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Why do you hunt?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:02 pm
by Jessica
Simple question, why do you want to hunt?

At the moment im kinda wondering why people do hunt, especially after seeing top tier clothes like indy blacksmithy / mining go for so cheap that it does feel BAD when I look at those sales at forums.

That lead to me thinking about that people hunt nowdays for fun, but after examining the dungeons in my mind, I don't see them that fun either - might be becouse of my excessive hunting before account wipe. In my opinion the problem of dungeons and whole pangaea as a shard is that there isnt funny / good mid game. You either hunt easy money at despise, or then go for high-end dungeons. Everything in middle is mostly just frustruating smacking of ogres/ogre lords without any satisfaction. Mid game hunting includes few outdoor spawns of "higher tier" monsters like daemons, and they seem to be only popular hunting target at mid-hunting-range.

Then someone might see the hunts as a challenge, but oh well.. can't say anything about that.

Please, tell me, im so lost!

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:06 pm
by Simmo
I hunt more for items. But i need money to buy nice items from another player. So money/items.

Not much challenging around here anymore (i mean dungs, mobs). Those hidden quests, champions are fun.
Another challenge is to get something that other people dont have. Like someone wants to get 100 poisoning, another one buys the biggest house in shard.

And always the group - makes the hunt more smooth and much funnier.

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:07 pm
by Zaradon
Ofcourse some of the dungeons are packed with random mobs in between, which require lever pulling and up to secret triggers for something next to bump.

Basically, some of the dungeons seem to be broken indeed which should be taken a look into. Eh, i mean like, mobs packed at entrance where you can get stuck cause of game mechanics. I'd rather see a challenge from a mobs but not depending it of a friggin mechanic (pardon me).

I mean, mobs could aswell keep their distance when they see a 2 tiler and give their chance whenever a mob goes first who can bare the hits off the 2 tile weapon.

It's about challenge for me, though. Challenge against game mechanics instead of the imba overboosted mobs.

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:13 pm
by Jessica
Yeah, at the high tier dungeons I see it quite disturbing that you can't really even achieve so much from it - since clearing of it has been done so many times. I mean at the old days it was cool to clean up some dungeons when you knew that there wasnt many who had done that already. There is no game changing goal or anything at the end of dungeon, just share of a loot, which tends to go worse and worse with economy. I mean - clothes like indy mining and blacksmithy are such a high tier clothes that shouldnt be found every day, even still they seem not to sell with proper price. Of course there are still some god tier clothes - like indy tactics - which requires a lot of cash from buyer, just becouse there are so many people who need such cloth - but as they dont disappear anywhere, the prices will come down aswell at some point. And im not saying that that would be soon, since theres so many many who could use cloth like that - but at some point.

I kinda miss some fresh ideas to the dungeons. Such like a lever, which would start arena type fight, where monsters attack as waves and if you beat them all you get the big boss. Or something completely fresh - but running through spiders and ogres and until you find something worthy to kill (if you can kill it) is just... meh

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:16 pm
by Zaradon
I do know where you are trying to go with this and i dont want to see that happen personally.

However, you do have a point. Basically if the blacksmithy clothes were worth 2 mill, the smithy skill would get a slight boost (on the success part) also the same goes for mining.

Indy tactics is and always was worth a mill if not more and it's basically always worked the same. No nerfs no nothing.

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:19 pm
by Jessica
Just as a disclaimer - I don't try to bring this into some kind of wipe conversation. Even though I would highly approve such kind of action, I can see that most likely there wont be anything like that, becouse people are too keen to their items and characters already, and it could possibly end to the end of shard when these people quit. Sad but true

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:20 pm
by Corvus Albus
Couldn't agree more with Jessica. a few days ago I was wondering the exact same thing about hunting, it's either despise or a 4h group hunt.

From time to time I feel like hunting alone and then I find myself clearing wrong entrance or something similar. It lacks a middle range dungeon where you can enjoy yourself.

Mostly I hunt for fun.

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:53 pm
by Vaux27
Jessica wrote:Just as a disclaimer - I don't try to bring this into some kind of wipe conversation. Even though I would highly approve such kind of action, I can see that most likely there wont be anything like that, becouse people are too keen to their items and characters already, and it could possibly end to the end of shard when these people quit. Sad but true


Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:55 pm
by Glarundis
i hunt for all the 3 reasons.
so you should have included a poll option "all of the above" instead of just "something else (specify)" :P

oh and i agree about the part where sometimes it isn't fun, you can't find mid-game. and yeah, all the small annoying monsters. we need hard places where we can get money and fight monsters that give worthy loot.

and yeah, those clothes being sold at such prices, it's a bit strange..

economy is fucked up.

even alchemists have trouble selling stuff on forums now

Re: Why do you hunt?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:56 pm
by Mike
Fun with friends, cause getting a few bros together to hunt is always fun.

Money and items because I need them. Once I have everything for my characters there's always opportunity on the horizon. Money is useful for making major RP moves.

Challenge, I still think it's fun to take high end mobs out.