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Letter to the merchant guilds & independent alchemists

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:14 am
by volc

I have been away for a while, and I have been hesitant to pick up my business. Ah yes, because I seem to have lost my estates and all. Some say it burned down, some say it got confiscated by the guards (who by the way refuse to talk to me about whereabouts of my belongings, my stash of reagents alone would be enough to buy my houses back). Some even say I should hire mercenaries to kick out their current occupants, because you know, they are trespassing. But I failed to find a locksmith that can open the stupid door. Enough about that, back to the topic.

I have a pricelist which now better belongs to a history museum. So I would like the masters of this trade to contact me to bring me up to speed with the current market, if that's not too much trouble. Or I may have to use my ancient prices undercut you, I guess that works too.

And yes, portal conjourers, they are nowhere to be found. Does anyone know if the vendor in Umbra relocated elsewhere? Or is he stranded in Malas with no means of reaching? I really don't like the other vendor's choice of a shop location.


Bubbly Chimney

Re: Letter to the merchant guilds & independent alchemists

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:00 pm
by Glarundis
Ah, I see I have finally found this letter. I understand your concerns, and I think that more than just telling you the current prices, perhaps we, and every other alchemist that agrees, could get together and revise our prices? I'm quite sure most of them are fair, but some are not and are a total lack of disrespect for our class. And as of late, I've been seeing some outrageous prices too! Anyways, I am willing to take part in such a meeting, if there is going to be such a meeting. We should also talk about reagents, I believe.

-Helen White

Re: Letter to the merchant guilds & independent alchemists

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:17 pm
by Jan
*sees a familiar writing on the board and reads the signature at the bottom. She smiles and pins a small note at the corner*

AH HA, if this isn't the prettiest and daring alchemist I've ever known, who else could it be with such feminine writing. Sorry to hear about your houses and current situation. I'll help you get back on your feet. Welcome back sexeh!!


Re: Letter to the merchant guilds & independent alchemists

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:25 pm
by Eliana
While delivering potions around the town with Eliana's best lama friend, Momo, she shines her eyes on a familiar name. A name that she had forgottened for so long. Forgottened? Of course she remembers, she always does. The greatest teacher that had taught her so many things when she was young and immature. "Dolunai", she said the name in her heart with smiles.

Dear Dolunai,
It is a pleasure to have you back in town despite the loss that you had experienced. As one of the alchemists in town, I am sure a meeting or even with letters back and forth among us will help to establish a current market value. I am willing to take part if a meeting will be held.

Signed ~ Eliana ~

She then pins another note beside the letter and writes with excitement.

How can you be gone for so long? I miss you so much! You should come and gather with us sometimes. You know where to find me and Jan.

Re: Letter to the merchant guilds & independent alchemists

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:16 pm
by Mike
I would be interested in discussing with other Alchemists how they reason when they establish their prices, and what the general consensus of pricing can be considered to be. Perhaps a meeting is in order?

Titus Paullus

Re: Letter to the merchant guilds & independent alchemists

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:16 am
by Mandos
I was out of business cause some kind of disease.
I realize which some citiziens are raising the price of some reagents, and think some potions are with the price depreciated.
I'd like to attend the meeting too.

*Old Duke*

Re: Letter to the merchant guilds & independent alchemists

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:21 am
by volc
It's so nice to hear from old friends, you make me feel like I never left. Remember Jan, the times you said I looked like an old lady in my floppy hat? I bet you know better now calling me sexeh and what not, you must have aged a few years yourself now, joke's on you, hehe. Speaking of which I need some improvements to my outfit, titan leather parts except the arms and body, no need to say I wear a skirt. And oh, not just any leather, they need to be named Flow. So any tailors who like to eavesdrop on an alchemist discussion, keep that in mind.

Eliana, I can't believe Momo is still alive and with you, but you always knew how to take care of a llama I guess. We should meet soon just to talk about old memories.

Helen, Titus and Old Duke, and I'm certain more will be joining us, I will try to set up a room for us to discuss our ways of trade. Anyone else willing to participate can sign their names below.

Bubbly Chimney

Re: Letter to the merchant guilds & independent alchemists

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:16 am
by Tyrion

The Order of Imperial would be interested in attending this meeting of Alchemist guild members. We will keep you apprised as the date nears, however, be on the lookout for another letter detailing the Imperial delegate that will attend.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Letter to the merchant guilds & independent alchemists

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:19 pm
by volc
Dear Colleges,

Organizing a meeting proved to be a greater challenge than I could take up. Therefore, if anyone wants to take this matter into their own hands and host such a meeting, I will be more than glad to attend.

Other than that, there is another effort directed to the alchemists, The Panacea Cabinet, less chances of discussion among ourselves but at least doesn't require us to be in the same room all the time.


Bubbling Chimney,

Re: Letter to the merchant guilds & independent alchemists

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:31 pm
by Biggs
volc wrote:Dear Colleges,

Organizing a meeting proved to be a greater challenge than I could take up. Therefore, if anyone wants to take this matter into their own hands and host such a meeting, I will be more than glad to attend.

Other than that, there is another effort directed to the alchemists, The Panacea Cabinet, less chances of discussion among ourselves but at least doesn't require us to be in the same room all the time.


Bubbling Chimney,
All the information is there.... all you need to do it let myself of Farjad know you are coming via messenger bird.

Reagent cost according to TPC reagent price list.

All you need to do is write down that you believe is the suitable price for the potion in the book provided.

- Marcus Valens.