Public announcement to all citizens from Order of Law

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Darion al'Ferran
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Public announcement to all citizens from Order of Law

Post by Darion al'Ferran »

Greetings citizens of Britannia

In recent weeks the outlaw group known as the Vanguard of Telborea has committed horreridous crimes against the weak and innocent of our great kingdom, demanding gold for safe passage throughout our lands.

The Vanguard of Telborea has no authority to make such demands from free people and their actions are considered treasonous and punishable by death.
From this day forward anyone who aids these in any way be it hidin them, trading information or making payments of gold will themselves be considered criminals and enemies of the Order of Law.

Whilst the Order of Law understands the temptation to pay these outlaws in order to avoid being killed we do not consider it an excuse. It is times like these that us law abiding citizens should band together and present a united front.

The Order of Law has been successful for many years at protecting our society and rest assured that the Vanguard of Telborea will suffer the same fate of all of those who have tried before them - Total annihilation.


Darion al ferran, Head priest of the Order of Law
Kent Strider

Re: Public announcement to all citizens from Order of Law

Post by Kent Strider »

The people waited for the Law, it never came, so they ended up paying. Your punishing the people for your lack of action.
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Re: Public announcement to all citizens from Order of Law

Post by Foxwood »

This is truly an outrageous statement from a formerly well-respected priest.

You would punish or slay those who have had to save their own lives by submitting to an overwhelming force? You were not there when these people were confronted by the Vanguard of Telborea, and received demands to make payments in gold in order to get back home alive.

Should I have given my life, or risked serious injury, instead of paying up? I lost 7000 coins, and today am a healthy man. Apparently that what is my well-being is meaningless to the Order of Law.

Your words of little honor will only anger people more, especially those who get no protection whatsoever from your Order, although you keep promising them such.

With all due respect, sir, this is utterly pointless.

Yours truly,
-Alastor W.
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Re: Public announcement to all citizens from Order of Law

Post by Masano »

If the price of your honour is 7,000 gold coins then so be it.

Submitting to these outlaws shows weakness and a lack of courage never seen before in these lands. The consequences are more dangerous still as it sets a president to any other villains who may look upon recent events and decide themselves to try and extort gold from innocent people.

Providing gold to the very people that are robbing and murdering the innocent is in my eyes as if you are wielding the blade yourself. The Order of Law is asking you to remain strong and brave and by working together will we defeat our common enemy.

Any information regarding the whereabouts or movements of any member of the Vanguard of Telborea should be reported immediately to an officer of the Law.

~Eldath Morn, Elder Priest, OoL.
Kent Strider

Re: Public announcement to all citizens from Order of Law

Post by Kent Strider »

Booooooooooooooooooooo! I thought Law was good people! My honor is worth whatever gold is takes to keep me alive, the hell is honor worth when your plant food?

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Re: Public announcement to all citizens from Order of Law

Post by Stephen Miller »

You can not purchase honor fool. It is bestowed upon one for courageous and prestigious actions.
If you as a lawfull citizen want change, then perhaps begin with showing some support.

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Re: Public announcement to all citizens from Order of Law

Post by Johnny Walac »

We seek too protect the citizens while you seek to destroy them. This is a weak attempt to scare the people of Felucca. Is it this what Order of Law have become? The Telborean Kingdom shall be safe for all our citizens. If you have problems with Order of Law you contact me.

Thoeak Milner
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Re: Public announcement to all citizens from Order of Law

Post by Quintoz »

The Order of Law has made sure that Britain is safe again for the poeple to travel, harvest and live in.
This so called 'Telborean Kingdom' is no longer a problem for the poeple, however continuous support of them will make you an enemy of the Order of Law aswell as the towns under our protection.

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Re: Public announcement to all citizens from Order of Law

Post by Biggs »

You cannot even come to your peoples aid at the grave yard in britain never mind keep us safe. Just now no one answerd my call...

- Viven O'hie
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Re: Public announcement to all citizens from Order of Law

Post by Mag'etherian »

This indeed is outrageous. Not once, but twice I was confronted by the people of Telborea. I refused to pay tribute the first time, but when it came a second time I followed with the demands and payed 7,000 coins. I have since then had no issues and remain protected. This Order of Law never once came to my aid and seeming so, so many other great citizens of our lands have gone too long without The Orders so called protection. Now you dare DEMAND us to forfeit our lives to either the Telboreans who offer protection for a small sum of 7,000 coin and deliver or we face the consequences of living free men and women that you have failed to protect so many times over? I pity this day and time. This is not Justice, this is UNJUST! I am a mere blacksmith and not a great one at that. I am not trained in nor know the ways of war. I can not defend myself from such tragic events, but when faced by death itself that offers everything you want for a small fee of coin, I submit. Yes, I would rather buy my freedom than go on in life without it. You can not demand our respect, nor demand that we stop paying tribute to live as free people on the fault that The Order has failed us so many times. It is our given right, not yours to offer. If you fail to uphold your vows of The Order than my coin will do the protecting for me. If you want the people of Felucca to listen to you and believe in your Order as they once did before, show us your presence and deliver these lands from the ones you would call a criminal. If you expect us to listen to such ridiculous demands which will only continue leading to our bloodshed, you are fools. Earn your respect back by aiding the citizens who are obviously in need and perhaps the people will listen. Virtue and Order is not handled by making demands of the innocent people. Call us a criminal for only wanting to live in peace and harmony if you want because we know the truth in that matter. Bring harm to those that only wish to live this way, and you's are the ones in the wrong and will be marked the criminals to the public.

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