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Uzriel Raven
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Post by Uzriel Raven »

Am I the only one that feels the urge to punch when they see stupid shit like a presidential candidate holding babies, playing sports, talking about family values and any other annoying "tactics" to earn popularity?

Bitch, I wanna see yo' ass waiting in line at the DMV like a normal person, going over bills and debts, shaking your head and sighing while you do so. I loathe obscure promises. I don't want to hear you say, "I will create more jobs, repair the economy, blah, blah, blah." I don't care about what you say you'll do, I want to hear logical reasoning and methods that will bring about these results.

Some of the current U.S. candidates are better than others, but that's just what pisses me off about the whole thing, the bullshit, the things that have nothing to do with helping a country improve itself.

I honestly don't like any of the candidates. I say we give Obama his second term. After all, we gave Mister Bush Jr. two terms. It's going to take more than two terms to fix the damage that genius helped bring about.

There, I'm done with that. I don't care where this topic goes, I just wanted to throw that rant somewhere.
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Re: Politics

Post by Monad »

Sadly most of the politicians nowadays runs for the money, not for the people or for the country. All those little tricks are just to get stupid (sorry but true) voters on your side to get yourself into the money. Only wish the voters like you would overcome those "stupid" voters.

This is how the "democracy" works: http://visual.ly/lobbyists-how-we-run-washington
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Re: Politics

Post by Aias »

Am I the only one who knew that Romney was going to win the nomination the moment I saw him? He's the best looking one and the richest. Everyone knows that seals the deal

I really hope Obama wins again. He's the best thing that's happened to the world in 20 years.

Saying that, I agree with Uzriel. Even more.. All politicians are liars, populistic and worms. But Obama is the least wormiest of them all :P
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Re: Politics

Post by Mike »

I would vote for David Duke if I was an American.
"last i knew it was illegal to hate someone" Richard Mota
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Re: Politics

Post by Andoriel »

I want republicans in power once again because they are more open regarding their intentions. Obama sugar coats American aggression so that general public dont see it as often :) Ps voting don't change a thing sorry guys
Kent Strider

Re: Politics

Post by Kent Strider »

I personally hope Obama wins, dude has a sense of humor. Least wormiest indeed.
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Re: Politics

Post by Glarundis »

you should see "casino jack" with kevin spacey about the lobbyists thing

also, what monad said it's true. it's sad, but it seems that people are just stupid or braindead. it starts with education.
a good educational system will create a good economy with a good country, but with good education, there will be no opportunity for unfairness and jackasses.
so, some choose bad education instead, which will lead to even worse things and people being stupid and just caring about themselves because everything's so hard, they just got to care about themselves only.

and by education i don't mean intelectual education, like maths and biology and stuff, there's plenty of that and more than what we need. i'm talking about social education. everyone should have history and social studies from 1st to 12nd grade, regardless of their area.
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Re: Politics

Post by Andoriel »

Social education pluss understanding the importance of manual labor and abolishing ownership of the modes of production( which is owned by small number of people) would infact lead to something better:)
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Re: Politics

Post by Mandos »

Haha. thank the God for you all don't live in my country.
The one of the most corrupts.
ppl here forget the governament shits with soccer, carnival and some holidays.
We have everything to be a first world country, but corruption is one of much reasons we're not going forward.


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Re: Politics

Post by Tyrion »

Andoriel wrote:I want republicans in power once again because they are more open regarding their intentions. Obama sugar coats American aggression so that general public dont see it as often :) Ps voting don't change a thing sorry guys
Wrong. Republicans are the least genuine from what I have seen and the party that is always accused of being out of touch and for good reason. There was a recent debate surrounding contraception and the Republican party showed how out of touch they were with the issues many Americans have to face. The issue was inflamed even further when Rush Limbaugh, on his radio show, called a Georgetown University law student a slut and prostitute.
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