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A tale of one's treasure hunt

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:31 pm
by Cycanin
-Easy…easy...-mumbled a figure crouching next to a locked chest. For a few moments the silence fell surrounding the man and the chest was disturbed only by crackling of a lock pick and annoying noises made by a chicken who just wouldn’t shut up since the man's arrival

-Not again!-the figure looked at the broken lock pick with disappointment, sighed and gazed at the chicken with great disapproval. For few moments he pondered if he should get up, grab a war fork, stab the chicken a few times and enjoy the peace and quiet of the forest, the chicken surely would make a great meal…but as usual laziness won, the man pulled yet another lock pick out of his pocket and turned back to the chest.

Few minutes later the man was completely focused on the chest, he was so busy he didn’t notice the rustling of the trees and the sudden cry of terror coming from the chicken. He was close to opening a chest of great complexity and all of his attention was fixed on the chest that was about to be opened…well maybe ten percent of his mind was focused on the treasure he was about to receive.

-DAMN IT!-a man cried in frustration, throwing away yet another broken lock pick.

-FINE, I think I will have myself some chicken for dinner, rest and try again, - the man always tried to stay positive, even smiled thinking of a fulfilling meal he is about to enjoy when suddenly, he noticed the unusual quietness of the forest and looked up…just to notice a foot of enormous proportions, so he looked a bit higher…and higher…and higher. The colossal figure of a giant was standing nearby. In opinion of any experienced traveler, it stood way too close for the man’s safety. Mesmerized by terror the man watched as the giant raised its foot, peeled off the remainder of the chicken and sent it straight into its own mouth.

All of the man’s senses were screaming RUN! But a combination of greed, terror and adrenaline made him open up his bag, grab a potion and with a cry –have a taste of this!,- throw the potion into the hole where the squashed chicken disappeared.

As usual the luck was on the man’s side! Instead of following the master plan, the potion hit the giant’s forehead breaking on impact…the medical scent of greater healing potion has slowly spread over the battlefield. The monster nodded with approval. Its eyes became fixed on the man, probably expecting more potions.

-Oh no…nonononono-, the man grabbed his back and took a few steps back.-Easy buddy, you already had your lunch-,the beast readily raised its foot taking and took a step forward, unfortunately that’s exactly where the chest was located.

The screech of the chest breaking quickly spread through the forest, followed by a cry of frustration of a man whose treasure was just squashed, followed by an angry yell of an unhappy giant. Few moments later the eyes of the monster again, were fixed upon the man, the man on the other hand was already half way to his horse. Although the monster readily attempted to chase the man, it was handicapped by the chest piece stuck to its foot. The beast quickly fell behind and finally stopped, watching as the figure speedily made his way out of the forest.

The monster sighed very much like the man before it and started collecting the shiny loot that fell off the broken chest, proving that a human treasure hunter and an angry monster aren’t so different after all.