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The Spirits

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:08 am
by Monad
"The Fire Queen"
"The Frost Lord"
"The Storm King"
"The White Knight"
"The Black Guardian"
"The Pagan Chief

" spirits have been summoned my master, and they're here to stay..."
- "Excellent."

(Quest today (Dec 05) at 19GMT will continue)

A turn of events

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:49 am
by Morgain
Morgain sits alone at the Wayfarer guild house and turns the big, heavy war hammer in his hands.

"Black Guardian..." he muses, reading the inscription on the shaft.

A quick day trip to Skara Brae had taken an unexpected turn when he'd met another man on the road, struggling to fight off a vicious shabooli huntsman. Bleeding and tired, the stranger looked like he might collapse at any moment, the blade of his dagger flashing as he barely deflected another flurry of stabs from the blue-skinned warrior's spear.

Shouting to distract the shabooli, Morgain had brandished his sword and rushed to aid, helping the stranger turn the tide. Soon enough the hunter had fallen.

"Oy, thanks, mate", the man had said, as Morgain helped tend to his wounds, and after a moment's silence he'd offered something to Morgain. "You know, I think maybe you ought to have this as thanks..."

What had followed was a rather curious account of how the man had been "hunting for them meats" (whatever that was supposed to mean) in the vicinity of Skara when he'd found something unusual. Morgain had had some slight trouble following every detail, but it had somehow involved a raven... carrying a war hammer, and then the hunter springing out of ambush when the traveler had been examining it. As he told the tale, Morgain could clearly smell strong liquor in his breath, but he'd just nodded politely and let the other man finish his story.

In any case, the guy had practically shoved that weapon into Morgain's saddle bag, saying he wanted nothing to do with such "ill omens", and that Morgain could do whatever he wanted with it or just leave it lying there in the middle of the road. In the end, what was there to do but take it, and continue on his way?

And here he was now, pondering upon the mysterious weapon. It was stolen, more likely than not, and the man had just wanted to push it on someone else when he felt the heat rising. Maybe Morgain could try locating the original owner somehow - a unique-looking piece like this wasn't something you'd just leave lying around haphazardly, so if the owner was still out there they were probably looking for it.

There was something very strange about it, though. Something almost... sinister?

No, that was just crazy talk. Sure it was heavy and black and apparently belonged to someone whose title was "Black Guardian", but at the end of the day it was just an ordinary - if fancy-looking - weapon. If it had any magical properties, maybe one of Morgain's guildmates could figure them out. Darrol, perhaps. In Morgain's mind he's go-to man for all things dark, gloomy and sinister.

Re: The Spirits

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:36 am
by Monad
The following excerpt of the recent real life event is from the book "Magical events which changed the world":

It has been few full moons since the powerful being named The Dark Summoner attempted an henious act by summoning the ancient spirits from a plane unknown for the people of Britannia, and use them as her slaves to control all the living beings. The ritual of summoning was succesful and the Summoner managed to trap these spirits into a special forged apparatus on top of the Yew crypts where she was preparing for the next phase to imbue the spirits. The event was so intense that the seers and healers around the Britannia immediately felt a disturbance but couldn't identify the cause of it, only where it was emitting from.

The scale of the disturbance and the mutual sickening sensation of something being severely wrong, resulted into group of strong fighters from all religions, guilds and lands gathering together to this unique situation to simply put an end for it and help each other. The Dark Summoner was confronted by the fighters and the battle was fierce and bloody, but in the end the Summoner was defeated by the overpowering tactics of the brave fighters.

After the Summoner was slain, the apparatus freed these spirits, and as a commendation the spirits promised to leave an impact in this realm to help the humans and fighters by each spirit enhancing one weapon at a time into the use of humans. The spirits will remain in one weapon for seven days, after it will travel into another weapon and this way ensure the boundless rotation to help as many people as possible now and in the future.

The Fire Queen slays with fire, The Frost Lord slays with ice, The Storm King slays with lightning, The White Knight slays the murderers, The Black Guardian slays the non-murderers, The Pagan Chief slays the religious ones.
