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Liber Lues

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:35 am
by Mike
The nature of pestilence

The night sky is different from the age when I was buried alive. The light of the stars fall differently, but I know enough of the art of astronomy to calculate the passage of time. This precise day so many years ago Appia Publicola transcended from the realm of the living to the realm of the dead. Her spirit returned to guide the research of the necromancers at the academy for months, before an unexplained event caused her spirit to vanish, never to return. This is a favorable day to begin my research.

Plague is by definition a living organism. In the fauna of this plane it is unrivaled in its aggressive nature. Over the course of years, a wolf can eat other creatures to make itself stronger and larger. Plague organisms perform the same process explosively, and achieve the same result a lupine predator would over the course of two seasons in about half an hour. Plague organisms can be recongized as bright green masses moving at a nearly constant pace as long as their senses can detect viable prey. How they act without prey in their vicinity is unknown at this time; either masking the desirable nature of a human to the organism to observe it, or esoteric knowledge from others who have done this, is needed to learn what plague does when it does not seek to procreate. There are diseases who share properties with plague. They invade a host, multiply at the host’s expense, and either kill the host or are vanquished by the host’s natural defense or external medication. Such diseases survive as a collective by infecting other hosts, preserving the species of disease while individual clusters meet their end. This suggests a hive mind or a purpose of sorts. I will strive to learn if the plague, the supreme disease, has one or several hive minds or indeed any form of intelligence. It is unique in that after feeding it does not die with the host, but forms a separate creature from the remains of the host to lead an independent existance. One of the reasons for my interest in Plague is that it has the properties of disease, but the behavior of a predator. It kills, feeds and moves on, ever strengthened. My first priority will be to document the process of infection as the plague develops. I will find myself a host for this experiment. The deity we call Dennac has provided the means to create a new plague among the rites he gives us access to.

Titus Albinus

Re: Liber Lues

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:39 pm
by Mike
The creation of pestilence

The plague we can observe can be traced back to three separate origins, none entirely natural. It perplexes me that plague organisms do not seem to occur naturally. Swamps have been known to host a vast variety of diseases. This can be attributed to several factors. Humidity and wamth create an ideal breeding ground for the majority of life forms we know, and swamps host a plethora of insects and smaller animals and reptiles as well as a varied plant life. The climate of a swamp also accelerates rot and decay which invites micro-organisms. Yet I have never observed a population of plague bearers spawn naturally, by plague organisms reaching the critical mass where they break down a host and form independent creatures. Perhaps this is comforting news for the majority, for any living creature in a habitat that has naturally occuring plague organisms would either have to be immune to plague or become completely annihilated. Thus we return to the origins.

The first origin of plague is alchemical. By mixing the correct ingredients a substance is created that, if it makes contact with a living creature, infects it with plague. This may offer a partial explenation to the question of natural plague. Perhaps the elements that make up a plague organism do not combine without alchemical fire and other such equipment by which the potion is created.

The second origin is arcane in nature. The eyes of Alus Vitellus have personally observed the creation of such plague. The spell is not one of regular magic, but a necromantic chant. By forcing magic into a certain pattern and offering the correct reagents the organisms are created. Rather like a curse they infect a designated target, but this magic can be deflected to another target, including the caster who invoked it. This suggests that the plauge is arcane in nature before it infects someone, but after it makes contact it behaves like alchemical plague.

The third origin is also magical, but rather than invoking a spell it involves a religious rite. If the rite is performed in a similar way to the necromantic spell the result is entirely similar. If however a highly trained priest petitions his deity in the correct way, an entire area is bombarded by plague organisms. Everything in the area is infected save those of a similar religious devotion. Curiously this selective effect does nothing to save an ally once the plague has started to infect others, if he should make contact with an infected creature or a plague bearer. It simply shields him from infection from the original rite.

These three methods create the same form of plague. There is nothing to distinguish an alchemical, arcane or divine plague organism or plague bearer, although the systems of delivery vary in efficiency and effect. Since I now serve in the priesthood of him who we call Dennac, it would be wise to direct further research on how to enhance the rites of plague. It would benefit our cause to be able to control the plague after it has been created.

Titus Albinus

Re: Liber Lues

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:31 pm
by Mike

To understand the details regarding the delivery, infection, progress and result of plague I have prepared an experiment. The conditions are not ideal in the cave we dwell in, but the curious remnants of civilization make for an acceptable laboratory. The room has been thoroughly cleaned and sealed. It has been prepared with an iron cage large enough to hold a humanoid. This cage is placed centrally. Two crystals speres have been placed on wooden stands, and each has been enchanted with a mana stone. One sphere is enchanted to indicate the amount of plague organisms nearby, the other to measure the level of magical energy present. A test subject has been placed in the cage. His name for the purpose of this report is Varro.

I begin by invoking the rite as specified in religious texts. At completion I shudder, as some of my spiritual energy is exhausted to fuel the rite. No visible signs of magic can be percieved. I observe no physical reaction from Varro at once.

