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The Final Solution

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:42 pm
by Johnny Walac
Almost a year ago the death and destruction created by Dennac almost destroyed the circle. The only ones who could oppose him were the gods themselves. Gaea and Winchester fought against the demonic forces that were unleashed in the name of Dennac. Under the command of Johnny Walac, Cult of Tekstone grew in power and Dennac regained his strength. Johnny, Castiel, Alus and Stephen were chosen by Dennac to create absolute chaos on the circle. They commanded the wave of death and pestilence that drowned the circle. Order of Law still had a force able to fight against them but that did not last for long. Dennac reached out and those he touched were corrupted to serve the true cause. Lily Shiar from Order of Law pledged her life to serve Dennac. This was known to the Cultists so they sought out Lily at the night of the corruption


Johnny, Castiel and Stephen arrived at the place of meeting. The air was cold in this place and white clouds bellowed around the exhausted horses. In the light of the moon the place looked like a graveyard. The abandon temple of old gods was an odd meeting place but it was far from any village. Lily Shiar was waiting for them outside the temple. Johnny hailed her as he reigned in and got off his horse. The three now faced the new servant of Dennac and silence stretched on.

Johnny spoke first.

“We wish to welcome you Lily Shiar. Dennac have had his eyes on you for quite a while and we were waiting for his moment of glory.”

Lily nodded

“Dennac showed me the true path. I was blinded by friends and gods but Dennac opened my eyes and I realized I was surrounded by enemies. The stench of the false gods clouded my mind but now I can finally see clear.”

Johnny smiled at the words.

“Aye but it is not over yet. Winchester will find someone else to take your place. I belive you know Darion all Ferran and his commander Maerynn Shazzar. You must corrupt these for the cause of Dennac. You must get these two to become servants of the Lord.”

Lily understood what had to be done. Johnny later told her about the true plan of all this.

“We have planned this for quite some time. We can kill their soldiers but in order to weaken the gods for the final blow we must corrupt them all. We shall corrupt it from the inside. The power of Dennac shall be amongst our enemy. Everything we touch shall perish.

Nobody has been able to stand in our way except the gods. But now we shall succeed.

I give you the responsibility Lily to lead the Cult when I leave.”

They all agreed on this and shook hands for the last time. After this they would be enemies. It will take a long time to gain the trust after being in the Cult to finally get back into Order of Nature. But once all this is done. Cult of Tekstone will be the greatest power on the circle and the reign of Dennac will be close.
The news was spread out over Felucca a few days later. Johnny Walac and his companions have been turned by the gods themselves. They now have pledged their life to protect what they once tried to destroy. They rose high in Order of Law. Darion, who already started to feel the darkness clouding his mind granted Johnny, Castiel and Alus full power and no one disagreed. The rumors that Lily Shiar, the once Law priest has turned on a darker path. And that she now holds the title as Headpriest of Tekstone was spreading.

For a long time the cultists rode around as officers of the Law and gained the trust of everyone. They saved citizens from common brigands and soon enough they could feel the power of Winchester upon them. Using the power of Winchester at first had made Johnny nauseas. Such an alien power now flowed through his body. Deep inside Johnny hid his true faith and hid it well. Johnny was disgusted by this foreign god. Winchester was like a child, innocent and pure. He had not seen the abyss, Dennac had not shown him the pure evil of this circle. Johnny was not surprised Winchester’s followers were crushed so easily when their god is weak and arrogant. But he endured the stench of Winchester until it was time. Johnny was the first one to leave Law.

After he left Law Castiel helped Darion. Wars were being declared. The corpses were piling up in the cities. The stench of death clung over Britannia. Order of Law marched against their enemies and the civilian casualties were high. Castiel lead a killing spree with full authority from their fellow cultist Darion. The streets ran with blood and people damned them all.

Johnny lead an campaign to overthrow the king of Felucca. More chaos were created and there was confusion in the royal court. He gathered followers and the king started to get worried. After being threatened with prison Johnny sought for protection in an Order, Order of Nature. His old goddess failed to see the truth as Winchester also did. She welcomed him into the Order and like that, he had infiltrated Order of Nature. Johnny imagined Dennac was pleased as one of his servants walk into the temple of Gaea unchallenged by soldiers or guardians. Unlike the alien power of Winchester Johnny was used to the cold touch of Gaea. He fought hard not to relent as the Headpriest welcomed him and let the power of Gaea flow through his body once again. The darkness that he hid inside of him wanted to slash out and corrupt every inch of this sacred ground. It wanted to slit the throat if the guardian infront of him and let his life leak out around the altar of the mother of the circle. He could feel the bloodlust that almost overwhelmed him. But he would not fail here, not after all this time. And with that he stopped the demonic power.

