Do you want back clean looting?

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Do you want clean looting?

Total votes: 40

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Re: Do you want back clean looting?

Post by Wolfie »

Ok I am going to put this from my perspective I take neither side on this.

The reason some people don't want clean looting is because they want to RP, Hunt and Have fun. If you have people running around and taking away all your hard work it becomes less and less fun for these kind of people. Because in every single popular game now in all of their PvP you can't loot anything. This keeps people playing as they don't lose their stuff.

I understand this is Ultima Online, and Pangaea, and its not how things are done. But with current times people aren't going to keep getting gears/cloths again.

I understand that most of think that clean looting is going to bring back the economy, but personally I don't. People are just going to stock piles on their own stash of high end things and not sell them around.(I would think)
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Re: Do you want back clean looting?

Post by Mag'etherian »

My answer is and always has been No. Also... please let's stop reffering to WoW. That's an entirely different game. No comparison what-so-ever from it to UO makes any sense, at all.

If dryloot was ever tossed in here on Pangaea, I would only hope there would be more harsh punishments for playing a robber. It shouldn't be an easy path to play on any terms. If us players risk losing our gear day by day from being the victim of a robbery, why can't robbers expect to risk the same thing? So in previous comments before ... forcing a fast robbery just because a robber is affraid they may lose their gear to a .mayday makes no sense either. That's just saying you like to play a robber just to rob people and not for the PvP encounters. Before someone compares a RL robbery to a game robbery, just remember this isn't reality and not everything in UO should be based off real life. Often too I've heared the excuse of gaining "adrenaline". I personally don't care for the adrenaline rush. I'll go skydiving if I want that. I play the game for the PvM/RP aspect of it and some play it for the PvP/RP aspect. Why not instead of debating over and over, come up with some middle ground that makes everyone happy? There's enough players that like the PvP and a lot of players who like the PvM. It can easily be made between Players without staff involvement to go to war with certain groups/guilds/religions and make up your own looting rules. You shouldn't need to control the whole population to be happy. You can have as much fun fighting between eachother and not need to force everyone who plays the game, into it.

Also, I haven't once ran instantly when I seen red names appear on my screen. I stand and play through it. Some people though just really hate PvP or know how it's going to end up and I won't go into details. There's reasons for everything. I agree with the comment above about there being a ton of PvP servers out there where you can kill and loot all day and night long until your hearts content. Pangaea however is not one of those servers, why try and force it? Don't get me wrong though, I do like to PVP sometimes. I just don't play the game because of it nor like being forced into it all the time. In reality, we already have drylooting. All those who play purely for the PvP aspect have the option to go to war with other guilds/religions and agree to those terms. Robbers as well can do the same thing vs other guilds or religions. There's enough players that this can easily be achieved. Don't hate just because not everyone here cares to be drylooted. There's options out there. Use them, be happy.

Now I would also like to say that we do have some nice robbers on Pangaea. At least when my guildmate and I were confronted by one yesterday of Nox. It wasn't just a simple short and sweet robbery. As being robbed always sucks, to me... Diotil Gislet done a wonderful job and I hold no grudge on it. It wasn't as frustrating as most of my encounters have been. To recieve respect, one must first show respect. That's my response to this thread.
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Re: Do you want back clean looting?

Post by yuusou »

I think we should open one of these polls every other week.

GMs have said full loot won't be for at least another 6 months or so.

Opening another after another of these threads just show how immature the current player base is towards this subject, how all you want to do is instigate in the forums and how you just want to take that instigation in game.

Just bloody wait until Monad opens his own poll in a few months, a'ight?0

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Re: Do you want back clean looting?

Post by KaneThun »

It shouldn't be an easy path to play on any terms. If us players risk losing our gear day by day from being the victim of a robbery, why can't robbers expect to risk the same thing?
You should try to have a robber to check if its easy. Every religion hunts you and every single player joins a fight against you. And robbed have the same risk of loosing their own gear. There have been hundred of times robbers arent sucefful.
And if you want to avoid dryloot avoid pvp by giving them what they ask?
Kent Strider

Re: Do you want back clean looting?

Post by Kent Strider »

Yuusou wrote:I think we should open one of these polls every other week.

GMs have said full loot won't be for at least another 6 months or so.

Opening another after another of these threads just show how immature the current player base is towards this subject, how all you want to do is instigate in the forums and how you just want to take that instigation in game.

Just bloody wait until Monad opens his own poll in a few months, a'ight?0

The Prodigy - Firestarter
You are completely right.
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Re: Do you want back clean looting?

Post by Jessica »

I agree with the comment above about there being a ton of PvP servers out there where you can kill and loot all day and night long until your hearts content. Pangaea however is not one of those servers, why try and force it?
Actually, pangaea has had clean looting for most of its life and looting rules are the ones whats being forced on it, not the other way around.

We're not doing this for adrenaline, not for easy living, but mostly becouse we like to play that way. Atleast that is what it is for me. Before looting rules this shard made such lifestyle possible, but nowdays its really hard to make living, when having 3 different religions, several guilds behind you. Not to mention that new dungeons dont favour solohunting that much, and that way theyre way harder targets for robbers. Even if you could find someone hunting and not sitting behind guards that is. We're doing a lot more than just robbing, its just hard for us and thats why we dont prefer anyone to see it. Ask sebastian lloth, he seems to find me always :<
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Re: Do you want back clean looting?

Post by Masano »

Jessica wrote:
We're not doing this for adrenaline, not for easy living, but mostly becouse we like to play that way. Atleast that is what it is for me. Before looting rules this shard made such lifestyle possible, but nowdays its really hard to make living, when having 3 different religions, several guilds behind you. Not to mention that new dungeons dont favour solohunting that much, and that way theyre way harder targets for robbers. Even if you could find someone hunting and not sitting behind guards that is. We're doing a lot more than just robbing, its just hard for us...
I hope this is sarcasm, if not then its probably one of the funniest things Ive ever read on here. You want sympathy because your finding it hard to gank people because people are hunting in groups? :arrow:
Kent Strider

Re: Do you want back clean looting?

Post by Kent Strider »

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Re: Do you want back clean looting?

Post by Monad »

We dont need new topic for this every two week.