war? I understand the conviction that violence begets violence. But either you just go on pulling people out of the river or you can go upstream, find out who is pushing them in and stop them.
Okay this made me lol.

Now... Holy Jupiters Balls Batman...


Don't worry.. I'll get it.

"It's Pang bro" :roll:

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:25 am
by Darian Darkmind
Tyrion wrote:
Monad wrote: Another being what you also cited and that is to stop putting our nose where it doesn't belong. I think those are the real issues what we should be worried about if we want to preserve our culture and democracy and be proud of it in the future aswell, and stop worrying about few percents of refugees who come here to seek for better life. Sure they bring problems too, lot of issues we have problems with, but far off the scale what some people and groups of people tend to think.
Obviously I disagree. There is something to be said about CIVILIZED societies neglecting the woes and suffering of others disparately more unfortunate. It is, philosophically and morally an embedded characteristic of (most) human beings to want to help others. To deny this fact is to be ignorant. We have the same discussions in the United States regarding sending aid to developing countries as well as military units. Josef Kony is a perfect example (for this discussion, there are MANY more) of the UN's lack of power to bring a known human rights criminal to justice for the past (nearing) three decades. I recently read this from a Time Magazine article and I'll pose it to everybody for consideration:
What's more humanitarian than stopping a war? I understand the conviction that violence begets violence. But either you just go on pulling people out of the river or you can go upstream, find out who is pushing them in and stop them.
The problem is that we often think we know better, we think our way is better and people should do as we do... and be grateful for our help. Granted, we don't have wars and our countires and people seem more "civilized" with our welfare system and "uncorrupted" government. However, it's not that black and white. They have a different culture, different believes, a different life-style for a thousand of years. They might not see us as superior and better as we do, they might not WANT us to poke our noses there, bringing liberation-war to them and telling them how things should be ran the western way. They might not want the western way or our culture so we should not force it to them. If they wanted to live the way we live, they either move to our countries or rise against their government and change their country. They haven't been able to change for a reason or another - and why should they - and we damn surely can't force it. Or look at Irak or any other country freed by USA... how well has that worked out.

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:48 am
by Mike
xHarlequinx wrote:Genetic intelligence... yellow > white > black?! How would you even test that? What we commonly measure as intelligence is hugely influenced by our culture (and yes, I would agree that there are factors in Asian culture that would cause them to score better, than Western caucasians, and there are characteristics in many "black" cultures that cause them to score more poorly). Unless you can test intelligence on newborns, saying that different races are genetically smarter than others is retarded. Yes, intelligence is a hereditary characteristic, but there is no way that you can prove these sweeping generalizations about an entire racial group. Culture/environment has too great of an influence.
One way to test it is to do a study of IQ levels in students with the same socioeconomic background and education. Black white and asian Americans for example. Then you factor in income, social status etc. The difference is actually higher with rich people than it is with poor people. It's exceedingly simple really, why you call it retarded is beyond me. Why is it so hard to accept the fact that different races within a species are, on average, at different levels of intelligence? Again, intelligence is not something that you are taught, it is something you are born with and different races have different average IQs. I guess repetition is the key... I don't see another good way to point out the obvious. We humans tend to put ourselves up on a pedestal and ignore what nature has made us, and look at things which we have created ourselves as the cause of everything.

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:21 am
by Monad
Repetition is meaningless if your claims are debatable. - this article doesn't support your thesis as unambiguous as you claim it to be. Sure you can catch a quote or two from there which supports what you're saying, but you should look at the whole picture what the article is about aswell.

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:24 am
by Mike
Monad wrote:Repetition is meaningless if your claims are debatable. - this article doesn't support your thesis as you claim it to be.
From the link.

"Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests performed in the United States have consistently demonstrated a significant degree of variation between different racial groups, with the average score of the African American population being lower— and that of the Asian American population being higher— than that of the European-American population. At the same time, there is a considerable overlap between these group scores, and individuals of each group can be found at all points on the IQ spectrum. Similar findings have been reported for related populations around the world, although these studies are generally considered less reliable due to the relative paucity of test data and the difficulties inherent in the cross-cultural comparison of intelligence test scores. While the existence of racial IQ gaps is well-documented and not subject to much dispute, there is no consensus among researchers as to their cause."

The scientists don't agree to why there are differences in IQ between races. I don't claim to know the reason for it either. I just state the fact as it is.