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Offerings of flesh

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 10:39 pm
by Arolith
Blood was gushing out of his victims chest as he drew the sword out of the wound. The blade was darker than the darkest of nights and the word "Chaos" was carved on the blade, just above the handle. He wiped the blood off with a bandage and sheathed the sword. As the light was fleeing from the dying mans eyes Arolith said:

"Your blood is a sacrifice for Him, do not fear - if you had true faith this is not the end."

He took two embers from the campfire that the currently limp adventurer had set up just few hours before and placed them on his eyes. He opened his mouth and sliced apart his tongue with his dagger, making it look like a tongue of a lizard. You shall be a great reminder of His strenght and the punishment that is laid upon those who worship false gods, Arolith thought. He moved the corpse on a large flat stone nearby, carefully adjusting every limb so the posture looked as unnatural as possible.

Arolith was sure that if he could feel fear the sight before him would surely make his hands tremble. It was all a necessity to make sure the name of the true lord was not forgotten and fear of still existed in the hearts of his enemies.

He placed a piece of parchment in his victims palm. Less than a hour before, while he had talked about faith and religion with the now dead adventurer, he had written on the parchment and the adventurer had asked what he was scribbling. He had seen tremendous fear in his eyes as he read the following words:

"This is the first sacrifice in the name of Dennac, the one true God."

Re: Offerings of flesh

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 9:29 pm
by Arolith
Do ye smell smoke Draech, asked Veyarn all of a sudden. Draech looked at him, took a long gulp from his glass of ale and said: Don't be alarmed boy, I bet it's just the barmaid's bread burnin' in the oven while she is entertaining the barkeep in the backroom. Veyarn grinned wide and chuckled. He took a zip from his bottle of rum. They had been drinking for hours, yet Veyarn saw no marks of intoxication on the old Bard. That ale must be watered down, he thought. He had seen this before though, the Bard seemed to have the stamina of an ox when it came to drinking or maybe it was just all those years under his belt. Veyarn was more pleased with the watered down ale theory, he didn't like to think that anyone could drink him under the table. Atleast not in the Blue Boar, he had a reputation to uphold here. When will we go huntin' together D, I think we would make a great team, asked Veyarn. Not before you are a grandmaster fencer and learn some patience. The beasts I pursue aren't like ratmen or mongbats. Even the slightest mistake can get you killed when facing a daemon, replied the old bard. Veyarn looked offended, he even feared that Draech saw the water in his eyes. He could not believe the old man didn't trust him, not even after all these years of friendship. He had always thought the bard was like a father to him, well not always but from the first time they met. He had been an orphan roaming the Britain streets, stealing and always up to no good. The Bard had caught him stealing muffins from the bakery, he had grabbed his arm turned to him and was about to start shouting. All of a sudden the bard had turned all pale and froze right there where he stood. He kept staring in his eyes with a frightened look on his face. Then he started rushing across Britain, dragging little Veyarn behind him. They headed straight to a small house in Eastern Britain, went inside and Draech had given a good spanking to Veyarn. To stop you from stealing he had said and after that, he fed him and told him that he would take care of him from now on. That made Veyarn happier than ever, he had always wished for a real family. He had often asked Draech what he saw in him, that day in the bakery, but Draech never told him. Veyarn raised his eyes from his bottle of rum and noticed the old bard looked somewhat alarmed.

That's no bread burnin', it almost smells like..., said Draech and hastily stood up and ran outside. Veyarn ran after him, it seemed they were heading for the farms just outside Britain. A lot of people and town guards had already gathered around something that seemed like a harmless bonfire on a field. The stench was horrible, some old druid was summoning water out of thin air to put out the fire, but Draech grabbed his arm and told him to stop. They are already past the point where you stop hoping to be saved, he said and pointed to the fire. Now Veyarn saw them, two dark figures in the fire both so badly burnt they could not be identified. Still Veyarn thought, they looked like an elderly couple who lived in a nearby farmhouse. He vomited in a bush behind the crowd.

This is the second sacrifice, bellowed a dark and a deep voice. Everyone gathered around the fire looked to the direction of that voice, most of them with eyes full of tears. Veyarn saw him too, a tall figure in a robe darker than the night was standing there where the light from the fire turned in to darkness. You monster, yelled someone in the crowd. A dozen guards ran towards the dark figure, but it was pointless. He was already mounted and rode away in to the darkening night.

Veyarn walked up to Draech who looked calm, but still filled with rage. So, it seems "the spawn of Dennac" has returned, Draech said. Arolith Oceatlan - if ye hear that name, promise me you stay alert and do not try to be a hero Veyarn, he continued. Veyarn looked him in his eyes and Draech knew that heroism was one quality that could not be taken out from this youngster.

Re: Offerings of flesh

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:18 am
by Arolith
Arolith pulled and the last of the guards was lifted in the air. There were three of them, now all dangling in the air by their ankles. They all had their throats slit.

The three of them had been sitting around a campfire, with a bottle of whiskey. Two of them hadn't noticed anything, when he slit the first throat from the cover of the darkness. They had started laughing, thinking that their drunken friend had just passed out. After Arolith slit the second one, the last of the guards had been struck by fear. He had seen blood comin' from the throat of his first friend. He was stumbling up on his feet and lookin' for their attacker from the darkness. His eyes had just locked upon Arolith, to a figure slightly darker than the night, when Arolith swung his dagger and the last guard fell down on the ground too.

He had thrown three ropes over a strong tree branch and heaved the dead guardsmen up, one by one. It would be light soon and this would make a great sight for the whole town. He drank some of the whiskey, sat on a treestump and waited for the sunrise - he figured the guards wouldn't mind.

Suddenly he heard a few sobs from the east, he looked and saw a young girl holding a fishing pole. She was frozen, like a deer freezes at the sight of a predator, ready to dash away if there's any sign of danger. Tell them that this is the third sacrifice and the last for now. Go now ye cunt, said Arolith.

Kaoru started runnin', faster than she ever had. Soon as she saw the bank walls she started screaming:

The third sacrifice, the third sacrifice... Help them ! Right there, behind the guardstower near Britains first bank. Help them !

She fell on her knees in front of the bank and started crying hopelessly, most likely still in shock for what she had seen. Guards and townsfolk were running past her, a girl of seventeen, on her knees in the mud and crying for people she didn't even know.