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The day that changed our lives

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:43 am
by Raphael
The day that changed our lives

It was a gloomy day in the city of Yew as it was like this a lot in this city, no presence, no atmosphere about the city anymore. I had been doubting my faith for a while now as I and my loyal brothers, Mordread, Azrael & Carlton had grown apart from everyone else, more or less just cutting themselves from the others. I was grateful for the guidance Gaea had shown me as she moulded me in the young rich, strong man I am today but I couldn't carry on living a lie any longer. The day went on and I was strolling around the forest of yew when I arrived back at my house near the old temple to find a bird sitting on my roof with what looked to be a note strapped to its foot, It was Lilas bird, my sister, my great friend. "I wonder what the problem is" I said to myself. I unstrapped the note and pulled up a stool and started to read...I got that feeling, almost like before a battle feeling, that nervous feeling, my hand started to shake but at that moment a grin appeared on my face, only a small one but a grin nevertheless. 'The Secret takeover' The note was referred to, Lila wanted me to be apart of his plan, the plan to take over Tekstone and be rid of the weaklings that lead the Cult now.

I read that note over and over that afternoon, it was a bit much to sink in as my mind was doing overtime with different thoughts flying around my head. The three other brothers had just woken up and I summoned them all to the table for a meeting. With everyone sat down around the table I just placed the note in the middle, "Read that brothers" and within around 5 minutes all eyes were just staring at me, "What the hell Jer?" Mordread said,"I know Mor, crazy huh? But we need a new challenge in life, Gaea has lost me, Ive been lost for a while now, I need this but only if you guys come, have a think guys". Deep down I knew they would follow me, especially Carlton and Azrael, it was convincing Mordread that was going to be the task, He was very stubborn, even from being young he would always object to doing things, Only knew one way and never liked change. I shall succeed though, Ive Never been a quitter and I knew this was the right thing to do.


Re: The day that changed our lives

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:56 am
by carlton
Everyone seemed stunned and shocked by the note Jer had wrote but I was thrilled to see this sudden shock twist, Since I had come back to these lands Nature had angered me and it surely wasn't what it was some years back. There was no life in the religion anymore and this pushed me into being absent these past few months. The Cult had always had a constant thought in my mind and this was the chance of a lifetime, a new beginning with my brothers. As Jeremiah placed this note my eyes lit up, I looked at Jeremiah and gave him a slight nod of approval as I never questioned his judgement. I stood up from the chair and told the others, "Lets do this brothers, this is our chance to be apart of something great" Jeremiah and Azrael nodded at me with grins on their faces. "I'm glad you approve brother Carlton, You know I wouldn't do this if it wasn't worth it".

I looked at Mordread, he was sat their with a frown on his face, He didn't like the sound of this plan, I knew it. We knew we would have to persuade him to come or else none of us would go. He sighed for the next 10 minutes, not saying a word but we knew he was angry, He had fought the Cutlist all his life and now he was being asked to become one.

Re: The day that changed our lives

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:22 pm
by Proctor
I Couldn't believe my eyes, I did not expect to see this from my brother Jeremiah, he had been so loyal to Gaea and even led them for a period of time. I looked around the table and saw them three all with grins on their faces, With Carlton stood up looking at me he knew I wasn't happy one bit. "Are your guys crazy? What makes you think I'd want to join them, we've worked so hard to get where are in Nature and you guys want to throw it all away?" I Shouted this at all three of them and gave Jer an evil look, "Is this what you guys want, to be come hated cultists that reek havoc throughout the lands?" Jer looked at me "Mor, This is our path, we've been kidding ourselfs for years, we don't belong in the forest just getting along, We belong at the top, This is what I want"

I got up and transported myself to Britain, to our home and away from these three, they was making me feel annoyed. This didn't come as an complete shock as I had sensed bad vibes from them from a while now. The day Simmo left some months back for Tekstone Jer was constantly speaking to him still, asking him what it was like which gave me some signals then, but I didn't think he would ever leave or at least, consider leaving to join their ranks, not since Simmo had been back from their grasp. I sat there thinking to myself, "This is the end of Nature" I said to myself, The amount of names I saw on the list, Scary, but I knew it was the end, I have to go with my brothers, I have to take a risk for once, you only live once.

I sat on the piano thinking this over and over to myself, wondering if it was the right thing to do, but I saw so many noble names on the list, the likes of Daren and Carlos both trusty high priests, and the list continues.

Re: The day that changed our lives

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:24 pm
by Azrael de Vitus
Azrael stood motionless whilst the others read the note...He knew that him being there was just a formality. He would follow these men into even the most deadliest of arena on nothing but a whisper if required it. Jeremiah threw the young, impressionable an inquisitive look which was hastily returned with a confident smile and slight nod. It was only the bond of his brothers that kept the youngest of the family in check for so long, the quest for power requires more than meet dedication...It demands devotion. How can a man achieve greatness without a goal. The brute remained still as the others continued with the topic at hand, each knowing exactly Azrael's state of mind.

Mordread vanished..."He will join the cause" both Jeremiah and Carlton said in unison. "The truth weighs heavy on a mans heart but it is still the truth nonetheless." Jeremiah's words seeped through Azrael's semi-alert state, almost dragging him back into reality. It had been a long time since words so simple pierced so deeply through Azrael's conscious and it was with those words the barbarian would achieve his destiny. "The truth has set me free" the barbarian muttered to himself. "The truth has set us all free!" This time his words came with conviction. Sure enough, Mordread returned after some time alone with his thoughts and just like the barbarian, none of the others needed to ask. He too would join this great cause.