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The Emergence

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:52 pm
by Raphael
The Emergence

It had been some time since the cries of an infant were heard through the forests of Yew, the boy had grew quickly although the giant arms of the brute still made him seem insignificant. But what he lacked in strength compared to the man mountain he amply made up for with his lightning reflexes and cunning. Training with the brute was...brutal. In his eyes however those that cannot swim, drown and so the nimble young child matured quickly under the watchful eyes and harsh tuition of his mentor. Soon the ache within his bones was faded much like the days, weeks, years spent honing his skills. Of the many lessons learned, one stuck out more than ever as he was dragged once more to his feet...Never underestimate a barbarian and with a wry smile, he dusted down his robes ruffled his hair and sunk once more into his fighting stance...

“ anything...of...any significance...on an empty stomach” Raphael grunted through a mouthful of grub, renowned for his amazing feats in battle the young Jeremiah often wondered whether there was any match, in all of the lands, for his insatiable appetite. Food it seemed was not on the young man’s mind tonight however as his eyes flickered towards the door once more. “He will come,” grunted the barbarian over his diminishing dinner plate. “You’re too skinny anyways to follow in my footsteps.” Jeremiah smiled but before he could reply, the handsome, fair-haired man residing in the corner the corner jumped on the bandwagon. “AND TOO UGLY TO FOLLOW IN MINE!” cried the tailor plying his trade in silence until now. The laughter was cut short as a sharp and subtle knock was heard at the door before the man Jeremiah was waiting presented himself to the house. The brute and the youngster stood for the head priest of the order, the former quickly plummeting back to his seat to carry on eating. Jeremiah turned to Raphael but was quickly cut short by the huge man, “see you around kid...” Obviously not one for emotional farewells the young priest nodded his head, swivelled on his heels and retreated through the door.

Many more moons had passed since that night in the house, yet the young man raised by a barbarian was well on his way to becoming an established priest within the Order of Nature. Zabren it seemed was an excellent teacher much like Raphael had predicted all that time ago. As wise as he was powerful, the kind hearted Zabren not so much taught the young priest but gave him the choices on a path only Jeremiah could navigate. The long road had many alternate destinations but Jeremiah was not to mislay the faith put in him by the head priest and as such, became even more prudent in his training. “The winds of change...wait for no man” murmured the head priest into the unsuspecting ear of the young disciple knelt in front of the altar. The words pierced the mind of Jeremiah as he prayed to the great goddess, Gaea. The answer to such questions it seems never far around the corner...

Re: The Emergence

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:02 pm
by Raphael
The Estrangement

A cool breeze swept across a large clearing deep within the forest, with the sun mustering up the last of its might to drape the setting in a beautiful yet eerie reddish glow as it bounced off the autumn leaf. The thin veil of fog parted only by the feet of those oncoming, emerging from the woodland to greet the wall of silence that awaited them. The glorious brownish glow emanating from the holy steed beneath the young head priest helped sooth him as waves of calmness washed over his Armour laden body. The Order came to a halt just barely beyond the tree line leaving the head priest to take those few extra steps, each one instilling pride, courage and honor. Jeremiah watched as small droplets of dew glistened in the fading sun, slowly easing their way to the tip of the forest leaf before slipping away...plummeting towards the cold wet woodland floor.

The new head priest Jeremiah, stood stoically as the black horde presented itself before him. Hatred burned into the tainted souls of the age old enemy, the Cult, enraged at the sight of the righteous stood before them. Cackles and screams echoed out as sunlight gave way to the velvet blackness of night, moonlight kissing the smooth slender figure of Jeremiah, exaggerating the cool collected qualities with which he possessed. He somehow stood, disentangled, estranged from the emotions of the upcoming battle but still brimming with a calm confidence not just in his ability or the fact that HE was elected to lead his illustrious brethren but in his assuredness that through every dark night comes a bright day. His head tilted slightly, eyes fixated upon his enemy as he prepared to rally those at his side. “Their evil does NOT reside here! And nor does it visit!!” The last words penetrated the cold night air which had filtered its way through the dense forest echoing out so that all may hear his final verdict.

The young man closed his eyes, removing himself from the chaotic scenes which were undoubtedly about to follow. His senses alive with the movement of the forest around him he began his prayer...”Blessed goddess, grant your protection to those few stood against those many, forgive those that doubt your excellence for they have been blinded, cleanse their tainted souls, grant us the strength to lead those out of darkness and back to the light and may you welcome us all back into your warm embrace.” the brown shade of his pupils emerged from beneath his eyelids as he once again affirmed his gaze upon the warriors of Tekstone. Shrouded in a wondrous earthly glow Jeremiah raised his arm skyward, leant forward ever so slightly upon his loyal steed and began to approach his enemy for the first time – Jeremiah, Head priest of the Order of Nature.