An apology

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Re: An apology

Post by Bloodtouch »

These are indeed wise notes left from wise people , i would love to see Law defending themselves with pathetic replies!

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Re: An apology

Post by Bloodtouch »

I have been talking to Sebastion about the other day...
Clearing out things.

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Re: An apology

Post by Arion »

You citizens always pick out the weakest moment forgetting all the good that we do do. I suppose next time Tekstone or that group of necromancers shows up we will just sit aside and let you handle that on your own. Don't be so quick to judge from one mistake when we handle all the rest.

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Re: An apology

Post by Bloodtouch »

Fine , then Britain will be no more then if you want to act all childish!
I can choose whatever town i want to live in but Britain is constantly under attack and you are their guardians.

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Re: An apology

Post by Azrael »

Arion wrote:I suppose next time Tekstone or that group of necromancers shows up we will just sit aside and let you handle that on your own. Steven Wainright
When that group of Necromancers walked around the Graveyard sending souls to the under realm one of your Monks was hiding amongst the guards near the blacksmith and the other was visiting the undertaking begging not to be sent with the rest of the trash.

Do not speak of next time letting people handle their own. You do that now...

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Re: An apology

Post by Quintoz »

One moment Law is commanded by Lord British the next time by their tearing wiping mothers and this time it is their feelings that dictates the terms. How can anybody truly believe theese people can defend this realm.

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Re: An apology

Post by Arion »

Britain stands strong, Vesper, Minoc, amongst our other towns.. think we're doing ok. Do as you want but these people leaving messages i never see face to face they hide behind notes but nothing ever changes. Come join me in the sunlight sometime and we'll see the defending I can do. But leave no more nauseating notes please and thanks.

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Re: An apology

Post by Orange »

As a reminder to all citizens, it is understandable that you would like to take refuge at our temple in your times of need, although we would like to ask you to refrain from visting our altar while you're infected with the plague. The best course of action to take while plagued is to avoid contact with anyone, in order to avoid spreading the plague to all the citizens of the town, as well as to relocate to an area with as little lifeforms as possible inorder to slow down the spreading of the plague. If you wish to be cleansed by one of fine members of the order please send a message to any of our birds, or send out a mayday to us. We cannot take any risks with the health of the emissaries as we care very much about their health. Unfortunately, if you are caught with this infectious disease our the altar, actions similar to the ones Sebastian has taken will be repeated. It is important that you understand that we must maintain the holy environment we ever so diligently take care of, as a token of respect to our deity.

If you have any further questions feel free to contact my birds nest, It's co-ordinates are 621-743-309. Citizens are free to address any more of their questions to any member of law.

-Colin Lance
Last edited by Orange on Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: An apology

Post by Mike »

A cleric's first priority will always be his deity, his people are of secondary importance. Those poor souls who believed that the dignity of the gods would stoop so low as to clean your filth and slop when you are struck with disease have at last learnt the truth. At best they will send their servants to see to your needs, far from their clandestine temples.

If you are struck with plague, I suggest you contact me. What I learn from your condition will benefit the collective understanding of this viral life form, and any living relative of yours will be given a fair compensation when you expire.

Cult of Tekstone
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Re: An apology

Post by Orange »

If life were as simple as a straight line, we would always have someone available at the temple waiting at the drop of the dime for when you're in need. Unfortunately, being human beings we require rest, as do all of you. This is why it important that you call us to the location that you've been plagued, so that we can avoid the following scenarios:

Spreading the plague further while searching for aid
Infecting our temple with the dread stench of the creations of dennac

Its very easy to wish to take refuge at our temple, as we work hard to create a sacred environment. Although we must urge you once again not to visit the temple while plagued, in order to avoid the desecration of any of the holy artifacts that winchester has left to the orders capable hands.

It is also advised that you avoid any of these cultist, as the only compensation you all will be given is the revelation that all their souls bare is the wretched plague which they seek to spawn spread throughout the lands. The compensation you will given is no more than the hate and disgust for these cultists you obtain, once you realize that they look down upon almost as if you were a lower life form. As a reminder you should take no heed to any of their propaganda, all it contains is the mindless speak of corruption and gibberish the Cult listens to ever so effervescently, which results in the dementia which is clearly displayed above.

Once again you may feel free to contact any member in the order, as they would be happy to answer anymore of your questions.

-Colin Lance, Order Of Law
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