Alus and Castiel left short thereafter to join the forces of Gaea. The Headpriest and his members showed no sign of mistrust for these cultists. They have succeeded. Gaea granted them powers but deep inside the black core of Dennac was hidden. When they left Law a new power had risen without much resistance. Johnny, Alus and Castiel left this unprotected land to Kingdom of Telborea to feed upon. While they were in Order of Nature this Kingdom would keep Law pushed down until they were finished with Nature. Telborea did this with great success and became a great power and a strong enemy against Order of Law.

Johnny’s first meeting with Lily seemed to be such a long time ago and back then the goal had been further away. It had been a hard time enduring the time amidst your enemy and more the one time had the power of Dennac slipped up. Slaughters of villages with no answer. Everyone blamed the Cult.
As guardians of Gaea they quickly got in quarrel with Order of Law and other people. Killing in the name of Gaea, slaying the minions of the circle. Not only did the hate for Gaea grow larger but they crushed Order of Imperial in the run. Dead officers showed up in the woods. More then one time did they openly accuse Johnny of killing innocent people.

This was a masterpiece forged by the greatest people on the circle. Darion and Lily grew strong in Cult of Tekstone and spread plague around the circle. Johnny and his companions did not try to stop them neither did they stop Kingdom of Telborea as they slaughtered citizens of the circle over and over again.
The goal that had seemed so far away was now within reach. Order of Law were weak and the hate for Gaea grew. For almost a year they wore the masks but soon they could finally remove them. Soon they could breath freely and feel the surge of Dennac flow through their bodies once again. Soon it was time for the final solution…

The portal of Tekstone was created in middle of the woods outside Yew. Johnny walked into the portal and emerged outside the temple of Dennac. Lily Shiar The Chosen by Dennac welcomed him.

“Welcome back from your journey Johnny.”

Johnny let his old cloak fall to the ground.

“The plan is done. I have returned to serve the Lord.”

Lily nodded and smiled.

“Now, we can say our plan was a masterpiece. You did great work convincing the people of Felucca. It’s been a pleasure to watch Law and Nature falling behind you”

Johnny could only grin at the thought of his past.

“Indeed. And you have done a great job leading the Cult.”

Johnny got down on one knee and looked down at the ground.

“I have always served Dennac but I shall also pledge my life to his new Chosen. Lily Shiar, let you lead us into victory. Let me see the blood of our enemies. Let me see the banner of Dennac stand victorious on the battlefield.”

He looked up

“All Hail Dennac!”

Re: The Final Solution

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:42 pm
by Quintoz
Castiel reached out and shook Lilys hand then accepted her gifts, a white robe, cloak and tome, Castiel put them on and hid his Tekstone stuff in the bank and then rode to the altar to meet up with Darion and the rest of Law. Lily started talking about anger and hatred while Castiel attempted to talk her down "Sister it dosen't have to be like this, you need to bury this anger and live in peace like we are". They only put this show on to buy Castiel some faith and trust from the other Law members. Castiel then began his work on turning Darion to the true religon and after months off work Dennacs grip on Darions mind was strong and Darion was a servant of the Dark Lord along side the rest of them.

Lily set off into the night and took over Johnnys position as caretaker of Dennacs temple. Castiel continued to work behind the curtains feeding Darion ideas.
"When this attack has been completed you will join us in the Cult and we will deliver death to this circle"
With this promise Darion took Castiels advice and declared war on the Kingdom of Telborea and it's citizens, Castiel leaned back into a throne in Lord British castle sipping on some wine while confusion and anger broke out in the room below him and the Lord's servants had no answers for the people. He watched as the people beat down the servants and held them hostage for answers, moments later the guards stormed the castle and killed the people responsible.
"Fun while it lasted" Castiel sighed.

A few weeks later Castiel saw the orange robes and was disgusted, followers of Esuna, a foul taste spread in his mouth and he could not help himself as he struck down one of their newly joined knights who was running his mouth about how great 'She' was. This awoke a hatred in both the religons and within a week the Imperials struck the second blow by attacking Moonglow and claiming it in their name. Strolling down the streets of Moonglow claiming souls left and right as they tried to stop him, he continued onto their temple killing off their emissarys and ended it with corrupting their altar.
"It is time" Johnny said and Castiel put his scepter down and left the Order of Law and moved onto Nature for their next target.
"His will is my command"

Destorying Nature was a much easier task then suspected, within a few weeks of joining they were on the verge of war with both Imperial and Law, thanks to Alus and Johnny. Castiel hid in the shadows becouse he could not restrain himself in the presence of Simmo and the rest, he tried to occupy himself with helping the city of Yew but ultimatly he had to get out of there. He traveled to the old passage to the lost lands and in a cave he meditated for months to build up a wall that could contain his rage and hatred for Nature, he kept getting reports from Johnny on their progress and one day he got a note from Johnny that only said "Now".
Castiel knew that it was time to end this charade and bring the religons he had previously infiltrated to their knees.

