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Men of the Mountain

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:26 pm
by Krogz
It was a cold morning. Birds were singing and the river next to the tent was singing
its charming song. A man came out of the tent. His walk was limbing and his face had
a nasty looking bruise next to his left eye making the man look more like a cyclop.

Man smiled and looked his last nights catch. Few rabbits were lying next to the tent
prepared for cooking. Proudly his eyes moved to a big rock some way away from the camp.
Next to the rock was a big brown pile of meat and fur. A full grown grizzly man tought
by himself. He had encoutered the hungry beast checking his traps for rabbits last
evening. The fight was long and brutal. Survival of the fittest was the law of the lands.
This he had known all his live. Downing the beast man strugled bit away of the body.
Dizzy and injured he still knew he wouldnt survive the night without making a camp.

Given strenght for the last nights strugle he put up a fire and took a chilling cold bath
at the river. While adding more wood to the fire he cut last blood tangled hair off his
head and started cooking the rabit. After tending his wounds and a great meal he went to
the bear and started examine it. It was a great beast one only seen in the great hill lands
where this young man was from. What it was doing so low of the mountains was mystery to this
man. After skinning and butchering was time to make a leave. There was still days walk to
nearest settlement and the newly obtined commodities while heavy to carry worth a lot to
the residents.

Re: Men of the Mountain

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:18 am
by Krogz
When our man reached the settlement far reaches of The Kingdom intresting rumours cought up to him. It seemed there were lots going on in south. Some even spoke of a war. Townsmen feared it to reach even this remote place they called their home. Such a thing would be a threat to mans clan aswell.

It wasnt uncommon for a man to be sent away by his clan as the northern wilderness was a harsh place to earn ones living. It wasnt considered as a punishment more of an honor to earn name and fortune for the Clan. An easy way to put the eager young men with their new ideas to their place. So had happened. Gaining some favor among the clan and having a small quarrel with the Chieftain this man was granted the honor.

Inspired by the opportunity to attain favor of his elders he sold his furs and made himself ready for a journey.

Re: Men of the Mountain

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:32 am
by Krogz
The walk was long but the way was straight. Following the tray of bad news and refuges driven away from their homes our man thought that this is not what he'll see his clan to suffer. People spoke of mistrust and politics trampling over commoners and of new threats of the kingdom separating the ranks of citizen. Driven by his curiousity he sought his way toward the chaos. Unknowing that his path leading straight to the great capital Britain.

Arriving the city late at night he sought of a place to lay low and was surprised that the inn was almost empty. Innkeep had a long doubtful look at the barbarian and his rugged appearance but in lack of residents, offered a place to stay. Paying a huge fee for his pource he stayed a night. Next morning he sought his way to the citysquare. Locals eyeing the unusual newcomer made him feel unease.