3D question

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If 3D was banned, would it make you to:

Play more
Play less
Play the same
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Re: 3D question

Post by Jessica »

Youre talking about "3D ban" alienating "new NA players coz of lag", but I guess most of the new players dont even know about 3d, like people have already stated countless times, you really cannot enjoy playing with it. Therefore "Have-to-use-3d-in-order-to-be-in-balance" is alienating even more - even the old players, who know about it. Of course 3D gives you smooth running, becouse it doesnt seem to care about internet packets, you just warp around in others eyes and have huge advantage becouse of warping. But just imagine "new player" (this is getting absurd) getting raped 150-0 just becouse he didnt know about 3d, or doesnt want to play the game if it looks that ugly.

Edit: the reasoning behind that I stated that this is getting absurd is that everything can be potentially risking the income of new players - but lets be honest: this game is 15 years old and at this point, keeping the current players happy affects more in the online count than the "potential new players lost" which was completely bs anyways.
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Re: 3D question

Post by KaneThun »

what about staff allows 3d only to a few. i mean.. if you want 3d you would have to do some tests with the staff to see if there would be no much advantage of using it and if it was really necessary?
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Re: 3D question

Post by Boris »

Global solution is the only solution.

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Re: 3D question

Post by Zaradon »

KaneThun wrote:what about staff allows 3d only to a few.
Well that wouldn't be a bad idea, however.
And it's not very sure that this can be tracked with a tool of who is using 3D. But yeah, Euros should be jailed for using the faster client for their advantage. But some americans DO run faster on 3D than some Euros on 2D.

So yeah, i'm with Boris. Its either a Yes for all or No for nothing.
Lets wait, to actually see some changes.
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Re: 3D question

Post by Athan01 »

play the same but probably do alot less macroing and alot more actual playing, it would mean I could play in comfort of using my decent stuff without the risk of being run over.
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Re: 3D question

Post by Andoriel »

Jessica wrote:Youre talking about "3D ban" alienating "new NA players coz of lag", but I guess most of the new players dont even know about 3d, like people have already stated countless times, you really cannot enjoy playing with it. Therefore "Have-to-use-3d-in-order-to-be-in-balance" is alienating even more - even the old players, who know about it. Of course 3D gives you smooth running, becouse it doesnt seem to care about internet packets, you just warp around in others eyes and have huge advantage becouse of warping. But just imagine "new player" (this is getting absurd) getting raped 150-0 just becouse he didnt know about 3d, or doesnt want to play the game if it looks that ugly.

Edit: the reasoning behind that I stated that this is getting absurd is that everything can be potentially risking the income of new players - but lets be honest: this game is 15 years old and at this point, keeping the current players happy affects more in the online count than the "potential new players lost" which was completely bs anyways.
They do know about 3d when you actually tell them about it, and when they get it working they use it... Liek i said before 3d was excluded from complete.exe some time ago. That has more to do with staff intervention then 3d itself. The thing is you cannot realy enjoy 2d either with lag either. Ofc you dont experience the lag so you wont know about it.
Fact: Number of NA player decreesed over time due to lag, ones that stayed played mostly due to addiction or lag free 3d.
Fact: Staff allready decided to keep You happy, by you i mean Eu players who doesnt need 3d to run around.
Fact: considering the advances in game graphics, 2d looks ugly as well but most of us are stuck in 2d 1996 rpg era(including me)
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Re: 3D question

Post by Monad »

Andoriel wrote:Fact: Staff allready decided to keep You happy, by you i mean Eu players who doesnt need 3d to run around.
That's pretty bold statement considering the fact that Boris just paid out of his own money the tryout of the dedicated server only to check if it helps the NA players. So, spare the "facts" and go test the dedi server which details are on couns forums and help us out to help you.
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Re: 3D question

Post by Jessica »

Fact: Number of NA player decreesed over time due to lag, ones that stayed played mostly due to addiction or lag free 3d.
Well, people have also left becouse they dont want to play with 3d'ers, becouse it breaks balance completely. I know lag isnt nice, but you can't fuck other people around just becouse you decided to play on shard which locates on another continent than you. Hopefully they find solution for it, but I doubt it, since the distance is so long geometrically. I dont know how much latency does UO 2D client tolerate until it makes you wait for the server packets, but 150+ ping is quite much for any game. Theres a limit how much client can predict.
Fact: Staff allready decided to keep You happy, by you i mean Eu players who doesnt need 3d to run around.
Thats the problem, we cant run around without 3d. Thats why it feels so dick to us. We dont want to play with the client which is ruining the atmosphere, players eyes, but also ruining the game by breaking the mechanics becouse of its speedhack. You can not leave the town / guard protection without 3d nowdays. Even if we used 3d (which like 90% players hate) there are still speed differences, becouse the 3d client isnt optimized at all and its breaking down at several bugs - thus slowing some people down essentially. Europeans don't want you to leave the shard, we actually would want bunch of new guys around here. And you are not forced to leave even when 3d is banned, but there is a certain limit how we can help you, but hell yeah we hope that you can play also. Hopefully miracle happens and everything is fixed, but until then, I would love to play Ultima Online like it was always meant to be and not use some wnb client with bunch of problems.
Fact: considering the advances in game graphics, 2d looks ugly as well but most of us are stuck in 2d 1996 rpg era(including me)
2D is actually quite a beauty, it doesnt go worse with age, becouse the style, the legacy of it. "3D" is just a client with _very_bad_ "3d" animations, style and etc. Its absolutely horrid to look at.
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Re: 3D question

Post by Tyrion »

Monad wrote:
Andoriel wrote:Fact: Staff allready decided to keep You happy, by you i mean Eu players who doesnt need 3d to run around.
That's pretty bold statement considering the fact that Boris just paid out of his own money the tryout of the dedicated server only to check if it helps the NA players. So, spare the "facts" and go test the dedi server which details are on couns forums and help us out to help you.
Don't think he meant it as a slight to Boris. On the dedicated server it might be worth mentioning and/or testing the 3d connection as well since the throughput will be around 100mbts - 1kmbts and most likely EVERYBODY will not have issues with lag, but it needs to be tested and 3d needs to be enabled to do so as well as ending the 2d week on the primary servers.
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Re: 3D question

Post by Zaradon »

Tyrion wrote:3d needs to be enabled

What's the point to enable it if you basically run the same speed on 2D as euros?
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