Time of infection +00:10
After ten minutes pass, Varro’s eyes start to become blood shot.

Time of infection +00:30
Over the next half and hour his eyes grow more severely affected. He starts to cough. A fever has clearly developed. Varro complains about cold. I offer him no blanket as that could obscure further symtoms.

Time of infection +01:00
Vomiting and weakness has ensued. Varro is at this time unable to help himself should he be required to move. A few blood vesels in his eyes have burst, causing him to bleed from the eyes. He is no longer communicating, though he makes noises. There have no hint of intelligence.

Time of infection +02:00
Varro is entirely immobilized. His struggle has ceased. He is alive, as far as that he draws breath, but any psyhiscal or mental activity has ceased.

Time of infection +02:07
A green mass pours from the ears, mouth and eyes of Varro who is no longer alive. His orifices appear badly damaged beneath a relatively unharmed appearence. The green mass clings to his flesh and extends.

Time of infection +02:10
Varro is no more. The green mass has devoured his body entirely. A plague bearer has been born. It sets out for me to reproduce, but the iron bars manage to contain it. At this point I destroy the plague bearer and consider the experiment over.

My spheres indicated some interesting things. Magical energy built up when I invoked the rite and peaked when it was finished. After the moment of infection, no magic was active. This is evidence of an entirely natural development, plague is not magical in nature. When measuring the amount of organisms, there seemed to be an aura around the infected victim as well as the plague bearer. They are equal in intensity. This means that an infected person is as contagious as a plague bearer, and more dangerous since it appears relatively normal. Very few organisms drifted away from the cage, too few to reach the critical mass for infection.

Titus Albinus

Re: Liber Lues

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:19 pm
by Mike
Diversified study of infection

The purpose of today’s laboration is to examine the effect of plague in a mixed population. To this end, the acolyte has gathered five specimen, which can be briefly described as such:
1. Female of Britain, middle class, cobbler of average physical condition, middle aged
2. Male savage from the jungles south of Trinsic, slave of strong physical condition, young
3. Female of Minoc, miner of strong physical conditon, young
4. Male of Yew, noble born, scholar of weak pyhsical condition, elderly
5. Child of unknown origin, orphan, resilent physique relative to size, very young

The woman had an infected bite mark on her shoulder, which was thoroughly cured, cleansed and bandaged before the laboration. The slave had been flogged, but was not infected or ill. He did show signs of snakebits around his ankles.

The laboration begins with each participant placed in a common large iron cage located centrally in a cave which has been cleaned meticulously to avoid unintentional contamination. Some initial anxiety can be observed in the subjects. They hardly speak to each other, but some are curious of their surroundings. Nr 2 tries to break the iron bars, unsuccessfully. Nr 5 has broken into tears, and Nr 3 seems inclined to offer comfort. Nothing stands out about the groups behavior that would present an anomaly for the purposes of the laboration.

Plague is introduced by means of a religious invocation that saturates the entire area with plague organisms. While observed through a sphere of arcane illumination the particles, bright green to the color, explode out of thin air in the designated area. They drift towards the ground not entirely different from snow flakes, although at this stage they are invisible to the naked eye. A slight distortion in the air is visible, but only under strong and direct light. Those particles that land on dead matter, such as the floor or any instruments, quickly lose their green tint and are turned ashen, presumed dead. Those who make contact with the subjects in the cage seem to remain active, sticking to their skin. They seem to create an itch, for Nr 1, 3 and 4 soon start to scratch their arms and sides. As per natural pattern of movement, the particles stuck on their skin are transferred to their mouths and noses. Infection soon sets in. Nr 2 and 5 are infected soon thereafter by secondary infections. That is to say, the plague travels by close proximity from those infected to those who are not.

Time of infection +00:15
Nr 1, 2 and 3 show a lack of symptoms
Nr 4 and 5 show a tendency towards bloodshot eyes, Nr 5 complains about thirst. I bring in water.

Time of infection +00:30
Nr 1, 2 and 3 have begun to develop symptoms, their eyes are turning red and they have started to cough
Nr 4 is coughing heavily
Nr 5 is has started to vomit, and a severe fever has set it.

Time of infection +01:00
Nr 1, and 4 started to vomit, and soon thereafter become immobilized. Their eyes are bleeding. Nr 3 and 4 are handling the infection better, though Nr 3 is closer to the point of abdominal infection than Nr 2. Nr 5 has slipped into unconsciousness, suffering through the plague at a rapid rate.

Time of infection +01:10
Nr 5 has expired. A plague bearer sprung from the corpse. As soon as it formed it turned aggressive and lunged to attack the already infected subjects still alive. I pull a lever to transport the creature into a secondary cage. It stays there aggressing without thought, trying vainly to push through the iron bars. The plague bearers are solid to the point where they can not split up to pass through narrow passages. Interesting.

