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An amazing discovery!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:23 pm
by Iktomi
Dear Citizens of Britannia,

It is with great humility that I, Bothar the Humblest, announce a great discovery that I have made! As a result of my amazing magical aptitude, I have identified new forces which have the potential to alter our world more than the discovery of the moongate systems!

Like fireflies in the night sky, a number of artifacts of significant power have recently come to my attention. Although their exact locations are shrouded by godly intervention, my own nearly-godlike powers have allowed me to discern their existence!

I announce this so that I might contribute to the well-being of the common man and trust that these "Bothar artifacts", if found, will lead to a new golden age for all men.

I cannot accept your overflowing praise at my magnificence but instead encourage you to locate these artifacts and unlock my merciful gift to humanity!

~~Bothar the Humblest~~

Re: An amazing discovery!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:46 am
by Biggs
Dear Mr Bothar,

I am very interested in the weird and wonderful, and have many collection of my own passed down to me by my family and from my own personal quests. Could one possible describe these artifacts so that I know what I am looking for, I have seen artifacts as of later of power weaponry brought to fellucca by the elemental's as a reward but what you describe does not sound like those, would I be correct in assuming what you are writing about is different to those weaponry.

- Viven O'Hie

Re: An amazing discovery!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:56 pm
by Gorath Blackmind
Bah, no doubt the man is lying! Don't believe everything they tell you! I'll find the man and make him spit out the truth...

-Sebastian Slade

Re: An amazing discovery!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:33 pm
by Iktomi
Dear Interested Parties,

I can assure you that my discoveries are quite real and would seem to be more powerful than the weapons that have recently made themselves known. I cannot tell you the purpose, or nature, of these artifacts, but merely that they will have a great influence on the world!

~~Bothar the Humblest~~

Re: An amazing discovery!

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:05 pm
by Iktomi
It is with some apprehension that I must announce that my poor apprentice has gone missing... As nobody had yet made reports of any artifacts being recovered, I sent my own underling, Alden, to investigate and see if he could recover an object.

With great concentration, I was able to advise my apprentice that one of the relics was in a dark, very wet location, possibly underground. Other than this, I can't say where he went or who he might have contacted to assist him...

Please, assist in finding my poor apprentice or, at the very least, recover one of these artifacts so we all might bask in its glory!

~~Bothar the Humblest~~

Re: An amazing discovery!

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:24 pm
by Simmo
We might have found the item you are looking for. SpartanĀ“s warhammer to be exact, found from Dagger island.

Simmo Alverena & Jon Calhoun

Re: An amazing discovery!

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:01 pm
by Iktomi
Spartan's warhammer?! Could it be? I suppose that would make sense... to have a such a powerful imprint. I will consult with the historian, Methuzela. But what of the other relics? There were 12 in all...

~~Bothar the Humblest~~

Re: An amazing discovery!

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:38 pm
by Demian
Greetings Bothar.

Jeremiah, Kozel and myself think we may have found one of these artifacts you are looking for. The amazing item in question would be Herdiil's Broach. If you would like to retrieve this item from us or kindly teach us to use the power it contains, please be in contact.

Thanks in advance,
Zarek Sanchez, 382767164

Re: An amazing discovery!

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:47 pm
by Iktomi
Herdiil?... Really... He died centuries ago. But then, so did Spartan... Why are these relics showing themselves now? And what of the other two...

Curious. Can you tell me about where you found it? I still have heard nothing from poor Alden... I fear the worst.

~~Bothar the Humblest~~

Re: An amazing discovery!

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:54 pm
by Demian
We found this item from the forests of Yew. An ancient treant was wandering the forest and after a fierce battle it dropped dead and the artifact dropped from it's branches.

Zarek Sanchez