Bowcraft & Fletching
+ Updated fletching items list to reflect new flute objtype and thus should be craftable still.
+ Fixed virtue gain error messaging
+ Changed the old "some" virtue to "a fair amount of" to be more consistent with the other messages.
+ Fixed a mispelling in the positive virtues, 'Reknowned' is now 'Renowned'.
Skill Titles:
+ Added a new skill lvl title, 'Apprentice'
+ Removed Ancient and moved Legendary into the Ancient skill title and Elder into the old Legendary title
+ Merchant based skill titles, 'Grandmaster tinker' are now capitalized; 'Grandmaster Tinker'
Hunting & Loot:
+ A caster set to lose virtue while hunting should now also be able to attain the hunt bonus effect.
+ Fixed a few typos in itemgroups.cfg
+ Removed an inordinate amount of repeated items in itemgroups.cfg which led to excessive items of the same type being extremely more common.
+ Frost Circle should now drop, I believe it was intended to be a drop as there was a spell scroll that was listed which Frost Ring replaced from the days of World of Dreams and as such this wrong has been righted!
General Code Cleanup:
+ rotate.src temporarily changed to require the item to be in players backpack IF that script is called, more often than not this is not actually called yet because we are still using the old flip functionality for now. This change was made for brevity's sake as this patch has droned on long enough.
+ Added some necessary millisecond sleeps to iteration based functions and cleaned up 'InInventory' function to no longer iterate through the enumerated objects, just do a simple 'in' check, letting the core do the iteration at the c++ level which is much more efficient and quicker.
+ Changed .use command to case out the input text, for a cleaner read, also added 'anyrefresh' which will work similar to '.use anyheal'
- Removed an unnecessary logoff script from townsfolk pkg, a hold over from World of Dreams and has never been used on Pangaea as the npc is references does not even exist anymore.
+ Moved Reagents to their own pkg from the main itemdesc to pkg/items/Resources/reagents
+ Reagent names have been corrected, names such as Blood Moss will no longer show Blood Mosss when a player has a stack of them. Names that should have an apostrophe will also now have one, Spider's Silk comes to mind.
Recall Runes:
+ Moved Recall Runes to their own pkg from main itemdesc to pkg/items/Resources/recallRunes
+ rune.src renamed to use.src and moved to pkg/items/Resources/recallRunes/
+ Recall Runes now flippable by players
Archery Buttes:
+ Archery Buttes weight has been reduced to 20 stone
+ Lockpicks are now flippable.
Looted Chests & Locked Chests:
+ Removed functionality that stored an array of serials of unlocked chests stored globally that did absolutely nothing but use up memory when loaded. Not referenced anywhere other than to add to the array.
+ Chests dropped by mobs weight dropped to 25 stone.
+ Loot decay effect from dropped chests has been removed.
+ Flute graphic changed to that of a bamboo flute, existing flutes will have the same graphic.
+ Flute sounds changed to reflect their graphic change.
+ Graphic change for flute should also fix the "an flute" grammar issue.
+ Lute2 item now plays the correct sounds.
+ Flutes and Lutes are now flippable.
Dark Void:
- Dark Void item removed from shard altogether.
- Dark Void Scripts also removed.
+ Teleporter based flags should be mostly operational, barring a couple that require a rewrite of some other systems
+ Destard lvl 1-2 and 2-1 now allow npcs to pass through.
+ Destard lvl 2-3 and 3-2 teleporters now allow npcs to pass through
+ Terathan Keep Teleporters to boss room now allow npcs to pass through
New Stuff:
+ New package added, cityCore, this is the backbone for many future updates including but not limited to the Mayor system, the Siege system, vendor system, housing system and so on and so forth and such.
+ New package added, shops, this package currently stores the location of each city shop, inn, bank and stables. The thought process behind what this package will serve will become more clear as time passes.
+ New package added, staticHousing, a fairly empty package save for one lone command, this is going to be the eventual rewrite of the housing system but I had to get this package emptyish though it may be in place so I can begin to redo the housing system with as much information as possible stored in config files which is where the dot command comes in, more on this later however.
Extra Miscellaneous:
It should be noted, I am going to spend a lot of time in the coming few weeks maybe months in re-organizing the internal shard folder and file structure. This was something I had done once before but since I have opted to work on getting key pieces of work done before I jump back into the conversion, one of the things I spent a great deal of time doing before was re-organizing files and folders. I ask that should any issues arise in the future because of this re-organization that you have patience and give me the benefit of time to fix any problems that should arise without grabbing your pitch forks and torches and chasing me up the clock tower.
Much of the reason for the re-organization is because things are rather disorganized and just thrown higgledy-piggledy in every which way in the shard and a sense of order needs to be made of the chaos as right now it is the order you might find in Bedlam.
These are not live yet, just the preview, will post to inform when they are live if blckfire does not beat me to the punch.