Random Thoughts

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Random Thoughts

Post by Percy »

You've all probably seen the pie-charts like this

Now lots of people think of random things during periods like showering or on the toilet. I think up of random things whilst smoking. Most of my time spent smoking a cigarette isn't actually smoking it, it's thinking of the most random of things. Usually my cigarette burns out after one or two puffs.

So I just thought there should be a place to write your random thoughts and have people discuss threm, so here is the official thread.

My thought today is of perpetual motion. It's been sought after by so many people and never achieved, and never will be achieved whilst we live somewhere with an atmosphere at least, due to gravity and all different types of friction like movement in the air and stuff. If we could achieve perpetual motion then it would provide mainly free renewable electricity to the world and also provide electricity to third world countries as they wouldn't have to do anything really but install it.

Now, like I said, we will never achieve it whilst on Earth. But maybe I have just thought of another way to achieve free energy via almost perpetual motion. Considering that these machines require little effort to make spin for long periods of time then you could effectively start the machines off by hand as soon as they stop. But that'd be for small amounts of electricity could you imagine turning enough of these to gather electric for an entire street?

Imagine a full power-station of these hundreds if not thousands of them, why would you employ people to turn then when you could do it for free? So how do you turn these machines for free? With those Windmills that produce electric.

So in theory a few windmills provide the free energy to easily turn these perpetual machines which in turn, turn to provide electricity to an entire town if not possibly a city...

I think I have the solution to free electric but what's your thoughts and ideas on the subject?
Plus don't forget to post your own random thoughts and have people discuss them!
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Simmo »

That chart reminded me this; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbSPPFYx ... re=related

And one hell of a smoke bro

Re: Random Thoughts

Post by xHarlequinx »

A perpetual motion machine is only perpetual provided that there are only naturally occurring forces on it. Once you hook something else up to it, for example a generator, it substantially increases the forces acting on the (nearly) perpetual motion machine and this causes it to slow down / stop much more quickly.

One time, many years ago, I was on magic mushrooms I was feeling around in my mouth with my tongue, and thought... hey... there's like what, like 6" cubed of space in your mouth, and there are like 7 billion people on the earth. That is a lot of real estate taken up by the empty space inside of people's mouths!
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Zaradon »

Been there before during my cig breaks.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Glarundis »

xHarlequinx wrote:magic mushrooms
is there any relation between shrooms and lsd?i mean, what it does to you

just asking lol

Re: Random Thoughts

Post by xHarlequinx »

Magic mushrooms and LSD are quite similar although LSD is considerably more potent. Magic mushrooms are easier to dose in that you can take very little and have very minor effects or take a lot and have major effects where with LSD it's pretty much only set on strong. The problem with magic mushrooms though is that, because they're natural, the actual strength of the active ingredient (psilocybin) will vary considerably based on growing conditions, species, etc. where with LSD it's all chemical so it can be perfectly measured (assuming it's made by a chemist and not a crack head).

Never done LSD and never will. Too risky, and even magic mushrooms aren't something I'd ever recommend. It's either something that you can handle or can't (and only the individual can really make that decision and shouldn't do it lightly).
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Baoler »

in regards to the pie chart I sing in the shower when I'm not in a hurry.

Mushrooms are poisoning yourself,.. body and visual high.

LSD is increasing the the level of certain chemicals in the brain/spinal cord,.. mental and visual high

@xHarlequinx - Actually your mouth is filled with bacteria that is alive and growing in your mouth.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Glarundis »

yeah i heard lsd can be quite risky, you never know what may happen in your mind and there have been cases of people doing it once and going permanently nuts after that.

thanks for the info, i didn't get much of the difference in effects, but i understood some of the other differences (how potent they are, measures, etc)

so you don't recommend it but you do it? :D
well, i'm actually scared of that stuff, i never did it, the thing is, i once tried weed and it completely made my brain go mad, i spent the worst 5 hours or whatever of my life, it was like a freaking nightmare while being conscient. but 100x more scary

i'm not sure if that's supposed to happen, but maybe it was the high dosage for the first time, or it was just a bad variety/mixed with other stuff
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Baoler »

Drugs have different effects on everyone, we all have didn't amounts of chemicals in our bodies and brain.
If you have a fear of something you should stay away from it, research it and then decide if you want to take the risk.

weed is not lsd just as lsd is not mushrooms.
drug a does not = drug b.
they're just as different as each of us is in comparison to one another.

I could talk all day about this, I am a licensed medical cannabis user/ experimenter who has learned very much in the past ten years about the truth and the myths. ( I am not a druggy, i use cannabis for insomnia, hunger, depression, and pain relief)

The chance of getting laced weed is 1 to 1 million, i'm not saying it doesn't happen but the chances are very low and i've never known anyone who's got laced weed. I know someone who got a laced cigarette once.
i know a handful of first time users and even some non first timers who've freaked because of very potent herb and thought it was laced.

I also just remember sometimes i pee in the shower *laughs!*
Did you know that sometimes turkeys will look directly up with their mouths open when it rains?
Don't be a turkey in the shower!
Baler from JE
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Glarundis »

i know drugs are different and work differently on people biggs :P
i don't know if it was laced or not, it was in jamaica muaha
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