Re: The Final Solution

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:52 pm
by Stephen Miller
For Stephen his true calling had always been in Tekstone.
He could not quite comprehend why to go to such length before returning to the cult, then again he had always been more of a brute who preferred a more direct course of action than a thinker, quite simply all work and no play made him a dull boy.
So he let Johnny do most of the thinking.

Months went by while Stephen put himself to work killing in the name of law with his companions, ventured alone out in the world constantly seeking means to quench his thirst for blood and death.

Stephen stands under a dark weeping sky, overlooking an entrance to a cave he removes the soaked bear mask protecting his head and glances around the area, he has to seek refuge for the night.
Upon entering the cave he hears the familiar sound of weak willed creatures, trolls. A grin crosses his face and he pulls his beard to remove the water and puts on his mask again.
The cave is huge, almost like a fortress deep in the mountain; he makes his way to the source of the sound, sitting on his horse atop of an elevation in the cave he looks down upon a pack of trolls, unorganized savages forsaken by all gods.
Stephen begins charging down towards them moving in for the kills, outnumbered ten to one
He utters his battle cry “Aid me Dark Lord! I bring death!”
The first blow cuts the trolls head in half, blood and brains splattered on the ground as Stephen moves for the next kill he raises his halberd but receives a blow to his chest causing the sharp edge of his halberd to miss, instead it lands on the left temple of the trolls head rendering it unconscious.
He leaves the troll passed out.
Blood gushes out from Stephens wound, it is a deep one but he is fit to strike with rage.
“I am not done with you yet!”
He keeps swinging his halberd ravaging every single troll leaving nothing except a damp red mist in the cave.
He gets of his horse to attend to the unconscious one; Stephen pulls out his axe and mutilates the corpse while laughing with anger in his voice.
He leads his horse, ties it up and goes to patch his wound then falls asleep by the cave wall.

Actions like this was ultimately Stephen Millers way contribute to their plan of convincing the public they had come to protect and rid the land of the foul.

Good heartedness, abiding and even upholding the law was not something that came easy to him, he put on a bright face thinking about the final solution, but kept himself mostly out of public not to reveal too much of the truth.

But finally time had come to return home.

Re: The Final Solution

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:16 pm
by Mike
Corporis Usurpare

Thunder cracked over the open glen and rain started to hammer the ground, a storm raging above. Alus kneeled and spread seeds over the broken ground while he appealed to the spirits of the forest. ”Let the wild wheat grow if it pleases the natural order, and let me be your guardian.”
The wind brought the whispers of spirits in soft communion, yet invigorated by the pounding rain. Alus dug his fingers into the black soil, feeling the renewal of the natural world seep through his skin. Every breath of air left a taste of honey on his lips. The time passed, Alus in unity with eternity. The harmony of the whispering spirits hummed in his ears, washing over him like a smooth wave. Suddently there was a sharp dissonance. Alus opened his eyes and brushed his rain soaked hood aside to see a deer watching him from the far side of the glen. For a moment they gazed upon each other, then the skittish creature turned and ran. The spirits urged him on, and Alus got up and followed. His iron-studded sandals carried him safely over moss-covered stones and fallen trees. The deer seemed to keep just in sight, deftly climbing or dodging obstacles in its path. Alus felt his muscles ache, and his heart pounding heavily in his chest. He was armored under his robe, and he was falling behind. With a burst of effort the deer ran off, and Alus found himself lost in an unknown part of the forest. Taking a seat on a fallen tree to catch his breath, he noticed the spirits of the elder trees no longer hummed to him.

