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The who and what

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:11 pm
by Dom
So cmon. When you first started playing... Who did you want to be and why?
Which player did you want to be like

When i frist started playing and was a little froob:P i joined and made a tamer i only got it to like adept and then deleted it
When i did join though i wanted to be Teh amazing inner circle mage Gm dude, forgot his name :D

Re: The who and what

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:43 pm
by Maximilian Lhoth
First char was a carpenter (Maximilian Hart), but I failed to train it outta noobiness, so I made a bard (Peter Hart), and got in contact with experienced players and managed to get 80+ music (it was considered "quite good" back then). Then I had a scribe who was first meant to be a bowyer, Iolo Woodman (75+indy, could make full spellbooks!), and Koko, the aboriginal cook with bad english and taste for bananas and "mojo drinks" and with a pet gorilla Jambo who also liked human females sexually and Koko had trouble keeping Jambo from following them. Also I recall having a nooby alchemist called Sadora Mazora and a nooby smith called Zafiir who was ... arab-like. Lack of camels as rideable mounts forced him to use llamas instead.

Uhm, I misunderstood your question apparently, sry =) I wanted to be like no one, there was no role model

Re: The who and what

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:45 pm
by Arolith
You're talking about Sarkania. LuL. :D

When I started playing, ppl I looked up to were:

Kavas Bloodmeir, Stormillian Frost, Taloon Figaro, that guy who started Cabal of the Night... There are many many more, but I don't remember all the names anymore. It's been 7 years after all.

Re: The who and what

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 7:14 pm
by Whitewolf
when i first started playing, i wanted to be Iva Whitewolf, :P it think i did a good job

Re: The who and what

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 7:43 pm
by Ivan
i never thought like that...

I just tried to enjoy the game, i've had few breaks for several reason like Noxes, discordance or i bored to the game itself.

I never found anything bigger aim that i desired and needed long time to get. Just simple small successes like get empyrean armors or something and solo titan etc.

Re: The who and what

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 8:20 pm
by Houston
Houston Wales - My first char, was a blacksmith and i knew 0 persons on the shard except a few commands to the vendors and my english was bad enough to even get some typos at the commands!
However, when i got my smith expert i managed to join him to MoC and trained him to adept and i was stuck at the adept title for a year, haha. Seriously i enjoyed hunting on my smith than going out to mine some junk. I totally lacked of any RP so this char was my introduction to the shard/game itself and i barely bother training him, always lazy to play/log him. (he is heightened nowadays tho)

Zaradon - No, this is not my oldest char but i figured out of his skills/armor restriction that i wouldn't mule from smith to baba (yes, i was harsh against myself due the rules back then =) ).
When i got my swords to 100 i felt like godlike, being able to pwn granites on foot and my two year living place was the X roads bank, i bet some member remember me floating there on foot pretty often =D Then i saw Akasha training his new knight's parrying and all, also Specialisti (Jason Erath) started on his warrior, running around in his best (atrintium plates) gear. After getting blue again, i joined the Order of Yshoshshor and after few PVP sessions of their best fighters, i became one of their main fighters and then i met Garr Growen (heighten baba nowadays) and we talked a lot and he sayd that his goal is to heighten the first baba on the shard, so i went for it also. But when i found out myself heightened, i was the 3'rd. Garr Growen - John Frost - Zaradon - Grom Blackmind - Lazaroth - Samson Sayseraug? I am not sure, slap me if im wrong who was what number hehe.
Two years later i managed to get his status to Ancient but now grinding til Glorious but cant find the time during the summer ;P

Havel Wales - He is my second char, i had tons of fun playing him and still have the adrenaline to play this magicuser. I had no idols when making my chars, honestly this one was supposed to be a murderous rapist, first raping then murdering. Well, explains him getting enough murder accounts to get red at 70 magery xDD However, i joined AP and was one of those noob mages, but i have no idea why did Athan and Archan take ME to their law hunting trip, i sucked on my mage so hard back then when i met Acca Larentia - one of the best mages i knew on the shard, he did knew how to PvP on a mage against another mage - ofcourse i was no match due to my low skills but he thaught me a lot back then (Thanks bro \o )
Oh well, i guess i had problems with every religion on this char since he was a robber of a quite good group, compared to the group's population (4 Forsaken vs 5 law 50 piaty members?) And we kinda owned them, damn i liked it. After that i got stoned pretty badly by Imperials and was stuck for a pretty long time, so after that accident i changed his role a tad.
He was a pesky character, the bad moody and pretty vile - but he learned to see some light in the darkness. He is that nowadays aswell, but when i got him trained, i felt nothing hard to train so i just got his skills maxed and got him heightened. Yea, no match in PvM compared to Ovinnik, but he was inactive for long enough so he didnt realize how nerfed mages actually got so we werent too different (The skills didnt matter a thing except 105 magery/statcap).
Well, now i am getting him to a Heightened Necromancer, Athan vol2 is coming, beware! ]=)
Yes, Athan was my idol on my MAGE. Hih.

I got more chars but i think they are not as old as these three so theire not even worth to mentoin.

Re: The who and what

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 8:57 pm
by Quintoz
My idols was : Darra, Andy, Patty, Alexis (Never cared for Iva, he was allways mean to me =)).

I wanted to be like Andy.

Before taht I was to young and navie to know who the good players was.

Re: The who and what

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 10:48 pm
by Gorath Blackmind
My first char was Dienil Dustpoem, a bard that ended up in Nox. :P My hero was Leif back in the day.

Re: The who and what

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 11:31 pm
by Esmeralda
Arolith wrote:Y that guy who started Cabal of the Night...
Gabriz McCrea or so? That guy had style. Never saw him whining on forums like other wannabe bad guys :P

Re: The who and what

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 11:38 pm
by Diam Larkei
OMFG Stromy <3

Well, after like 6 months of bugging, Charlot( Victoria,Cloud Valera) got me to play >__>

My first char was Mia, an almost heightened bard :O

Whom I wanted to me like? Athan :D