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Re: Did you start here alone?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:47 am
by Arden Darkfall
Cirius Do'Brim wrote:I started here as well with friends, but I think it took at least 3-4 months until I actually started to play. I still remember owning a quality studded cap from nightmare hide and it was the shizzle. It was my precious, the best and most important item in the game... until one day scumbag Tekstone plagued Britain and I lost it. Back then plague was more chaotic than nowadays, not because it may of been stronger or because guards spread it - but because bearers looted your corpse. If bearers looted your corpse, you knew that you would never see that gear again.
Plague was way more chaotic back then because it quickly overran a city like Britain. There were always a bunch of new players running around the city, others just macroing or spending time in the bank, guards dropped bearers so you suddenly had dozens and dozens of bearers inside the city, specially between the Inn and the newbie gate = chaos. Nowadays Britain, like any other city, is a ghost town where the occasional home owner logs in and rushes off from.

Besides, chars that could actually heal plague were much rarer. Bards? Once in a blue moon. Priests were few compared to today, and even so, with much less piety. Plague was actually effective because not only it spreaded faster as it was slower to clean up.

Was super fun though.

Re: Did you start here alone?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:57 am
by Cirius Do'Brim
I never really cared much about plague being faster or harder or slower to cure... it was just that looting part combined with a player base of 100+ players. If you couldn't cure yourself and there was no one who could help you out, you needed to go to a private place / remote location, die there, get ressed, gear up and hopefully kill the plague. Many times you could die again due to being infecnted and suddenly there was 2 sets of gear waiting to be looted. When the player base was a bigger, those were the best years for ninja looting after all.

Re: Did you start here alone?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:19 pm
by Raphael
Started here around 2004-2005, Was at my cousins house (Stridor) and his friend from his school was there also(Valentino) and the addiction started from there, where me(Crix Wood) my bro( Hafiar Zen) and other cousin (Criptor) started and was noobs. I was a priest for a long time and in Inner Circle, I got laughed at for so long but i didnt know why they was laughing, little did I know priest belonged to Religions.

Returned last year around july where me and Sienna basically had 0. Alot easier starting when you already know how the shard and game works though.

Re: Did you start here alone?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:47 pm
by Darian Darkmind
Arden Darkfall wrote:
Cirius Do'Brim wrote:I started here as well with friends, but I think it took at least 3-4 months until I actually started to play. I still remember owning a quality studded cap from nightmare hide and it was the shizzle. It was my precious, the best and most important item in the game... until one day scumbag Tekstone plagued Britain and I lost it. Back then plague was more chaotic than nowadays, not because it may of been stronger or because guards spread it - but because bearers looted your corpse. If bearers looted your corpse, you knew that you would never see that gear again.
Plague was way more chaotic back then because it quickly overran a city like Britain. There were always a bunch of new players running around the city, others just macroing or spending time in the bank, guards dropped bearers so you suddenly had dozens and dozens of bearers inside the city, specially between the Inn and the newbie gate = chaos. Nowadays Britain, like any other city, is a ghost town where the occasional home owner logs in and rushes off from.

Besides, chars that could actually heal plague were much rarer. Bards? Once in a blue moon. Priests were few compared to today, and even so, with much less piety. Plague was actually effective because not only it spreaded faster as it was slower to clean up.

Was super fun though.
Oh yes, I remember those days.

It was fun to go to the graveyard when you had newbies lining up, screaming "Do me! Do me!" (talking of plague). They basically did your work for you. Even though area plague was never used due to perm. strength drop, plaguing was a lot easier. Mainly because guards dropped plague bearers and plague bearers infected with EVERY HIT. That meant when a guard died, he spawned three bearers. When nearby guards attacked those, even when they killed them easily, they got infected immediately. When the guards were dead, we walked through the town casting ghouls (no cooldown or no limit other than amount of corpses back then). Ghouls were also a lot stronger back then and 6-9 ghouls were able to take out a guard.

Oh and yes, I remember the times when I wasn't in Tekstone. When plague was something you really wanted to run from, yet your curiosity always won and instead you stayed and tried to avoid it the best you could. Eventually you always got infected and died but it was often worth it, because like Cirre said they looted your corpse and back then you were able to open any non-player corpse with no cool-down so you often found a lot of items from the dead bearers.

