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Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:16 pm
by Xerxes
On a different shard they didnt had clothes, but they used jewels.
In a small timespan the same problem occured, the better jewels (blacksmith, mining and such) dropped from a value of 5 million down to 250.000.

What they did to balance it was using charges, and the ability of recharging.

For instance: you use +10 blacksmith jewel with 500 charges, if you make a weapon (whilst wearing the jewel) you lost 1 charge. Once the 500 charges were gone, the jewel dissappeared.

You could recharge the jewel with another jewel of the same category: Blacksmith for Blacksmithy charges and such.
That way you have a limited enviroment, and the 'lesser' jewels would be bought and used to recharge the +10.

Do note:
+2 = 50 base charges or adding 20 charges
+4 = 125 base charges or adding 40 charges
+6 = 250 base charges or adding 60 charges
+8 = 400 base charges or adding 80 charges

We be a similar system for clothes be any good here?