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Re: Instakill

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:50 am
by Darian Darkmind
Boris wrote:It's easy to create a 150dmg cap for any spell or rite.

That's a viable option instead of targeting one spell.

- Bori
I suggested a cap so that people with above 150 HPs cannot be instakilled since they are supposed to be very strong. However, instead of capping it to 150, I'd add the HP-1 cap if above 150 HPs. This means that a barbarian with 220 strength and can still take up to 219 points of damage, but if he is in full health he won't die without an extra hit. However, if he has already been hit once even for 10 damage a necromancer's kill or Law's solitude can end his day.

Quite frankly, even if Vaux is right and this would be a boost to priests, knights, warriors and barbarians it also makes sense because its stupid to see a fully blessed, insanely strong barbarian drop with a single hit. Dropping a 110 HP assassin is still understandable because you know you're weak. Although there's a balance problem right here since those classes with lower health and armor should actually have higher DPS then those with high armor and health. Currently it's the strongest class armor and HP-wise that also has the highest DPS. But balancing and boosting the low survivability classes is a story for another topic.

Re: Instakill

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:49 am
by Masano
I think a damage cap of 150 should be added for all rites and spells (including solitude). Instakills just ruin things, its annoying to have a well trained character with good equipment and decent knowledge of PvP yet still can just be killed in one hit whether its by solitude/kill/sacrifice.

For me getting instakilled by a single melee hit isnt anwyhere near as annoying. It rarely happens and if it does I think 'Wtf, what a shot' and probably congratulate the bastard over ICQ whereas if its Kill/Sacrfice its more like 'Not this bullshit again' -_-.

Re: Instakill

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:10 am
by Darion al'Ferran
Masano wrote:I think a damage cap of 150 should be added for all rites and spells (including solitude). Instakills just ruin things, its annoying to have a well trained character with good equipment and decent knowledge of PvP yet still can just be killed in one hit whether its by solitude/kill/sacrifice.

For me getting instakilled by a single melee hit isnt anwyhere near as annoying. It rarely happens and if it does I think 'Wtf, what a shot' and probably congratulate the bastard over ICQ whereas if its Kill/Sacrfice its more like 'Not this bullshit again' -_-.
Quoted for the truth. +1

Re: Instakill

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:51 am
by Darian Darkmind
Darion al'Ferran wrote:
Masano wrote:I think a damage cap of 150 should be added for all rites and spells (including solitude). Instakills just ruin things, its annoying to have a well trained character with good equipment and decent knowledge of PvP yet still can just be killed in one hit whether its by solitude/kill/sacrifice.

For me getting instakilled by a single melee hit isnt anwyhere near as annoying. It rarely happens and if it does I think 'Wtf, what a shot' and probably congratulate the bastard over ICQ whereas if its Kill/Sacrfice its more like 'Not this bullshit again' -_-.
Quoted for the truth. +1
+1 from me as well

Re: Instakill

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:16 am
by xHarlequinx
Darian Darkmind wrote:
Darion al'Ferran wrote:
Masano wrote:I think a damage cap of 150 should be added for all rites and spells (including solitude). Instakills just ruin things, its annoying to have a well trained character with good equipment and decent knowledge of PvP yet still can just be killed in one hit whether its by solitude/kill/sacrifice.

For me getting instakilled by a single melee hit isnt anwyhere near as annoying. It rarely happens and if it does I think 'Wtf, what a shot' and probably congratulate the bastard over ICQ whereas if its Kill/Sacrfice its more like 'Not this bullshit again' -_-.
Quoted for the truth. +1
+1 from me as well

Re: Instakill

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:32 am
by Darian Darkmind
Kill could be changed to be unreflectable. However, instead of the small chance of insta-killing your opponent, it has a small chance of doing 150 points of damage. In average its damage could be something like 70-90. This will still make the spell very good and useful, because with 150 damage you can still kill the weaker players (Who normally don't even have magic reflection or high resistance so no difference there) and seriously hurt the stronger ones (Who can take the hit). It's like a succesful double-kalva.

Sacrifice could have max 150 damage for the the people standing right next to the explosion and reduced by 30 damage for each additional tile. However, it could be used on summoned daemons and won't harm own guild members, religion members or allies. Take some, give some.

I believe these changes would fix the insta-kill problem without completely nerfing necromancers.

Right now necromancers are all about insta-killing. If they fail to insta-kill, they try again until succesful. These changes would make necromancers more solid on the battlefield by being able to always do average and good damage.

Re: Instakill

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:08 pm
by Glarundis
yeah right
and i want song of demolition to be played without hurting my party too

Re: Instakill

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:52 am
by Zaradon
Glarundis wrote:yeah right
and i want song of demolition to be played without hurting my party too

This kind of issue should be opened in a new thread.
There are spells, rites, songs that are damaging yourself and your guild/religion/allies which just isn't right.

But lets stick on topic.

Re: Instakill

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:45 pm
by Elwood McCormick
Personally i believe that the insta kills take all the fun away from PvP. This was meant to be a RP shard, and roleplay kinda dies when everyone runs back and forth scared of getting instakilled.

My 2 PvP experiences on the shard were necros attacking Britain, both times was the same story. Law hiding inside city, group hugging and casting buffs....Reds coming in town running with their pets. Both sides run away when they see each other, why? Well they both know the first guy to click wins.

Then when i roleplay my character and go out to fight, i get instakilled....go back inside town.....Law guys see me and say: Dude we told you not to get out there! what part of stay inside dont you understand?

Wich is like saying: Dude what the fuck are you doing roleplaying? Stay inside city and metagame like the rest of us!

(No offense to anyone, that's just how the shard works i guess.)

Re: Instakill

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:58 pm
by Jyrgen
The part I fail to understand is how it's metagaming if you stay inside city if it's not safe to go out of the city.