Time of infection +01:45
Nr 1 and 4 have expired. Nr 3 is catatonic. Green masses have started to appear on the female miner. Nr 2 is scratching them off with his fingernails as if to stop the process. This is ineffective as the disease seems to progress undisturbed. Her unintelligeble moanings has unsettled Nr 2, who has gagged her with a cloth. The cloth turns a sickly green color. Perhaps needless to say, the saliva of a person in an advanced state of disease is highly contagious.

Time of infection +02:10
Nr 3 has expired.

Time of infection +02:30
Nr 2 has expired.

Thus far this laboration has gone to prove that two factors are involved in resistance to the plague. Physical condition is the first, as expressed through general fitness, age and muscular development. Obduction is almost impossible to perform on the remains of a plague victim, so the observation of physical strength either has to be made before infection, or at a time between infection and plague eruption where one can examine the state of health of the individual organs. The strength of the heart should be central in such an examination.

Of further importance is the resistance to toxins. Nr 2 lasted much longer than Nr 3 despite almost identical overall fitness. Training the body to resist toxins, either by discipline or involountarily, as per living in a jungle full of poisonous animals, has the effect of slowing a plague infection down. It takes the plage organisms more time to break down a body and convert it into plague mass if the body is hardened against poison.

Titus Albinus

Re: Liber Lues

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:42 pm
by Mike
Choice of cure

The purpose of this study is to examine the possible venues of curing the plague in a statistically relevant population. Before the experiment begins the disease is applied. The experiment takes place in the volcanic caverns under the island of Serpent’s Hold. Due to my gradually increasing grasp of divine rituals, I am able to summon a large batch of plague organisms in a deep underground passage. They are carried by the flow of hot gasses from the volcanic regions deep below and dispersed throughout the cave system.

As regulated in an accord that fellow member in the Cult struck with a commanding Fire Giant, I am allowed to attend those who fell ill to what they concieve to be a mysterious ailment. I have rounded up fourty (40) human patients and a giant. They have been gathered in a remote cave and isolated, a wise precaution taken by their leader.

  • Group one will be treated with healty nutrition and water to bolster their natural resistance to disease.
    Group two will be given mundane healing such as bandages, salves and conventional curative measures such as draining pus from infected areas.
    Groupd three will be offered alchemical healing agents, such as curative and restorative potions.
    Group four will be treated with divine rites of purification.

Group one

The water is much appreciated by the afflicted, the food to a lesser extent. In comparison to a test subject left without nutrition, this group manages the infection better. It is clear that the body of the host expends tremendous resources resisting the plague. This can not balance the scales entirely, and the group grows progressively worse. It takes 12 hours from care begins until the patients expire.

Group two

Healing ointments and bandages prove an effective deterrent to the infection. Subjects begin to expire 3 days after infection. Draining fluids that are transforming into the plague organism and separating them from the host causes them to expire, halting the formation of a plague bearer. Bandaging the wound an accordance with orthodox healing methods allows for healthy tissue regengeration. The infection progresses much slower, making its way only through the internal organs while causing fatigue. This wears the patient down until the natural resistance is eroded, then a rapid transformation into a plague bearer takes place.

Group three

A potion of cure, commonly applied against toxins, halts the progress of infection for a limited amount of time. Supplemented with a potion of healing to repair the damage the plage does before being repressed by the curing potion a patient will last for several weeks on this treatment. A surgical examination reveals that inactive plague particles travel through the blood stream of the subject after a cure is applied. The plague stays dormant for around one hour, with variations according to the subject’s metabolism, before flaring up again and spreading a new infection. Compared to group two the subjects in group three can participate in light physical work, as long as they are provided with curative potions as soon as they are needed. Interestingly one subject can infect another if an infection breaks out – even if the other subject has been treated recently. Evidently a curative potion only suppresses the plage organisms that have taken hold in the host, not those from external sources. With constant supervision and great expense this could be sustained for two weeks, at which point I administered the same treatment to group three as I did group four with good effect.

Group four

A rite of purification effectively eliminates the plague organisms. The remains are expelled from the host naturally. This seems the only cure for the plague.

Titus Albinus

Re: Liber Lues

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:12 am
by Mike

Plague is observed to be not a mysterious ailment but made up of living creatures, organisms undetectable to the naked eye while in airborne shape, but noticable once they infect another creature. Thus the progress of plague can always be explained by rational observation and deduction.

Plague can be contacted by divine means, such as rites or divine intervention. This only initiates the process, which then proceeds following a documented process of infection.

Plague organisms have no natural nemesis. The limiting factors are either geographical or human in nature.

Plague as a weapon can be effective but suffers from limiting factors. A divine agent can cure the infected with little effort. Plague organisms know no loyalty and will infect their conjurer indiscriminately if opportunity is given, which makes combined arms tactics difficult to execute. Plague should primarily be summoned to exterminate unguarded centres of population, or military units with no divine healers attached.

I submit this study for the benefit of the academic community, and those who offer service at the Altar of Destruction.

Titus Albinus
Cult of Tekstone