Damn those were fun times. True chaotic, yet amazingly fun times to be on both sides. First receving and later giving (again, talking of plague)

Re: Did you start here alone?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:00 pm
by Darian Darkmind
Athan01 wrote:
Darian Darkmind wrote: dazzling spear of vanquishing. Back then gear like that was insanely good and expensive. My first reaction was of course that I'm rich, but I decided it might benefit me more on the long run to be in good terms with the Cabals. I returned all the gear and they were pretty surprised for it. After that I gained quite many friends and immunity to robbers. Which both benefit me quite a lot.
I had a similar experience except they didn't stop killing me after I returned his tidy spear :evil: SoD & CotN were a pain in my ass. It was a blinding spear of power

I started on JE in about 2000-2001 when I saw one of my brothers play it. That shard got destroyed due to a timewarp and pangaea was born shortly after where we both started off as newbies about 6 months after the shard began.
After one itemwipe x amount (5-6?) of years ago kuro saved my ass by giving me some half decent gear to hunt with
You're gonna love this Athan:

The amazing, famous Jamie in his silver plates, spear and blue honesty cloak was my idol during my first weeks of Pangaea. I mean, he simply looked so cool and awesome at the bank and I always thought he must be a bad-ass. Little did I know he was a newbie always in trouble. :D

Re: Did you start here alone?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:04 pm
by Lily Shiar
Started when Darian Darkmind gave this game for me at school. So I really don't have to search far to find one to blame - ruining my school.

It was cool time when everything was new, and Crowley owned all with his jester hat and black staff by only yelling Veritas. Plague was awesome back there, it really should be like that today.

Re: Did you start here alone?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:22 pm
by Darian Darkmind
Now I'm feeling nostalgic and gonna share a few more stories.

Gather around boys and girls. Stay a while and listen!

I remember Tellvos (Athans little brother), a druid whom I teamed up after we realized how awesome tamed drakes were. Back then they cost 80-100k each so we gathered a lot of money and bought three. I was a knight able to use one and Tellvos a druid with two. Back then every graveyard except Britain's had a bloodlich or a lichlord. Also, back then bloodliches had about 30% chance to drop a cloth which most most often a fortified one with an average chance to indy. Three drakes were able to kill a lich very easily especially since you were able to heal them with spells, bandages and rites. We made a lot of fortified and indy clothes in a few weeks before Stormillian Frost began stealing our liches. He recalled from one graveyard to the next with his grey dragon and killed the lich in two seconds.

If drakes were good, dragons were amazing. I heard how his dragon was supposed to be one of the very few tamed dragons and how it was able to kill grey dragons in destard. Little did I know that was bullshit and quite many people had even royal dragons hidden away, which were able to pretty much clear whole destard beside ancient dragon - especially if you were healing it.

Speaking of royal dragon, that reminds me of a story when I almost cheated 3.000.000 gold from Raven Darkblade. I had never scammed, robbed or cheated anyone in the game yet, but then me and Korec came up with a plan. Everyone knew Korec had a royal dragon, but he almost never hunted because he preferred robbing. I also wasn't close friends with him, in fact he was robbing me quite regularly so we made a scheme. I made a RP post of how I killed Korec and how he had forgotten the royal dragon deed in his backpack. Korec replied swearing that SoD will kill anyone even attempting to buy the dragon. Raven Darkblade of course cared little for Korec's petty threats and offered me a solid 3 million gold. We made the deal and when he went to the stable-master, the royal dragon was a llama - or a llolo. After that Repsak appeared, the trade was cancelled and the pet deeds were changed to show which animal it is. I agree, it was pretty lame. :D

Hmm. What else...

I remember selling my D'rock plate set to Esa (Lily Shiar) for a kebab. Mmm, definitely the best deal yet in my Pangaea career.

Re: Did you start here alone?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:46 pm
by Lily Shiar
Darian Darkmind wrote:I remember selling my D'rock plate set to Esa (Lily Shiar) for a kebab. Mmm, definitely the best deal yet in my Pangaea career.
lol yeah :D Sad side of this story is that I lost that gear two days after when Korec and boys robbed me. I was so pissed next day in school that I demanded Darian to buy kebab for me because I lost those so fast.

Re: Did you start here alone?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:46 pm
by Arden Darkfall
Darian Darkmind wrote:I remember selling my D'rock plate set to Esa (Lily Shiar) for a kebab. Mmm, definitely the best deal yet in my Pangaea career.
Shard rule infraction right there, kids. Don't try this at home! 8-)

Re: Did you start here alone?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:51 pm
by Quintoz
Arden Darkfall wrote:
Darian Darkmind wrote:I remember selling my D'rock plate set to Esa (Lily Shiar) for a kebab. Mmm, definitely the best deal yet in my Pangaea career.
Shard rule infraction right there, kids. Don't try this at home! 8-)
Except that rule was made a year ago or so :)