He walked in circles for a time, seeking signs to guide him. The birds high above gave no guidance, and the signs of the spirits were nowhere to be felt. The wilderness was odd and alien, it did not resonate with his own spirit. Perhaps he was not accustomed to the life flowing through the roots of the mightly oaks in these parts. Alus’ mind was in deep thought when his foot hit something hard. With a grunt he squatted down and found a sharp edge of stone, not blunted by the natural environment. Vines and roots formed a web over much of it, but Alus could trace the craftsmanship of man with his fingertips. After clearing dead leaves and old moss, it was clear to him that the stone was a lid of sorts. Unsheating a dagger he cut the vegetation away to reveal a rune-inscribed stone cover, the meaning of the symbols somehow familiar, yet not clearly known. He put hands to purpose and shoved the lid to the side inch by inch, straining his arms as he moved the stone. Cold, moist air escaped from underneath as he did. While rubbing his hands to dull the ache in his fingers, he inspected what was hidden under the stone lid. A narrow stair down awakened a distant dread in him, but he grasped his dagger and descended the stairs.

The earthy smell of the air felt natural, yet the cold did not. Roots brushed against his robe as he kept heading down until the narrow passage widened into an underground chamber. The light from the could-grey sky did not reach him, so he summoned a shining spirit to guide him with a prayer to the good goddess. The warm glow illuminated the chamber. It revealed modly tomes spread over the floor and decomposing bookcases lining the walls. Bugs scurried from the light, hiding in the shadows. Alus took a careful stop over the floor, stirring up dust from floor tiles cracked by roots. A fallen candelabra reflected the light from the spirit. Alus narrowed his eyes and licked his dry lips, feeling a twist of energy. A moment of warning was all he had before an explosion knocked him on his back, and the air escaped his lungs. The air solidified in the shape of a pale man in tattered cloak and tunic. Alus’ holy words were stuck in his throat as a chilling fear paralyzed him. The man was floating a feet above the ground. The skin stretched across his skull seemed thin enough to be torn by a blade of grass, revealing dark blue veins on his forehead and withered muscles twitching just beneath the skin on his bare arms. Gnarly fingers blackened by frostbite clawed in thin air, completing the arcane invocation. Then he adressed the fallen priest.
”Why have you come here? Is the surface world so miserable that you envy me this tomb?”
Alus found his tounge loosened, but compelled to speak rather than chant.
”I was brought here by the spirits to destroy what is unnatural, I can see that now. Your sickening arcana is poisoning the wildlands. You are of that which is without the cycle of life.”
The man studied him for a moment with plate blue eyes, as if to come to terms with the statement.
”The idea of a natural world with natural laws is a religious abstraction. There are many worlds and many sets of principles that dictate how they function. Your beliefs are the ones of a man gazing upon the vastness of existance from beneath the branches of his own little circle of trees. Knowledge is to see everything as it is, and cast off the chains of the physical world. Your lives consists of imitating apes, and you consider it to be your crown achievement to cast away progress.”
”What you have become from reading arcane tomes and wandering the void suggests that death is the only reward of your research. For all your knoweldge you are a corpse, and I am a man. I have become as nature intended me to be,” Alus stated, and felt strength return to his limbs.
”This body is beyond saving, in that you speak truth. Death played a grim harmony for me well before I unlocked the lore of the ancients, and not even the greatest spirit can dwell in an unsound home.”
”So return to dust with grace. Your time has come!”
Alus lunged against the pale magician with his fist raised to impact the jaw of his opponent. The pale one waved his fingers again, his blackened nails leaving a trace of frost in the air. Alus’ charge decellerated and he felt the strong purpose driving him meet stiff resistance. His strength was poured into struggling against air that seemed to thicken, and his enraged roar was stretched out into a guttural, low pitched sound wave that reverbed in his mind. He felt as though his entire body was in full motion, but he was suspended in the air, and his muscles strained only to empower his imprisonment. The magician spoke again, inches from the fist that never exploded against his frail features, and the sound was almost jovial.
”You have strength, let us see if you have will.”
Alus’ mind shattered in pain. He lost all focus and the world faded from sight. The piercing needle of arcane insight bored into his brain, and beneath the countless layers of his psyche revealed the simple truth. Alus had always been a coward. He stood no chance. He felt a gust of wind, and heard a thud as his numb body hit the ground. But he felt no pain or worry, and restfulness came over him. When light next return to him he sat on a green field with the sun in his eyes and the wind on his back. Elysium.

Titus Albinus had not seen the world since time immemorial, when the accursed creatures of the forest had imprisoned him to living death in this study that was to become his tomb. His perseverence, marinated in contempt and disillusion, would be their downfall. His agile mind sorted through the memories of the one called Vitellus who he had taken possession of. A life of expriences summed up in ten minutes of ruthless scrutiny revealed only one source of true power that was compatible with the abilities of his human. Titus felt fascinated as his hands, now so full of life, gathered tomes and scrolls in a large sack. Satisfied, he left the underground chamber to head to the temple. His old shell disintregrated as his the sound of his footsteps faded out.