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Re: Clean looting?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:02 pm
by KaneThun
I think its a clearly yes.
1º- Imo there is no sence everyone walking around in indys and as everyone just need one indy of each tipe its bad for the pangaea economic.
2º- Merchants would need to hire someone to protect them so they can mine (in smith case). Its good for RP.
3º- Whats rp reason for not loot fancy clothes? Irl if you get robbed and they think your clothes are fancy they sure will take them (LOL) :D
4º- If you wanted to walk with indys you would need to walk in a group (cuz of robbers) which again its good for RP.
5º- Its extra work for GMS to get complained all the time when they could get busy with some more important stuff

Ps- i have no robber but i think the actually rules makes no sence.

Re: Clean looting?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:10 pm
by Aznar
If it was scriptable, i'd go for the following:

Every time when a player kills another player, the corpse can only be opened by the killer or the victim itself.
The killer can take a fixed number (let's say 5) of items of his choice from the corpse.
After that, any item he tries to take out is blocked, or the corpse can't be 'opened' anymore by him.
If anyone else tries to loot the corpse, a gump appears for the victim where he can say 'yes i will allow this person to loot my corpse' or 'no way, that person can't touch my stuff!' so that he can still allow friends to loot his gear for him, for example in mid-battle.

I think this would make PvP fairer for everyone. People wouldn't immediately lose everything they had with them then and the looters will have to be quick to loot the stuff they really want before friends of the victim arrive to chase the looter away. The victim would still have to be careful venturing anywhere alone, afraid of being robbed, because the 5 items he would lose if he got killed in PvP might just be his most valuable items.

Re: Clean looting?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:18 pm
by Bruce
The thing is dude, say you get robbed by a group of people?... that pretty much drylooting... still no from me then...
KaneThun wrote:I think its a clearly yes.
1º- Imo there is no sence everyone walking around in indys and as everyone just need one indy of each tipe its bad for the pangaea economic.
2º- Merchants would need to hire someone to protect them so they can mine (in smith case). Its good for RP.
3º- Whats rp reason for not loot fancy clothes? Irl if you get robbed and they think your clothes are fancy they sure will take them (LOL) :D
4º- If you wanted to walk with indys you would need to walk in a group (cuz of robbers) which again its good for RP.
5º- Its extra work for GMS to get complained all the time when they could get busy with some more important stuff

Ps- i have no robber but i think the actually rules makes no sence.
Yeah it might have a RP factor but its still the same.. as I said before there are some people who just play UO and may get attached to their gear... also say I robbed you everytime I saw you... and drylooted on each time.. not only that I did the same to your mates... you would be more then pissed..

Re: Clean looting?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:19 pm
by Edward Sinclair
Everything except magic clothes. In other words craftables should be lootable including potions, armour, jewels- but clothes no (not player crafted).
Merchants would need to hire someone to protect them so they can mine (in smith case).
They're already forced to with the current vein guardians.
Irl if you get robbed and they think your clothes are fancy they sure will take them (LOL) :D
We can extend your analogy further: IRL people don't RP an attack, they just attack you on sight and *yoink* your belongings. Not just that, they'd take your credit card, rinse your bank account of money and defile/rob your house dry of anything valuable!
If you wanted to walk with indys you would need to walk in a group (cuz of robbers) which again its good for RP.
With or without indies, if you're wearing auropian armour you will still need a group of people to protect you. Chances are, if you're wearing indies, you're going to be wearing expensive armour to go with it too.
Ps- i have no robber but i think the actually rules makes no sence.
Unless I'm mistaken, you were caught robbing with your mage alt a couple of years ago. Typically, robbers who have been inactive for a few years and have started playing again (i.e a few weeks ago) usually start robbing again :P

Edit (responding to Aznar's post): I kinda agree with you here, but I think the exception to the looting rule should be clothes- just my opinion though, nothing more.

Re: Clean looting?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:21 pm
by Boris
We did talk about a "5 items system" some months ago, but there are tons of disadvantages in that scriptwise. Basicly if you die to a monster and your friends comes to loot you, then he could take only those 5 items aswell and so forth. Being robbed by a group can be restricted, i.e. only the one who gave the last blow can loot.

What are your feelings on insurance systems? Just for clothes.

- Boris

Re: Clean looting?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:37 pm
by Kent Strider
Theres two types of looting as I know it as is, the one where you ask permission and then gain access to the corpse, and the one where you kill the guy so you get to loot him. Why couldn't the permission gump loot still allow you to loot the body dry, and the one where you kill the guy be restricted to 5 items...Or is that not possible?

Re: Clean looting?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:41 pm
by Aznar
Boris wrote:We did talk about a "5 items system" some months ago, but there are tons of disadvantages in that scriptwise. Basicly if you die to a monster and your friends comes to loot you, then he could take only those 5 items aswell and so forth. Being robbed by a group can be restricted, i.e. only the one who gave the last blow can loot.

What are your feelings on insurance systems? Just for clothes.

- Boris
Insurance system, sure. But make it expensive as hell. Also if you start a system like this, imo (part of) the insurance fee should be tranferred to the bank of the killer.

The idea is that the script could determine if a person got killed by a monster or a player. If it's a mob, regular looting rules apply but if it's a player (aka in PvP) then the 5 item rule would be active.
And if the victim allows others to loot his corpse, the allowed ones can 'dryloot' it and aren't restricted to the 5 item rule.

Like I said, I don't really know how hard it is to script all this in POL. I only know a bit of RunUO scripting myself.

Re: Clean looting?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:43 pm
by Boris
Boris wrote:What are your feelings on insurance systems? Just for clothes.

- Boris
Was asked on ICQ, so I'll explain here for all.

We would have no rules for looting, but you could insure (newbify) your magical clothing. The price would be sky-high (i.e. 300k a piece). Because the price would be high, people would not insure clothes cheaper than the insurance, wich would make sure there still was a game for lower magical clothing.

- Clean looting -> more market for merchants.
- You won't loose your indies if you newbify them.
- We'll suck the players dry of gold.

- You won't loose your indies if you newbify them.


3 vs. 1!

Kent Strider wrote:Theres two types of looting as I know it as is, the one where you ask permission and then gain access to the corpse, and the one where you kill the guy so you get to loot him. Why couldn't the permission gump loot still allow you to loot the body dry, and the one where you kill the guy be restricted to 5 items...Or is that not possible?
It's quite a hussle script-wise. Surely Wille can look more in to it, but massive stuff.

- Boris

Re: Clean looting?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:46 pm
by Aznar
Also if you're seriously considering an insurance system, I think people would have to renew the insurance for all items they had insured every time they die in PvP.

Re: Clean looting?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:51 pm
by Boris
Aznar wrote:Also if you're seriously considering an insurance system, I think people would have to renew the insurance for all items they had insured every time they die in PvP.
Well... not really considering, just threw it out there. Newbifying stuff is always a bad idea.

We'll continue about the scripted, limited looting, on GM boards. Others may continue with the clean looting discussion.

- Boris