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Re: Should Pang Have a Power hour?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:43 pm
by Quintoz
Houston I've send 6 off them..
No reply, no indecation that there would acculy be an event made from that.

All it has given me was a WACK version off what I wanted to see :).

Re: Should Pang Have a Power hour?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:45 pm
by Houston
I havent sent a single one of them yet, but im planning to do it...

Re: Should Pang Have a Power hour?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:53 pm
by Sherrod
I already filled the app with an awsome quest which I had been planning for 5-6 months beforehand.

Re: Should Pang Have a Power hour?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 5:05 pm
by Dyne
I do not think im a casual player.


And I also agree a Quest from time to time would be nice! :mrgreen:

Re: Should Pang Have a Power hour?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:10 pm
by Kent Strider
These days I just don't see how powergaming would help anything, almost everyone these days has a heightened character, it isn't anything special, it would NOT increase player to player relations, people would just be AFK macroing in that time frame.

Re: Should Pang Have a Power hour?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:15 pm
by Ivan
10x gain rates and 10x loot for 1 hour :E then i would come for a hour to get my resist max :D

Re: Should Pang Have a Power hour?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:35 pm
by Biggy
Would only increase activity and rp if we all got fenced in Brit bank area as soon as you log on, have 1 hour of fast gain rates no rules apply to what you train as long as it's below dragon if you need to train anything so basically just vet ain't?. Then gm will pop up to say go do this dungeon at the end that's your quest! Easy

edit: there should be portals to stables and vendors wich are also blocked off.

x2 gain weekly pref Thursday as it's the start of the weekend everywhere really will bring in people who only play fri sat sun.

Brit bank will become crowded again. gm can check for "dodgy" characters/accounts.

No pvp during that hour and no argueing just pure rp chat. ( will help ghost who have problems with rp)

weekly times for merchants to sell ig (seperate area though a portal at bank)


no acess to house so plan ahead (bank box!)

log out to switch will mean you loose the ammount of time it takes to relog outside of quick log areas

Re: Should Pang Have a Power hour?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:42 am
by Maximilian Lhoth
People will use this for Resisting Spells training. Not talking at Brit Bank spamming song of decay.

Re: Should Pang Have a Power hour?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:57 am
by Dyne
yea people will use this to macro and train.............
What are you all goofy? people will macro to train ANYWAY
What u think that they are gona max out there chars and not play? ... There is no way to stop it, HERE IS MY POINT.
Ya it might make MORE people do it, but isnt that what we want?
More people training skills = more players, bigger player base and guess what? That may open the door to BETTER PVP, if we get a lager player base they may loosen the rope on the looting rules!!!
since people log on an hour a day get their skills better, once they max they may think they are good to go and get cocky and think they are big and bad and head out to to hunt and pvp!! But as u and i know macroing and playing are 2 different things!
I know this seems like a whine but by grumish give me some crackers and cheese since if you think it is. i am just pointing out what everyone knows and feels. training one skill for hours and hours until you max it is just boring and makes people not want to play.
Thats just the way it is.

Re: Should Pang Have a Power hour?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:48 am
by Akkarrin
i would love it but i think we'd all invade ice to abuse water elementals...