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The Scales of Faith

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:24 pm
by Lily Shiar
The Scales of Faith

Many years had passed since Winchester's death and resurrection as a god. The Ninth Circle of Destruction had left deep scars to Dennac's power. The endless war seemed to turn to a lost cause after Winchester's support to Gaea in her holy war against Dennac. There was a long era when Dennac had to stay hidden in the shadows of his haunted dungeon of Wind. People already thought that all the days of misery and fighting had passed, remaining only in history those times would never return. However when people got used to living their peaceful life, enjoying the glorious days, Dennac gathered his forces and corrupted Gaea's creations to his own will. After a long period of time, the Cult of Tekstone was growing in power again, and Dennac started to regain his strength.

The Order of Law had lost important followers to Dennac. All the most important members Winchester trusted were corrupted by his blackness and turned to serve him in his evil plans. First Lily Shiar, the trusted Second in Command, was turned. Lily was the new weapon of Dennac, once the apprentice of Darian Darkmind herself, Lily had returned to bring Tekstone back to its golden age and she started to plan another strike against Winchester and his order. In few months she succeed in turning the Order of Law's Head Priest, Darion al Ferran and his commander Maerynn Shazaar to serve under Dennac. The Cultists were sure that this was the necessary last blow to Order of Law, the strike that would turn the tides of war, but they were wrong. Winchester started to gather new forces and he found a new sheep, a new Head Priest to blindly lead his Order. Although the Order wasn't destroyed, it was weakened leaving more room for the Tekstone to grow.

Dennac was satisfied. At least for few months the Cult's future seemed to be sealed, but Dennac had even bigger plans. He couldn't forgive his sister Gaea and he still blamed her for their father's death. This rage was with no limit and Dennac made one of the cruelest moves he had done to Gaea so far. He didn't corrupt Gaea's creations this time. No, that would of been too easy. Instead, Dennac sent a group of mortals, strong men he already knew, to join Order of Nature. Gaea fell for this wicked plan and accepted them in. Few weeks passed and the servants of Dennac started their actions inside Nature...

Re: The Scales of Faith

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:28 pm
by Darian Darkmind
Sometimes true dedication means betrayal.
Sometimes true faith requires abandonment.
Sometimes you leave all you once held dear,
only to return stronger and more dedicated.

This is the kind of heroism, the dedication and faith only a few man and woman possess. One of them was my own mentor, my own head priestess Nefer Daedeloth - one of the greatest priestess of Tekstone. When I was still a young priestess myself, she taught me everything I knew, all I am is because of her. Then she betrayed me, repented her sins to her old enemies, the Order of Law and left the Cult of Tekstone to my shoulders. I hated her for that, I swore revenge and fought her multiple times on the battlefield. But now, my oldest friend, now I see her as a hero, as one of the greatest Tekstone priestess ever lived. She sacrificed herself for the Cult of Tekstone, for Dennac.

She spent time in jail, paid millions as compensation to her crimes and spent months to earn the trust of her old enemies. Eventually the blind prophets gave her a chance to serve Winchester. In there she spent time trying to earn more trust. All her hard work paid off as she was granted the greatest honor one can reach within a religion, the status of a Head Priestess.

All that time she spent in secrecy, her true intention well hidden from the eyes of a god. No one knew her plans and it was important to keep it like that. On a one ordinary morning the Order of Law gathered only to be approached by a black priestess we all knew too well, Nefer Daedeloth dressed up as her former self, the colors of Tekstone, now using Winchester's own weapons against him. She stroke down all his followers, excommunicated and banished them. She took the holy Sword of Winchester and smashed it to millions of pieces. On a single day she almost destroyed the enemy we spent years fighting against together.

It was that day all her hard work finally paid off, it was that day her true intentions, her true faith came clear. It was that day she was not only forgiven, but seen a hero, a martyr and a saint of Tekstone. She had not only given a mortal blow to Law, but she had reached something I've always dreamed of, immortality, a secure place in Dennac's kingdom, a trust only a few priests have ever earned. That was the end of my old friend, but I know she lives on in our lord's world, praised for the sacrificed she had committed.

My friend Nefer well in my mind is why it gave me so much joy to follow from the distance, smiling as more of our brothers followed her example. Not only that, but they took it even further. Such men are Johnny Walac, Castiel, Stephen Miller, Alus Vitellus and Quinta Antonius. They had left the Cult of Tekstone to swear allegiance to our old enemies the Order of Law. They were marked traitors and enemies, they were fought against but in secrecy, like Nefer, they all had one common goal: Complete annihilation of our enemies. They plotted and used their newly earned trust to wage war against the Order of Imperial. When war raged on, they moved to Order of Nature. Claiming to seek peace from the war, they were welcomed with open arms. In there, their thirst for blood was far from satisfied and they declared yet another war. They drove the Order of Nature against not only the Imperial, but also their oldest friends the Order of Law. For the first time Order of Nature was declared outlaws and banished from the towns of Lord British.

The brothers' work was done. They had caused chaos within our enemy ranks, weakened them and caused them to declare war against each others. Now it was time for them to return to their true lord, the god of destruction, Dennac. Finally it was time for them to earn their reward, earn their rightful status and place in the history of Sosaria. With the seed of chaos planted, they had secured room for the Cult of Tekstone to wage their own war, to finally end the Ninth Circle of Destruction.