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Re: I started a political blog

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:05 am
by xHarlequinx
Sorry, I gotta say it... all your science-fanatics, what makes you believe that science will let us figure out everything in the universe? :p

Anyway, back on topic. Should a line in the sand be the deciding factor in whether we get food, shelter, etc.? Or should it rely on each individual's capacity (intelligence, kindness, ability to work, etc.). Do you think it's easy for people to immigrate? And leave their friends/family/language/cultures?

Statistically speaking (at least in Canada), immigrants pay more taxes, are better education, provide more employment, than non-immigrants. Why? (See above)

Re: I started a political blog

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:15 am
by Mike
Sorry, I gotta say it... all your science-fanatics, what makes you believe that science will let us figure out everything in the universe? :p
Science does not involve fanaticism. When someone who professes to science is accused of being a fanatic it's because he refuses to admit the factual value of fantasy novels. The prime example is Creationism which is not a science, but I'm sure there are other comparisons out there.


You admitted that believing in god makes no sense for a rational person, and that's all I was going for. Not everyone can be rational, and hardly anyone can be rational all the time. This matter is one where we should all try our best though.

As far as immigration goes, the less of it the better. Liberals love to import masses of unqualified labor to erode the status of the working class of any nation and it's happening fast. Close the borders for mass immigration and work on national freedom, national solidarity and national economy with policies that favor the people, not a few special interest groups and things will shape up.

Re: I started a political blog

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:16 am
by Mike
Mike wrote:
Sorry, I gotta say it... all your science-fanatics, what makes you believe that science will let us figure out everything in the universe? :p
Science does not involve fanaticism. When someone who professes to science is accused of being a fanatic it's because he refuses to admit the factual value of fantasy novels. The prime example is creationists telling people they are fanatics of evolution, but I'm sure there are other comparisons out there.


You admitted that believing in god makes no sense for a rational person, and that's all I was going for. Not everyone can be rational, and hardly anyone can be rational all the time. This matter is one where we should all try our best though.

As far as immigration goes, the less of it the better. Liberals love to import masses of unqualified labor to erode the status of the working class of any nation and it's happening fast. Close the borders for mass immigration and work on national freedom, national solidarity and national economy with policies that favor the people, not a few special interest groups and things will shape up.

Re: I started a political blog

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:40 am
by Kent Strider
Mike wrote:
Sorry, I gotta say it... all your science-fanatics, what makes you believe that science will let us figure out everything in the universe? :p
Science does not involve fanaticism. When someone who professes to science is accused of being a fanatic it's because he refuses to admit the factual value of fantasy novels. The prime example is Creationism which is not a science, but I'm sure there are other comparisons out there.
I agree with Mike.

Anyways, why do immigrants get paid anyway? I thought if you didn't put taxes in you could not receive government money? If I quit paying taxes will I still get income taxes?

Re: I started a political blog

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:01 am
by Andoriel
What country are we talking about. In canada you Have to be either Legal Imigrant/citizen OR refugee to get help from government. Imigrants do pay taxes here even if they havnt been full fledge citizens yet.
As mike mentioned, they allso do provide cheap labor and have lower standards of living, and the skills they auired in their country(diploma) is invalid here so they are forced to become cheap manual labor rather then puting their skills into Human Capital of this country. Basicaly They are doing the jobs in conditions that natives of the land(kinda ironic using this term for canada or states) wouldnt want to do. Most of the jobs in Canada are being outsourced to overseas anyway, whatever low income jobs left is being shared to imigrants on purpuse. Its all to help higher profit gains for the rich realy. So I wouldnt blame one party for this incident though its preaty much obvius that these cheap labors bring huge profits to any firm that is supporting Any political party.
There is a saying in canada: most educated people of this country are our taxi drivers. Which is true every time i speak to one they tend to be more educated then most :D

Re: I started a political blog

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:55 am
by Mike
Kent Strider wrote:
Mike wrote:
Sorry, I gotta say it... all your science-fanatics, what makes you believe that science will let us figure out everything in the universe? :p
Science does not involve fanaticism. When someone who professes to science is accused of being a fanatic it's because he refuses to admit the factual value of fantasy novels. The prime example is Creationism which is not a science, but I'm sure there are other comparisons out there.
I agree with Mike.

Anyways, why do immigrants get paid anyway? I thought if you didn't put taxes in you could not receive government money? If I quit paying taxes will I still get income taxes?
Here in Sweden, there's a social insurance of sorts. If you've worked for a year and had such insurance you qualify for unemployment payouts if you get laid off. That's about 80% of your average wage. That lasts for a year, should you still be unemployed by then you have to apply for welfare which is a big step down from 80% of an average wage, and also involves cashing in "unnecessary" items to live off for as long as possible. This assumes you're not an immigrant, they get plenty of benefits. Our government is pretty anti-white.

Re: I started a political blog

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:08 am
by Andoriel
"This assumes you're not an immigrant, they get plenty of benefits. Our government is pretty anti-white." I dont get it. This assumes your not an imigrant in order to pay welfare? If so how come govenrment is "anti-white". And define "white"

Re: I started a political blog

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:54 am
by Glarundis
i understand the need to foster local markets and stuff. in that sense, we shouldn't buy from china, we should rather produce it here, so that money stays here, people work here, people spend their money here, etc etc.

but why would one be against immigrants?so what if they're from another country?they're from planet earth. they're a person.

countries are vague definitions, a person means more than a country (or it should).
right now i can go from one city to another in my country without any problem at all. but if that other city was located in another country, all of a sudden, just because i was born some kilometres away i'm no longer a person?who am i? an alien?

if a person wants to come to any country, to work, to improve society, to live there, to be happy, then anyone should be welcomed. if local people don't want to work, it's their fault. blaming the immingrants for "taking my job away" can't work..

i'm not sure how it's in canada right now, but i know that they have in the constitucion that they are a multi cultural country, and that pleases me, as i'm half portuguese half canadian, i'm proud of one of my countries lol. i'm more portuguese than canadian though

Re: I started a political blog

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:00 am
by Kent Strider
People are against immigrants cause they get more freebies than they do, which isn't fair.

Re: I started a political blog

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:35 am
by Mike
Andoriel wrote:"This assumes you're not an immigrant, they get plenty of benefits. Our government is pretty anti-white." I dont get it. This assumes your not an imigrant in order to pay welfare? If so how come govenrment is "anti-white". And define "white"
Immigrants get a ton of benefits in my country, mostly related to welfare. For example, an immigrant gets paid for going to a state sponsored school to learn Swedish, and they get a bonus if they actually pass the exam at the end. But companies also get tax cuts for hiring immigrants, there are new suggestions being made to hand out free drivers licenses to immigrants, tax free zones in immgrant-heavy areas to stimulate growth and so on. Basically Swedes are discriminated against by our own government. I don't think it's that strange though, the multi cultural society has to be constantly supported by the political establishment in order to exist.

As for a white person, I think most of us know what that is.