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Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:36 pm
by Zaradon
Darion al'Ferran wrote:Bring DOOM back, oh wait what?!

Rofl i was actually about to make poll on this one anytime soon ;>

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:45 pm
by Glarundis
we also need a poll like "when was the last time you ever lost anything in pvm because you all died?" then we'll know we need doom :P

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:20 am
by Andoriel
Monad wrote: It's like when you were kid you wanted everyday to be a candyday, but parents said no for your own sake, not because they wanted to be assholes. Same thing with dungeons, it would seem like lot of fun if dungeons were filled only with monsters which drop nice loot, but it wouldn't be healthy for the shard. Someone needs to think the bigger picture and that's why we are staff and do not so nice things sometimes for your own sake.
Its not that I have problems with traps, its that your definetly overdoing the annoying aspect and caring very little about providing players fun factor:) If dungeons become too uhhh "gotten sikilmis" to even bother people will start robing or merchant macroing. Hows that any good for ze shard
Read my post on 2 dungeon flaws I spoted then we'll speak again if you desire. Destard one is actualy very fixable. All you have to do is: in order to get to level 3 you need to click on a swich which will spawn drakes and greys in level 1. and the swich should only be usable every uhh 3-4 hours or whatever the regular spawn rate is. Door stays open untill that time is up :)
The cloud dungeon one is just does not make sence in anyway. Either remove those ophidians or just get rid of the door. I can deal with 5 lich lords/bloodlich same time but 40 ophidian is a no go

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:49 am
by Monad
Andoriel wrote:
Monad wrote: It's like when you were kid you wanted everyday to be a candyday, but parents said no for your own sake, not because they wanted to be assholes. Same thing with dungeons, it would seem like lot of fun if dungeons were filled only with monsters which drop nice loot, but it wouldn't be healthy for the shard. Someone needs to think the bigger picture and that's why we are staff and do not so nice things sometimes for your own sake.
Its not that I have problems with traps, its that your definetly overdoing the annoying aspect and caring very little about providing players fun factor:) If dungeons become too uhhh "gotten sikilmis" to even bother people will start robing or merchant macroing. Hows that any good for ze shard
Read my post on 2 dungeon flaws I spoted then we'll speak again if you desire. Destard one is actualy very fixable. All you have to do is: in order to get to level 3 you need to click on a swich which will spawn drakes and greys in level 1. and the swich should only be usable every uhh 3-4 hours or whatever the regular spawn rate is. Door stays open untill that time is up :)
The cloud dungeon one is just does not make sence in anyway. Either remove those ophidians or just get rid of the door. I can deal with 5 lich lords/bloodlich same time but 40 ophidian is a no go
We see many different players and groups hunting in Destard almost everyday. It's just one or two individuals who keep complaining how shitty it is.
For me that tells more about the attitude/laziness of the few individuals than the dungeon being shitty or needing repair.

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:25 am
by Darian Darkmind
I'm sure some people are hunting destard, but that doesn't mean it's good.

We cleared destard some days ago and to be honest, I was surprised how bad it had gone. Only one ancient, few greaters and dozens of greys. Those combined with tons of drakes and small stuff. The drakes and their respawn rate won't really bother me, but what did annoy was the fact there was only one ancient, one royal and 3 greats. There should definately be more dragons in the last levels. The huge room should be filled with drakes. The surroundings of the huge room with greys, the shrine part should be filled with greats. Second level should be royals and venomous dragons. Plenty of them forcing us to lure them back to level one making it harder. The last level should have multiple ancients, 3-4 forcing us, again, to lure them to the level one.

Destard fix is easy. More better dragons like stated above, but in change force everyone to clear the whole dungeon as in add a lever to the shrine which will open the second level. At the end of second level is another lever which will unlock the third level. That way you can't just clear the big part and then lure ancients there, but you are forced to clear the whole dungeon.

