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Re: Telborean Empire

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:48 pm
by Mike
I would like to extend a sincere offer to those of you who find it aggravating to express themselves in writing or speech.
The Telborean Empire has a few scholars in the provice of Felucca and I would be pleased to arrange for a basic education
for those of you who suffer from partial or complete illiteracy. Consider this a boon if you decide to be come a citizen,
public money will be allocated to make this possible.

Censor Gaius Lucretius
The Telborean Empire

Re: Telborean Empire

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:39 pm
by Quintoz
I don't see how you can be 'forced' to choose a better life.


Re: Telborean Empire

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:43 pm
by Tyriul Thorne
I find it hard to read such ignorant statements, scratch that, insults towards this fine Empire, and I'd personally like to extend my thanks to Cotillion for allowing me to become a citizen. Upon arrival, I was greeted with a smile and words of promise (please, do not mistake the word promise with the false hope you've no doubt been fed before around the wretched streets if Britain) that my future was bright.

As somewhat a procurer of the... finer things in life, I'd like to extend a flagon of ale in the direction of anyone who'd like good company, good banter and whatever else may tickle ye fancy. Just look for chipper man with a red hat and the ales on me.

If you struggle to find me on the off chance, I'll be floating around the tavern tomorrow evening.

- ML'A, Citizen of the Telborean Empire.

Re: Telborean Empire

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:53 am
by Darian Darkmind
It is the incompetence of the Order of Law that allowed such kingdom to born and triumph. The Telboreans were brave to answer the call no one else was able to do. They offer peace, prosperity and safety to all who are willing to accept it. Any of you non-citizens swearing revenge to the kingdom, I ask you to re-consider joining it. Your live will be easier, you will be safe, you will be happy. That I gurantee you.

Or you can fight and perish. You can blame Telborean to the end of your days when, in fact the truth is, it is your old kingdom, your old king and Order of Law that are the true criminals here neglecting their duties due to their own incompetence. Telborean is a choice to those who wish a better life.

The price is small to pay for the gain achieved. Consider it.


Re: Telborean Empire

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:43 pm
by Uzriel Raven
To the two posts above my own.. You've both clearly given up living a long time ago. Yes, you can claim it's Law's fault. Let's all blame Law. Those lousy bastards should be just like Telborea, mercilessly driving poisoned blades, blood-caked mauls and scepters into the people that seek to harm no one. Please, lick the boots of these people that scatter across these lands like roaches, siding with any depraved beast that has enough intelligence to pick up a hammer and kill again and again. These people who side with the sadistic Tekstone, talking of peace with a dagger at your throat. Surely all they can promise you is a bright future, everyone flinging gold about the streets all willy, nilly, as Tekstone patrols the lands with a loving caress.

So to Telborea and all those that are puppets of the order that spreads only death, good job on convincing yourselves and everyone else that you give the slightest damn about these people you attack, these widows, widowers and orphans. Every good kingdom starts off with a purging of old ideals, the lesson these people teach is a simple one. Roll over, give your masters gold, and reliquish your pride and soul, for in the holy days that come to pass, you will only suffer under the bloodthirsty brigands more, at least until the next "Telborea" arrives, and Tekstone laughs at the thought of you expecting them to protect you. Nah, Tekstones care for no one, their only concern is who gets to ride the rod of Dennac should they ever succeed in breaking the eternal cycle of existence.

In the end, it is everyone's own choice who you choose to blame, who you choose to follow, but remember.. It's easy as hell to blame everyone else, but so damn hard to blame yourself for not standing up to a legion. If you don't help Law fight, whose fault is it really?

I, Uzriel Raven, declare that I will never bow to these twisted ideas, never lick the boots of these pathetic bullies. I'll die a brutal death before you even begin to lay claim to my pride and soul. And Dennac, you can go f-.. Ahem, and Dennac, just go away and take your merry band to hell with you.

Uzriel Raven, a man.

Re: Telborean Empire

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:48 pm
by Johnny Walac
Dear Uzriel Raven,

You choose a life where a brutal death is indeed certain. You are chained by tyranny and your mind is clouded by hatred.
I wish to break these chains and grant you freedom as a Telborean citizen.

Thoeak Milner

Re: Telborean Empire

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:57 pm
by Uzriel Raven
Thoeak Milner, do not trouble yourself with my freedom. I'm no hero, but I refuse to be your ally in this life. But when we meet in whatever burning hell that awaits our dirty souls, I'll buy the first round of drinks, you can buy the rest.

Uzriel Raven.

Re: Telborean Empire

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:40 pm
by Johnny Walac
Dear Uzriel Raven,

Then I shall not trouble myself with your freedom.
And you do not need to trouble yourself with our Empire.

Thoeak Milner

Re: Telborean Empire

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:17 pm
by Masano
Ive searched for this Empire but so far Ive not even been able to find one town or city under Telborean control. Forgive my ignorance but does this Empire exist anywhere but on your hand drawn maps and your mind? Ofcourse Ive seen the 'king' of telborea running around at Britain farms killing people for harvesting carrots which didnt really seem like a kingly duty to me. Ive also seen these telborean citizens wandering around enjoying the amenities of Britain untouched by Lord British guards. Seems to me that if Lord British is a tyrant then hes not a very good one, infact he might do well to take some ideas from the way in which you conduct yourself Mr Milner.

~Develin Masano, citizen of Britain.

Re: Telborean Empire

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:02 pm
by Johnny Walac
Dear Develin Masano,

I cannot cure blindeness not ignorance.
I do not know why you send these notes.

Thoeak Milner