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Pangaea - Influencing your life

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:00 pm
by Zaradon
Like the thread says, we are dying to know how has Pangaea for some reason kept you people here for all those years.

What impact did Pangaea give in your life?
Did you learn anything on Pangaea?
Did it change your life course?
Your thoughts?

Anything imaginable, if you want to share how did Pangaea influence your life - Share here!

Re: Pangaea - Influencing your life

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:26 pm
by Simmo
Zaradon wrote: Did it change your life course?
Seriously, what would someone answer to this? :lol: I got basic english from UO

Re: Pangaea - Influencing your life

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:02 pm
by Percy
It's changed my gaming life completely at least. I have never found another game even similar to Pangaea. Not even another UO shard. I like the people here and even though most of the people never liked me at one point or another in years here this game has been with me from being immature and at the start o my teenage years up until now (20yrs old).

I keep coming back here simply for the people and the gaming experience.

I mean no offence at all to the staff, past an present, when I say this but our staff work for free to keep this game alive. I would love to see a major gaming company bring this game into the 21st century with updated graphics and new things that are just physically impossible to add at the moment because let's face it, we're limited to with what can be implemented into the game. 99% of things added are behind the scenes without any visual impact within the game. I only fear that a gaming company will ruin this game though and comprise its features just to make a profit. I love the way the game is because nothing has been done that would ruin the gameplay just to improve player count. It's always been because what's been needed and all staff have been players and know what players want.

I don't know all I know is I love the game I jusy wish for a bigger playerbase so people can see how freaking amazing this game is and there's more people to kill haha.

Re: Pangaea - Influencing your life

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:08 pm
by Andoriel
turned me into a better man??

Re: Pangaea - Influencing your life

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:38 am
by Vaux27
Saved my life, helped me find Jesus...I mean Esuna.

Re: Pangaea - Influencing your life

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:45 pm
by Ricardus
Well i made some good friendships in pang, but glad i didn't learned nothing from the game and some players.

Re: Pangaea - Influencing your life

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:13 am
by Bipina Huntley
apart from TONS OF time which it ate from my life, i am catching myself on how much english i have learned here....
that is amaizing how much, that kind of game, can help to develope your knowledge about another language.

Re: Pangaea - Influencing your life

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:45 am
by Arion
Considering english is my first language I guess I cant use that as an excuse. Pangaea taught me how to strive for a goal in an unrealistic environment that gains me nothing... and I gotta say I love it!

Re: Pangaea - Influencing your life

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:08 am
by Uzriel Raven
Pangaea was my second shard and the only one that ever held my interest. I started playing when I was 14, if I remember right. I was a stupid newbie without the ability to communicate with my mother tongue in written form. I spoke to players in-game, gradually grasped what roleplaying was. I began to read Charha's (Darrol Argeledougal, Ripkin, Nayrover Argeledougal and one other character. Please forgive me if I butchered Darrol's surname.) wonderful adventures and fell in love with her wheezing necromancer and her goofy ghost. She's been my best English teacher, even though she never knew it.

Now I'm an older, stupid newbie. I can craft so-so stories for myself and others. My end on Pangaea was far from graceful, I decided to cut myself off from it after pretending to be Sagarius for years, while playing my account at the same time. My old friends are all gone, I'm not fond of any of the players that remain here, aside from Deodar and Darian Darkmind. I've never really liked Darian, but he has my respect, he's the only true tekstone in my mind. Hell of a roleplayer.

Sometimes I miss Pangaea, but it's really just the sense of nostalgia. Pangaea will live on without me or anyone else that quits, It's far from perfect, but it's arguably the best roleplay shard in existence.

I'll never regret playing on Pangaea for all these years. It was worth it.

How about everyone else?

Re: Pangaea - Influencing your life

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:49 pm
by Maximilian Lhoth
Pangaea helped me stay sober when I needed something to do to forget real life and its boredom for me (long term unemployed youngish diagnosed ADHD guy).

Pangaea is therapeutic as I can play the role of the good guy who opposes all evil actively instead of being the freeloader I'm IRL and of which I have feelings of guilt.

Pangaea offers me a relatively harmless outlet for my aggressive or violent instincts in form of PvP.