Also, about the hard-factor. Killing ancients has always been hard by itself. A small lag spike and you're dead. That plus having to lure them one by one makes it even harder. Also to get to them you have to empty the other parts of the dungeon first.

That's how I'd fix destard. Other dungeons are a bit harder to fix due to them being "larger". ThPerhaps each level of a dungeon should have a "lesser-boss" monster - equal to LOTAs or Cacodaemons - that somehow is part of the RP-story of the dungeon. And at the end of a dungeon, even if there's a void or a balron, there is a choice to spawn the dungeon boss itself if you dare to fight him - harder than a balron. For example in Deceit there's these RP books about obhidians and their leader "Scales". The books also tell that repeating his name at the skulls will force him to show himself. However, nothing happens no matter how much you spam his name at any skull. These would add in some RP, challenge as well as some extra loot and reward of course.

Also, bring doom back!

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:04 am
by Boris
It's quite clear that we're limiting the loot on purpose. For example there's only two monsters in the world, that drop auros. It's a planned thing. Ofcourse, if you want more high-end mobs in the world, we can do that, but then we need to change/downgrade the loot.

Two years ago everyone had auro sets, indy suits and 50 piety. The same thing applies today aswell, but it's much rarer. One year from now, hopefully even more.

- Boris

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:18 am
by Darian Darkmind
Boris wrote:It's quite clear that we're limiting the loot on purpose. For example there's only two monsters in the world, that drop auros. It's a planned thing. Ofcourse, if you want more high-end mobs in the world, we can do that, but then we need to change/downgrade the loot.

Two years ago everyone had auro sets, indy suits and 50 piety. The same thing applies today aswell, but it's much rarer. One year from now, hopefully even more.

- Boris
Making it rarer by nerfing monsters and loot is NOT the right way to go. It will just make hunting less fun, painful, frustrating - people won't do it and stop playing. You're desperately trying to keep things in control by making it worse every day.

There must be, and there is other ways to fix the problem with auros and indys, such as robbing or items breaking faster. Or any other way to lose items - such as hard monsters killing you, looting you. Two years ago you had this problem, I just wonder why wasn't there a problem before Alteran took over? There was shitloads of more activity, lots of more monsters and people hunting... there was a lot more items than there are now, yet, still the indys were sold for high price as were d'skulls and auros. The only difference was full looting as well as higher activity.

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:25 am
by Monad
Darian Darkmind wrote: I just wonder why wasn't there a problem before Alteran took over?
Because there had just been itemwipe. You must have very bad memory if you dont remember all the complain before the itemwipe about how everyone has everything and there's no point hunting anymore.

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:35 am
by Boris
"Gold&gems" came with a price of ruining the market. We're still recovering from it.

- Boris

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:50 am
by Darian Darkmind
Monad wrote:
Darian Darkmind wrote: I just wonder why wasn't there a problem before Alteran took over?
Because there had just been itemwipe. You must have very bad memory if you dont remember all the complain before the itemwipe about how everyone has everything and there's no point hunting anymore.
We had everything, thousands of each ores, elite d'skull sets etc. and still we hunted actively before the itemwipe. As did many else. It wasn't because of the items we hunted, but because it was fun. Also, all the ores and items still sold for a lot of gold - more than they do now. I'm not saying hunting is completely unenjoyable at the moment as long as you hunt with your good friends, but it sure was a lot more fun back then. Not to mention the fact that every now and then you bumped into a giant king, a silver fiend, an emerald or glacial dragon which were insanely hard to kill, so hard that after few hours even we sometimes fell to desperation and gave up. However, even if it took 3-4 hours and multiple deaths to kill one monster the reward afterwards was worth the whole dungeon - not to mention the feeling you had to defeat something so hard. This is why I'd like to see the champions spawns implemented asap.

The bottom line is that this is a game. As a game it is supposed to be enjoyable above anything else. If hunting is boosted we can easily add in full-loot to compensate for it, finally bringing Pangaea back to its former glory.