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Re: Looting restriction by script

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:46 am
by Jessica
Biggs wrote:
Biggs wrote: the day dry looting or cloth looting comes back in i'll take a month off for everyone to whine at gm's how they are getting raped everyday and no one is answering .mayday.
is this the idea also? many of law are still starting up and training, dry/cloth looting rite now would effect them too much, many will probly shrug of the dirt and carry on but some leave. we had this problem with imperial many years ago in malas but many stuck with it gritted our teeth and faught an impossible battle to win, this was a everyday thing at ag house east entrance to the city. law - tek - ag vs imps - imps gaurds
So the economy is already that bad, that starting up people who are still training are running around in indys? This change would NEVER take anything from newbies, since they dont actually HAVE the magical clothing. Answering the .mayday might need for you to store all the precious things before going after. Its not like you would go fight with auropeans either.

Re: Looting restriction by script

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:55 am
by Boris
Vaux27 wrote:If cloths are looted, will they appear on mobs at least by a small pecentage of increase? We already have a severe lack of high end ores not being used in pvp because of low/moderate vein locations. Just wondering where is the gain from the victims since we would lose valuables?
If people would actually go around the world, they might just find new veins and monsters, that drop magical clothing with a higher %.
Jessica wrote:So the economy is already that bad, that starting up people who are still training are running around in indys? This change would NEVER take anything from newbies, since they dont actually HAVE the magical clothing.
Good point.

I'd also like to point out, that rich people would still have the possibility to use full sets of indies... but for the cost of over a million a month? That'll hurt.

- Boris

Re: Looting restriction by script

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:40 pm
by KaneThun
I guess the idea here is people to want more than just one indy of each.
Myself itemwipe i had 3 mining clothes with my smith so in case of robbery i would have more.
I'd also like to point out, that rich people would still have the possibility to use full sets of indies... but for the cost of over a million a month? That'll hurt.

The point is people will just insurance one maybe two clothes. So they can still walk with lets say indy mace and tatics, and use massives of anatomy and healing. We want lesser clothes to be used this is a fine solution.
And lets say people go on vacations one month, or they want to use some other noob char. In this case they wont waste any million at all.

Re: Looting restriction by script

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:48 pm
by Darian Darkmind
Those of you who are afraid to lose their indy clothes. Don't use them in PvP or if you're hunting alone. Sure you can be robbed even when you're group-hunting but at least if you run you have a higher chance of surviving... as long as you run faster than the guy next to you.

Why should the chance to get magic clothes be increased? Never was a problem before.

Also those who say they would rage-quit. Think about this. We robbed Neal, a Nature priest, and an hour later he hits 4.000.000 to our hands to get his items back. A week later we robbed him again. Yet, it never stopped him from playing and buying his items back... not to mention even help us with other characters, help our other characters and be friendly to us as players. It was nothing personal and he knew it... can't speak from his behalf, but at least I hope that in the long run he had fun just like we did.

Re: Looting restriction by script

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:36 pm
by Biao
Does neal still plays darian ?
From the order of nature i havenĀ“t seen anyone yet of my time O.o

Re: Looting restriction by script

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:58 pm
by Aileth
Darian Darkmind wrote:Also those who say they would rage-quit. Think about this. We robbed Neal, a Nature priest, and an hour later he hits 4.000.000 to our hands to get his items back. A week later we robbed him again. Yet, it never stopped him from playing and buying his items back... not to mention even help us with other characters, help our other characters and be friendly to us as players. It was nothing personal and he knew it... can't speak from his behalf, but at least I hope that in the long run he had fun just like we did.
I have given some thought to it and would like to share my experience and why there's 50% on the "no" for the full looting.

Some years back, robbers had a different approach:
I don't remember seeing them drylooting a player with lousy armor and weapon, sometimes no steed, unless he did something to deserve it, in other words, they were selective about who they robbed and considered to dryloot or not, case to case.
I got robbed a few times, some I managed to escape, some didn't and only once did I get drylooted. They took what they needed or what had value.
In PvP situations I remember they always got drylooted, but even so it had some thinking into that (preventing from the enemy attacking you again, weaken the enemies, whatever reason).

From recent experience, even with the looting rules, robbers manage to screw you up in any way they can, taking the rules to the limits of literal, just to ensure they don't get problems with GMs.
It can be called the asshole rule or whatever you want to name it, but there is no selection on the victims, and if full looting was allowed I believe some would dryloot just to trash it right after or store away in some house never to use them again.

The last kind of robbers are tainting the image of all the robbers and some feel the need to speak for themselves.
It seems at some point robbing got way out of control and any measure taken now will affect every kind of robber.

This is only my personal experience and it might be completely wrong because everyone has a different interpretation about certain things.

Re: Looting restriction by script

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:13 pm
by Kent Strider
Aileth is completely right about the reasons.

Re: Looting restriction by script

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:52 pm
by KaneThun
You know when you get robbed you can avoid the pvp? Just give what robbers ask. In that way you will not loose everything and you will not die.
And i dont think the robbers that are around nowdays loot everyting they can...

Re: Looting restriction by script

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:35 pm
by Palma
Give each player a Blessed box that can store only gems, regs, foci, etc. whatever you dont want to see looted.

Then give the player the ability of "binding" himself to one and only one item whatever that item is, can be cloth, can be weapon, chest armor piece, whatever! just not a bag of course.

And there you go, it's by script and you don't have to worry anymore. Whatever you don't want players to loot from each other, let the box hold that kind of item. Whatever the box can't hold and the player ain't "binded" to, is loot.

Re: Looting restriction by script

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:51 pm
by Boris
Thanks for your points. The staff will continue at GM boards.

- Boris